2 week vacation in europe

2 week vacation in europe

If you are planning a European vacation, there are a few things to consider. The first step is to decide on your destinations and how you will get around. Once you have these decisions made, it will be much easier to find accommodation that suits your needs. Here we’ll take a tour through the most popular European countries and discuss the best time of year to visit them!


Planning is the most important part of any trip, whether you’re two weeks in Europe or two weeks on a cruise ship. Planning will help you make the most of your trip, stay on budget and avoid disappointment. Planning will also ensure that you don’t get lost!

Planning for your 2 week vacation in Europe should be done well before hand so that when it comes time to leave all you have to do is pack up and head out the door.


  • Arriving at the airport, train station, bus station or boat station
  • Renting a car
  • Renting a scooter/motorcycle/bicycle (all of these are good options that vary in price and availability)
  • Renting a boat (the most expensive option on this list)

Getting Around

Once you’ve arrived at your hotel, you’ll need to find your way around town. This is a great time to start using public transportation. Use Google Maps or HopStop to figure out the best route from your hotel to the city center. Once you’re in the center, hop on one of many buses or trains and get off at any stop along the way (don’t worry about getting off at the right stop). Once you reach your destination, walk around for a bit so that people can see how wonderfully European and romantic you are before heading back home.


Hotels, hostels and apartments are the three main options for accommodation in Europe. It’s worth noting that most hotels in Europe don’t include breakfast so make sure you budget for it if you want to eat out every day.

  • Hotels: Hotel rooms tend to be expensive in Europe unless you’re staying at a hostel or apartment. If you can only afford to stay in a hotel, look for a cheap one by looking online or asking your travel agent about recommendations from other travelers who have been on vacation before. There are also plenty of websites where you can find discount codes for hotels such as Groupon or Expedia but make sure the place looks legit before booking anything!
  • Hostels: Hostels are perfect if you’re traveling alone because they usually provide shared bathrooms which means no need for toiletries (which cost a lot). However if sharing isn’t your thing then maybe try an Airbnb instead? They’re similar except guests have their own private space as well as kitchenette area so they don’t need food provided by hosts like hostels do often do! The downside is that each location has different rules so there may be fees involved depending on what kind of service they offer – ask around before making any decisions 🙂

Where to Go and What to See

It is important to consider what you would like to see, do and experience on your trip. In order for us to help you plan your vacation, we will need a brief description of your interests. We have listed some options below:

  • Sightseeing
  • Culture and history
  • Sports or physical activities (e.g., hiking)
  • Food/wine tasting or cooking classes

When To Visit Europe

There are several different times of the year when people visit Europe, and each season has its own pros and cons.

When to Visit Europe:

  • Easter – This is a popular time for holidaymakers as it’s just after Easter Sunday, which means that you can enjoy the sights of Europe without having to deal with too many crowds at once. However, it does get very busy during this time so it’s worth booking your flight early to avoid disappointment.
  • Summer – This time of year is great if you want warm weather but not too hot! The days are longer and there are less crowds around than during other seasons, which makes it easier to explore all those historic sites on your bucket list in peace!
  • Autumn – Autumn is often known as ‘leaf peeping’ season because there are fewer tourists crowding up attractions like Stonehenge or Edinburgh Castle at this time of year so you’ll be able to get some great photos without feeling rushed by other visitors around you!
  • Winter – Winter offers some stunning landscapes throughout Europe such as those found in Norway or Switzerland – perfect for getting away from your city life back home!”

Knowing your destinations, how to get around and accommodation will make your trip more enjoyable.

  • Knowing your destinations, how to get around and accommodation will make your trip more enjoyable.
  • It’s important to plan your trip in advance.
  • Knowing how to get around will make your trip more enjoyable.
  • Knowing where to stay will make your trip more enjoyable


A two-week vacation in Europe can be very enjoyable if you plan ahead, know where to go and what to see. The most important thing is to make sure that your accommodation fits your needs, whether it’s a hostel dorm or a luxury suite. You should also consider how you’ll get around during your trip as well as when would be the best time of year for travelling between cities

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