6 Month Working Visa For Australia

Ever wish you could get a 6 month working visa for Australia to have a working holiday during your gap year? The second most popular question asked about Australia after, “how do I find a job in Australia as a foreigner?” is “how long can I stay in Australia?” It’s not surprising really. What city break-lover doesn’t want to spend some time living and working in one of the most beautiful places on earth? But if you’re not from one of the countries with no working visa requirements, or if you don’t have the skills or qualifications employers are looking for, getting that 6 months visa for Australia can seem impossible… It isn’t easy to enter the Australian job market when you have just arrived. In fact, it isn’t easy in any country with a lot of competition. To be successful and find a good job that matches your skills and experience, you need to network. The right contacts are the most important part. But building those contacts takes time and you need to start when you have little experience. That’s why our immigration agency can help you get a 6 month working visa for Australia . If you would like more details, just contact us and we will be happy to discuss the possibilities with you .

If you have been thinking of living in Australia and working there but can only stay for up to three months without a working visa, then the 6 month working visa is for you. This is an Australian working visa. If you are from any country other than Australia and want to live there, you probably need an employer to sponsor your work visa. If this applies to you, then first read the article on How to find a job in Australia . Otherwise you don’t need an employer – the Australian government has simplified the process of applying for a 6 month working visa. Some of the things you will learn:

We’re not surprised to learn you’re dreaming of a long trip to Australia. After all, it’s quite easy to imagine long summer days travelling along the coast, spending the cooler months soaking up the outback or Top End, and immersing yourself in the scene in any one of a number of cities. Applying for a Working Holiday visa (WHV) gives you the chance to earn some extra cash to keep your travels going or do some study while you’re here.

Note: Tourism Australia is not the Australian government visa granting authority. The visa granting authority is the Australian Government Department of Home Affairs. For up-to-date information, please refer to their website: https://immi.homeaffairs.gov.au/visas/getting-a-visa/visa-listing/work-holiday-417.

The content on this page is for information purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. Please consult with an Australian qualified immigration lawyer or migration agent if you are seeking legal advice.


If you’re aged between 18 and 30 (or 18 to 35 for citizens of Canada, France and Ireland) then you may be. On this page, we’ll give you all the details you need to apply for WHV subclass 417, which is what you need if you hold a valid passport for any of the following countries:

Belgium; Canada; Republic of Cyprus; Denmark; Estonia; Finland; France; Germany; Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China (including British National Overseas passport holders); Republic of Ireland; Italy; Japan; Republic of Korea; Malta; Netherlands; Norway; Sweden; Taiwan (other than an official or diplomatic passport); and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.Show more


Whether you’re applying for your First or Second Working Holiday visa (subclass 417), you need to be aged between 18 and 30 (unless you’re a citizen of Ireland, France or Canada – then you have until the age of 35). If you apply for the visa when you’re still 30, but turn 31 before the application has been approved, the visa may still be granted. Similarly, Canadian, French and Irish citizens who apply at 35 and turn 36 while their application is outstanding may still have their visa approved.

Work Visas

If you possess skills and capabilities to enhance Australia’s economy and workforce, then you may be eligible to migrate to Australia by applying for an Australian Work visa. These visas are specifically designed to encourage applicants to obtain sponsorship through an employer or to secure nomination. Many foreigners choose to live and work in Australia because of the lifestyle and employment opportunities offered.

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