Best places to work at 16

In a story published today, Glassdoor announced the list of companies who have earned the distinction of being named to their 2016 best places to work at 16 awards. In the report, they note that over 2 million company reviews have been submitted through Glassdoor in 2016, signaling a year of rapid user engagement on award-winning company reviews.

Here is the top 16 places to work at 16 – If you are a high school student and are looking for a place to work after school, this article will outline some of the better companies for high school students.

As a fresh 16 year old graduate entering the workplace, it is exciting and scary at the same time. You never know what your manager is going to be like or what kind of environment you will be working in. While some might want a laid back and fun atmosphere others want something much more professional. Whichever it is, there are plenty of places where you can work and learn that won’t break the bank.

The best places to work at 16

Every year, Glassdoor releases a list of the best places to work in the United States. This list is based on employee reviews and ratings about their workplace. These are the top 10 companies that made the cut for 2019.

  1. Cisco Systems

Cisco Systems is a leading provider of Internet Protocol-based networking solutions and services. The company has been named one of Fortune’s 100 Best Companies to Work For since 2003, as well as one of Fortune’s World’s Most Admired Companies since 2016. It is also listed as an employer with a high job satisfaction rating on Glassdoor’s list of Top 25 Biggest Employers in America (2019).

  1. Salesforce

Salesforce is a cloud computing company that provides customer relationship management software solutions for businesses around the world. The company offers flexible working hours, paid parental leave for both mothers and fathers, free food throughout its headquarters campus and many other perks such as gym reimbursement or reimbursement for continuing education courses.

  1. Adobe Systems Incorporated (ADBE)

Adobe Systems Incorporated (ADBE) designs, develops, markets and sells computer software products that are used by consumers, businesses and professionals worldwide

In the past few years, we’ve seen a lot of companies start to make changes to their HR policies. Some companies are offering employees more paid time off, some are going to a 4-day work week, and others are focusing on creating better working conditions.

In this article, we’ll take a look at some of the best places to work at 16. We’ll also look at why these companies have been ranked as some of the best places to work in their field.

Best places to work at 16


Every teenager is looking for an opportunity to earn some money. Whether you’re saving up for a car, trying to help out at home, or just want the freedom to buy whatever you want, getting a job is the best way to achieve financial independence. But many businesses aren’t willing to hire teens due to both federal and state laws that restrict what industries can give jobs to teenagers and limitations on when teens can work. Luckily, there are still great opportunities for you out there. Here’s our list of the top 10 places where you’re most likely to get hired as a teen:


Retail jobs are a great way to get your foot in the door and gain valuable experience. Retail jobs may be available at department stores or clothing stores, or even as a cashier at your local grocery store. These positions can be physically demanding, so you’ll need to be prepared for long hours of standing on your feet with heavy items weighing down your arms!


When you are working in a restaurant, you will find that there are many good things about the job. However, there are also some challenges that may not be easy to overcome. If you want to be successful at your restaurant job, then it is important to know what those challenges are and how to deal with them.

  • Know What You Want To Do Beforehand

There is more than one way for a person to work in a restaurant. Knowing what position would suit your needs and skills best will help guide your decision-making process when looking into potential positions at different restaurants.

  • Make Sure Of Your Qualifications For The Position

Not all restaurants hire everyone who applies for their openings; therefore, it’s important that any applicant knows what qualifications they need in order to fill those positions successfully before applying or interviewing for said jobs.* Determine Your Availability For Work HoursThe hours worked by employees vary from place-to-place but typically include evenings (after 5PM), weekends (Saturday & Sunday), holidays and other special days throughout the year such as Valentine’s Day which can require extra staffing during these times due increased demand from customers around these holidays/events

Movie theaters

Theater is a great place to work for teens. Theaters provide an opportunity for teens to earn some money, and they also have fun while being paid. Theater managers, however, should take care not to give too much responsibility to their younger workers as this could lead them down the path towards becoming managers themselves prematurely.

Amusement parks

With their unique combination of business and pleasure, amusement parks are a great place to work. The job market is competitive and the pay isn’t always great, but if you’re passionate about roller coasters, theme parks offer an opportunity to live out your dream while making a living.

To get hired at a theme park, you’ll need some experience in customer service or ride maintenance. If you’re applying for an entry-level position with no previous experience at an amusement park (or even just not much), try to get involved with your local community group that provides entertainment services—this can be as simple as helping out at their Halloween haunted house every year. After all, it’s always helpful to have friends in high places! Once you’ve made some connections with someone who works at the local amusement park, ask them what kind of training programs are available for new hires who want to break into this industry: many parks offer classes for employees on how best manage crowds during peak times without getting overwhelmed by stress levels or anger management issues.”

Babysitting or nannying

Short of getting paid to watch TV, babysitting or nannying is one of the easiest ways for teens to make money. It’s also a great way for them to develop social skills and earn some experience working with children.

Parents can hire you through a babysitting or nanny service, but if you don’t want to go through an agency, there are other options:

  • You could ask family members if they need help caring for their kids.
  • You could use apps like Sittercity or (note: these require payment) that connect people who need caregiving services with those who offer them.

Grocery stores

Grocery stores are a great place to work as a teenager. These jobs are flexible, and they’re open long hours. Depending on where you live, grocery stores might be open 24/7 or just during the day. Some grocery store workers only have to work part-time, and others can have full-time jobs with benefits.

If you want to become a manager in the future, it’s also possible for you at many grocery stores because there are many different positions available (i.e., cashier, stocker). You can learn about each position by asking about them when applying for your job!


Libraries are a great place to work. They’re usually quiet and organized, making them ideal for getting things done.

  • Libraries are good places to work on homework. If you need help with a project or presentation and can’t afford tutoring, libraries have experts who can help you at no cost!
  • Libraries are also great places to work on resumes. In addition to free computers, they often have job boards that list open positions in your area—and offer some privacy from the rest of researchers using the library


Museums are a great place to work for teens. They have a lot of jobs available, and many museums are open during the summer. You can learn a lot about art and history by working at a museum. Some museums even offer internships, so it’s a great way to get hands-on experience in your field before college or university starts. If you’re interested in working with people as well as learning new things, becoming a tour guide is another option that may interest you!


  • How to get a job working at a hospital:
  • Apply for positions at your local hospital. You can find these jobs on local newspapers and job boards, or by asking friends and family members who work in the healthcare industry if they know any openings.
  • Pass the required tests (the most common test being the SATs) before applying for college courses that will prepare you for an entry-level position as an X-ray technician or medical biller/coder.*3*4*5
  • What does the average hospital worker do?

They provide patient care services such as drawing blood, taking x-rays, and cleaning wounds after surgery.*6*7

This is a list of places to work that accommodate teens.

This is a list of places to work that accommodate teens. These are places where you can have fun, make money, and build your resume.

  • Grocery Store – This is one of the best places for teens to work because it’s easy to do so many things. You can bag groceries, fold clothes at the register, and even sweep up!
  • Movie Theater – This is another great place for teens since there are endless opportunities for employment. You can be a ticket taker or usher, sell popcorn and drinks at concession stands, clean up after moviegoers have left the building–the possibilities are endless here!
  • A Daycare Center – Many daycare centers need help with their daily functions; this could mean anything from cleaning toys to feeding children lunch or snacks during mealtimes throughout each day (including weekends). You may also be asked to play with smaller children while their parents pick them up or drop off others who aren’t enrolled in school yet until they finish kindergarten in fifth grade before moving onto elementary school grades six through eight followed by high school grades ranging between 9 through 12th grade which usually ends when students graduate with either an associate degree after 2 years worth of classes plus 1 year off looking for jobs before entering into college programs where they’ll spend another 4 years earning bachelor’s degrees–or if lucky enough maybe even two degrees combined together into one major per semester: bachelor degree being worth 120 credits/hours required total versus an associate degree being 60 credits/hours required total (which means 5 years instead 6 years). Some colleges offer accelerated programs where students complete 4 courses per semester instead 3 courses per year but still take longer than traditional completion times thanks since there aren’t any breaks between semesters anymore such as summer breaks; this allows students who want extra time off during those months


We hope that this article will help you get started on your journey to gainful employment. There are a lot of places to work, and not just for teens—these are just the places that hire people your age. If you’re looking for more information about finding work when you’re older, be sure to check out our other articles on the subject!

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