491 Visa For Accountants

  Are you an accountant looking to move to Australia? Then the 495 visa is the answer to your dreams. A lot of accountants in Australia are snatching up this visa with great success due to the lack of demand for it and its easy requirements which makes it cheaper.  You can now get landed as an accountant simply by filling in an online form without having to attend any interviews or take tests, as it was in the past.There is a new visa in town for Australian Accountants, and its name is 491. The visa has been introduced as a part of the new Temporary Residence Transition Stream. In order to be eligible for the visa, you will need to make an application that contains certain conditions. During your application process you will also need to attend an interview. If your application is successful you will be granted with a 4 year visa that allows you live and work anywhere in Australia on full or part time basis.

Over 491 visa applications were approved last year, with a total of 1185 contributory factors. If you’ve been waiting for your 491 visa for accoutants that doesn’t seem to be coming through, check out iMigra Legal. They have a network of friendly accountants and lawyers who believe that you deserve an outcome. At iMigra Legal, they work on a No Win No Fee basis. This means that they’ll cover your costs if your application is refused and you don’t end up with your 457 work visa. Call them today to see how they can help.


Case Study: Accounting student grant visa 491 successfully

Accounting Student Visa 491

Lily graduated from University of Melbourne in Master of Management (Accounting). Due to the very high EOI score required for the visa 189 in accountant occupation, she couldn’t meet the requirement. As accountant is not in the Victoria skill nomination occupation list, she couldn’t apply for visa 190 either. She thought that her journey of skilled migration would end, but on November 16, 2019, there was good news that the visa 491 was officially implemented, which gave her hope again.

With the help of Smart Choice Migration Agent, Lily successfully submitted a visa 491 application at the end of November 2019 and her visa was granted in February 2020.

Let’s briefly introduce this visa that brings new hope to accounting students.

Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) visa, subclass 491, is relatively a new and enhanced points-tested line of skilled migration visa to assist skill shortages in regional parts of Australia. It is a temporary visa that permits the visa holders to lawfully enter and remain in Australia up to 5 years from the visa grant and provides an opportunity to apply for permanent residency through the subclass 191 Permanent Residence (Skilled – Regional) visas.


You hold a Positive Skill Assessment for an occupation on the State or Regional List

You are currently aged between 18 – 45 years old

You have Competent English or higher (6 minimum in IELTS or holder of approved passports)

You have received a nomination by a Region or State to apply for the visa

You meet health and character requirements

You meet the pass mark in the skilled migration points test – currently 65.


Hold visa 491 over 3 years

Have lived for at least 3 years and have a taxable income at or above a specific income threshold ($53,900) for at least three years

Both primary and secondary applicants have complied with the conditions of the eligible visa you hold or have held

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