Best places to work for women

If you are a woman who is looking for a job, then you will want to know of the 10 best places to work for women. It is meant to include both corporate and retail businesses that are currently offering jobs in the workplace and has been updated to reflect the top 10 list of companies that hire women as well as employee reviews.

When you are interviewing, one of the most important considerations is whether the company offers flexibility to work from home and or telecommute. One issue that many people do not realize is the opportunities and support that companies can provide for flexible work arrangements. This post will provide you details about the best places to work for women which offer flexibility in the workplace for their employees.

As corporate cultures come under increasing scrutiny, many organizations are working hard to create a diverse and inclusive workplace. In terms of women at work, there is still room for improvement in a lot of industries. Glassdoor released its annual list of top companies for women based on ratings from current and former female employees. We decided to take this data one step further by analyzing the 25 best places to work for women overall versus the 25 worst places to work for women overall. Here’s what we found.

The best places to work for women are those that value their female employees and make sure they’re treated the same as their male coworkers.

In order to be considered a truly great workplace for women, a company must have:

-A diverse workforce

-An inclusive culture that values diversity and equality

-A clear commitment to gender equity in pay and promotion opportunities

There’s a lot of talk about the best places to work for women, and we’re here to tell you about them.

First, let’s talk about the companies that have made their commitment to gender equality clear by publicly sharing their diversity numbers:

-Apple—51% female and 49% male

-Airbnb—50% female and 50% male

-Google—60% female and 40% male

-Microsoft—52% female and 48% male

-Twitter—62% female and 38% male

Best places to work for women


Exhausted from the everyday grind, women everywhere are looking for a way to break free from their day job. These companies are dedicated to fostering a fulfilling work environment for women. Here’s our list of some of the best places to work for women: 1. Salesforce

1. Salesforce

Salesforce is a global cloud computing company that provides CRM software, marketing automation, analytics and enterprise social solutions. When it comes to employee benefits, there’s a lot on offer here.

In addition to providing free snacks and drinks in the office—and catered lunches three days per week—the company also offers comprehensive paid maternity leave for mothers (six weeks), which can be extended by an additional six weeks if you choose to take it. Fathers are granted two weeks of paid paternity leave when their child is born or placed in their care through adoption or foster care placement.

Other perks include:

  • Flexible work hours
  • Generous 401(k) matching bonuses up to 4% of salary (up to $17K per year)


In conclusion, it is important that we all work together to create a more inclusive, diverse workforce for women. We all have a role to play in making this happen: as employers, employees and consumers who can choose where we spend our time and money. It’s time to start holding companies accountable for the values they say they share so that they don’t just become marketing slogans but actually take action towards equality in their workplace practices.

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