190 Visa For Tasmania

The Tasmanian Government’s roll out of the Tasmania Australia Visa (190) has been ongoing and is drawing more attention every day. The Visa is proving to be an effective tool for supporting Tasmania’s employment as a growing tourism destination. The program allows Australian citizens and passport holders to live and work in Tasmania, with the ultimate goal of encouraging people to make a lifestyle change by relocating to the island state permanently.You can apply for a visa to Tasmania if you are an offshore applicant to Australia. It is offered by the Australian government to skilled workers who wish to live and work in the area legally. To be able to get the visa, you must make sure that your skills meet the requirements set by the state’s industry and those are in high demand.

New Applications Temporarily Restricted

The Tasmanian Skilled Migration State Nomination Program now has only very limited nomination places remaining, and enough on hand applications to expend our full quota by the end of June 2022.

As a result, new applications are temporarily restricted to invited candidates only.

Applications ‘In Progress’ at 5:00pm (AEST) 15 April 2022 will be able to be lodged until 14 days after commencement (as advised during the online application process).

New applications created and then lodged after 5:00pm (AEST) 15 April 2022 will only be eligible for consideration if the applicant has been invited to apply by Migration Tasmania. Applications lodged without an invitation will be declined.

Applications lodged before 5:00pm (AEST) 15 April 2022 will be processed as normal until all nomination places are used. Any remaining successful applications will be nominated against places allocated to Tasmania in the 2022-23 program year. Applications that are not processed before 30 June 2022 will be processed in the next program year.

The 2022–23 Tasmanian Skilled Migration State Nomination Program will open for new applications after full details of quota allocations and any conditions are confirmed by the Australian Government.

For 2021-22 Program Year Information Summary of Tasmanian nomination requirements for Subclass 190 please click here.

Tasmanian Government

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