10 Year Golden Visa For Health Workers

There is great news for employees in the health care sector of the UK, who have been facing a lot of difficulty with getting their visas sorted out. With the recent changes in visa policy such as Tier 2 & HSMP, it has become increasingly difficult for immigrants to find their feet in a new country. There are requirements of salary thresholds which need to be met and long valuable time taken for visa processing.  The U.K.’s Tier 1 visa category is already pretty popular among foreign doctors and nurses who are looking to work in the country. But if you’re a nurse or doctor with a non-EEA passport who’s willing to relocate to Northern Ireland, there’s an even more lucrative visa option available that offers far more than the usual five years of residency.Brexit is not just about the UK, but also about the status of other countries. Many young EU citizens living in the UK and wanting to remain in the country have already been granted “settled status” by the Home Office . Following the UK’s decision to leave the European Union, massive concern has been raised over their ability to remain living in the country they have long called home.

10 Year Golden Visa For Health Workers


The Portuguese government are introducing a law to provide foreign health workers with a 10-year Golden Visa. This new law is being introduced due to the pandemic and will be voted on this week by Members of Parliament (MPs). Under the new bill, doctors, nurses and paramedics that work in Portugal between March and December 2020 will be eligible for the Golden Visa program which provides residency for the person working in Portugal as well as their family members. The Golden Visa can then lead to permanent residence after 5 years. The country has said it wants to recognise these health workers for their important role during this period of time, particularly given the large number of foreign health workers employed in Portugal from countries like Brazil, Angola and Ukraine.

Portugal have introduced a bill giving foreign health workers a 10-year Golden Visa.

Portugal have introduced a bill giving foreign health workers a 10-year Golden Visa.

  • What is it?

The Golden Visa is part of the Portuguese Immigration System, which permits foreigners who invest in Portugal and meet certain conditions to be granted permanent residency. The visa provides long-term residency rights to its holder and their family members, including children born or adopted in Portugal. In addition to this, holders are also given access to public education for both local and international students from primary school through higher education institutions.* Why did they do it?This bill was put forth in order for Portugal’s healthcare system—which was struggling after the financial crisis of 2008—to retain qualified doctors and nurses. * How long will this last?A 10-year residence permit will be issued once all requirements are met, including: proof of employment with an approved employer; proof that you possess sufficient resources (i.e., bank statements); evidence that you have an adequate knowledge of Portuguese language (a certificate from CELPE). * Who qualifies?In order to qualify as a highly skilled worker under the new law: You must have graduated within five years prior; OR completed your degree course abroad with good grades within 5 years prior; AND have obtained certification proving at least three years’ professional experience during the last ten years prior graduation; AND hold valid professional licenses (if applicable).

Portugal’s parliament is to vote on this week for the bill to extend the Golden Visa program to include health workers that work in the country between March and December 2020.

Portugal’s parliament is to vote on this week for the bill to extend the Golden Visa program to include health workers that work in the country between March and December 2020. The bill will also include their family members.

The proposal was approved by Portugal’s Council of Ministers (Cabinet) on 7 June and was sent to parliament for approval on 10 July. It is expected that it will be voted on this week or next, according to Portuguese newspaper Publico.

Doctors, nurses, and paramedics that work in the country during this time period will be eligible for the Golden Visa.

If you are a health worker that works in one of the countries listed above, then you may be eligible for the Golden Visa. However, there are certain requirements that must be met before obtaining it.

The process for getting a Golden Visa is like most other immigration processes:

  • You need to have proof that you have lived in Spain or Portugal for five years at least;
  • You need to have proof of your employment as an approved health professional; and,
  • You need to provide all necessary police certificates (including fingerprints).

The program will also include their family members.

The Golden Visa program will also include the family members of applicants. Family members must be under the age of 21 or over the age of 65 and dependent on the main applicant. As an example, a husband can apply for his wife by declaring her as his dependent when he applies for a Portuguese golden visa.

Portugal’s government has said that they recognise the important role these health workers are playing during the pandemic, and as such want to pay them back with this scheme.

The government has said that they recognise the important role these health workers are playing during the pandemic, and as such want to pay them back with this scheme. They want to thank them for their work.

The Golden Visa provides residency in Portugal after an initial stay of 7 days a year for 5 years, which then leads to permanent residence and eventually citizenship.

The Golden Visa provides residency in Portugal after an initial stay of 7 days a year for 5 years, which then leads to permanent residence and eventually citizenship. The current scheme offers incentives to doctors, nurses and other health professionals who choose to work in Portugal.

Portugal are introducing a new law for foreign health workers.

The Golden Visa program is an investment scheme which allows foreign investors to receive permanent residence in Portugal. Investors can qualify for a residence permit if they buy real estate worth more than €500,000 or invest €1 million in the country. The Golden Visa allows you to live, work and retire in Portugal by providing benefits such as free public healthcare, schooling and tax incentives.

This new law is expected to attract medical professionals from around the world because it will offer them a chance to work together with Portuguese doctors who often struggle with chronic staff shortages at hospitals and other healthcare facilities.

The application process for this new law is expected to begin shortly after its finalization on July 1st 2019 so it’s important that you start preparing now! If you want more information about how we can help you with your application don’t hesitate contacting us today!


As we have seen, the government of Portugal has a new bill that they are going to vote on this week in parliament. If it is passed, health workers that were working in Portugal during 2020 will be eligible for the Golden Visa program. This will be a great way for these people to get citizenship after showing their gratitude by helping out during this difficult time.

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