How Long Do You Pay Student Loans

We know the struggle. When you’re trying to pay off your student loans, it can feel like you’ll never be able to get out from under them.

But don’t despair: there are ways to pay off your student loans quickly—and they’re not as difficult as you might think.

In this article, we’ll discuss how long it takes to pay off student loans and how much you might have left over after paying them off.

How Long Does It Take To Pay Off Student Loans? – Forbes Advisor

How Long Do You Pay Student Loans

A difficult journey is always a little easier when you know exactly how long it’s going to take. That’s why it’s important to have a general idea of how long it will take to repay your student loans.

But that answer has many variables, and is largely dependent on how you choose to approach the loan repayment process. Here are the factors that determine your repayment timeline, and how to calculate exactly how long it will take you to become debt free.

How Long It Takes to Repay Student Debt

The time it takes to repay your student loans depends on the type of loan you have, which repayment plan you choose and how aggressively you want to repay your debt. In one survey with more than 60,000 respondents, it took the average person a little more than 20 years to pay off their student loans.

You can choose to pay off your student loans faster if you have the cash to spare, but here are the basic repayment options available for both federal and private student loans.

Federal Student Loans

Federal student loans come with several types of repayment plans, ranging from 10 to 30 years. Each payment plan comes with its own eligibility requirements and rules, so your debt may not qualify for every option listed.

Repayment PlanTerm
Standard10 years for most (consolidation loans allow payment between 10 and 30 years)
Graduated10 years for most (consolidation loans allow payment between 10 and 30 years)
Extended25 years
Income-Based Repayment (IBR)20 or 25 years, depending on when your loans were first disbursed
Income-Contingent Repayment (ICR)25 years
Pay As You Earn (PAYE)20 years
Revised Pay As You Earn (REPAYE)20 years for undergraduate loans; 25 years for graduate loans
Income-Sensitive Repayment (ISR)15 years

Private Student Loans

Most private student loan companies offer five-, seven-, 10- and 15-year terms, but some also provide 20- or even 25-year terms. The exact plan you choose will depend on the lender, how much you’re borrowing and what monthly payment you’re comfortable with.

Generally, you pay less interest if you pay off your loan faster, but a shorter repayment period means your monthly payments will be higher. Lenders may also offer lower interest rates on shorter repayment terms, since they’ll be able to recoup their money faster.

how long will it take to pay off my student loan calculator

To figure out how much time it will take to pay off your existing loans, you can use a student loan repayment calculator. Plug in the balance, interest rate and term length to see the projections.

If you already make extra payments toward your loans, add in how much more you pay per month. If you don’t pay extra, you can try adding in various amounts to see how quickly you could eliminate your debt. The sooner you pay off your student loans, the less interest you’ll pay over the life of the loan.

Student Loan Calculator
Loan Amount
Interest Rate
Loan Term (years)
Additional Payment Per Month (optional)


How to Pay Off Your Loans Faster
Because there is no penalty to paying off your student loans early, borrowers can increase their monthly payments to pay the debt faster—and save on interest. If you want to get rid of your debt sooner rather than later, here are some strategies to free up extra cash and supercharge your payments.

Find a Side Job
Freelancing, starting a side business or getting a second job can make it easier to pay off debt faster, especially if you’ve already cut most discretionary expenses from your budget.

If you work on an hourly basis, ask your boss if there are any overtime opportunities. If you can freelance or consult, let your network know that you’re available for those opportunities. You may be surprised at how much work you can drum up with word-of-mouth referrals.

You can always try popular gigs like driving for Uber, delivering food for DoorDash or grocery shopping through Instacart, but these jobs often only pay minimum wage. If you want to earn more money, try putting your unique skills and interests to use.

Graphic designers, writers, software engineers, photographers and other service providers can find extra work on platforms like Upwork, TaskRabbit, Craigslist and Fiverr, but the rates are often low. Use those sites to build a portfolio, and then increase rates steadily as you gain more experience and accumulate positive testimonials.

Budget More for Savings
You may assume that paying off your loans faster isn’t a possibility, but have you really looked at how much money you have left over each month? To find out how much more you can pay toward your loans, start by tracking your expenses with a monthly budget.

Monitoring your expenses will show any areas where your spending could be reined in, allowing you to put more money toward your loans. For example, you may discover that you’re spending $100 a week on take-out or delivered food. Reducing that amount can free up more money with little effort required.

If you receive a raise, move to a cheaper apartment or get a roommate, take the savings difference and add it to your student loan payments. When you get a random windfall, like a tax refund or work bonus, apply the bulk of it to your student loans if you can.

Talk to Your Lender About a New Payment Plan
If you have federal student loans and are currently on an income-driven, graduated or extended repayment plan, you can switch to a different plan to pay them off faster. The standard 10-year plan is the fastest way to pay off your federal student loans. Ask your loan servicer how to switch to this plan and what your new payments would be.

If you have multiple loan servicers, make sure to switch your repayment plan with each company. If you have private student loans, the only way to switch to a new term may be to refinance your student loans, but this depends on your particular lender. Contact them and ask if you can change to a different payment plan without refinancing.

Refinance Your Loans
If you have student loans with a high interest rate, you could refinance them for a lower rate and a quicker potential repayment timeline. Here’s how it works: Let’s say you owe $50,000 with a 6% interest rate and a 10-year repayment term. Your monthly payment is $555.

If you refinance to a 4% interest rate and a seven-year term, your new monthly payment will be $683. You’ll pay a little more each month, but you’ll save over $9,000 in interest over the life of the loan.

When you refinance student loans, you’ll usually be able to choose from several different term lengths, often between five and 15 years. Refinancing to a shorter term can help you qualify for the lowest interest rate possible, but will usually result in a higher monthly payment. Before you choose a shorter loan term, make sure you can easily afford the minimum payments. You can use a refinancing calculator to see how much you could save.

If you have federal student loans, think twice before refinancing. When you refinance federal student debt, it becomes a private student loan—which doesn’t come with federal benefits like loan forgiveness programs, income-based repayment options and longer deferment periods.

You can’t undo refinancing, so make sure you understand the pros and cons beforehand. Borrowers who have both federal and private loans can choose to only refinance their private loans and keep their federal loans intact

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