189 Visa For Accountants

The 189 visa is an excellent option for those wishing to get their foot in the door in Australia. As an accountant, the 189 visa is designed to allow you to arrive and work in Australia for up to 4 years and be eligible to apply for permanent residency. This article will explain more about the 189 visa and how it can work out as a solution for you.The 189 visa is an excellent option for those wishing to get their foot in the door in Australia. As an accountant, the 189 visa is designed to allow you to arrive and work in Australia for up to 4 years and be eligible to apply for permanent residency. This article will explain more about the 189 visa and how it can work out as a solution for you.If you’ve changed careers and are interested in an Australia visa as a business manager, accountant or bookkeeper, you may want to consider the 189 visa. Here’s what you need to know about the business manager Australia visa.

189 Visa For Accountants


If you’ve been working as an accountant in your home country, you may be looking to see what’s possible for you if you want to make the move to Australia. The most obvious choice is to try and find a job there, but if you’re finding it difficult to do so, there is another option: the 189 visa. This visa allows someone with certain skills or experience to come and work in Australia for up to four years. If one of these skills is accounting, then this could be the best way for you to get into the country and start over, hopefully with a new employer who will pay well.

The first thing that we need to look at here is what kind of work experience qualifies someone as an accountant. This can vary depending on where they are from and where they want to go, but it’s usually quite easy for them.

In order to apply for this visa, a person must have had at least three years of relevant employment in the last five years before applying (or two years out of three). They must also show that they have completed a bachelor’s degree with honors or higher (or equivalent qualifications) within eight years before applying.

So how do we prove all this? Well firstly we need evidence that they actually completed their degree by showing their transcripts as well as evidence from their current employer confirming that they worked in their field long enough ago (for example letters from previous employers).

The next thing we need is proof that someone has good English language skills – which typically means either passing an IETLS exam or having lived somewhere like Canada or USA where English was spoken most often during childhood education periods such as high school etcetera… [more]

Who Can Apply?

You are eligible to apply for a 189 visa if you:

  • Are a qualified accountant (you must have been practicing for at least four years and hold a relevant qualification, such as the Chartered Accountant Program).
  • Are sponsored by an Australian business who has either employed you, or intends to employ you in their business in Australia. In this case, your employer will need to be satisfied that there is no suitable candidate available in the local labour market before they can sponsor your visa application. If they do not have an ongoing commitment from an Australian business then they can use the Temporary Work (Short Stay Specialist) subclass 400 visa option instead but this only allows one year of work instead of three years on the 189 visa.
  • You must have a guaranteed job offer from an Australian business that has agreed to pay you at least AUD$53,900 per year as salary or wages over the duration of your stay (this does not include superannuation or other benefits).

Work Experience

In order to be eligible for an Australian skilled visa, you must have at least two years of work experience in the same occupation.

If you’re applying for a subclass 189 visa, your skilled work experience must be in Australia and it must be full-time (at least 20 hours per week).

In addition to this requirement, there are also other considerations that may affect how your work experience is counted:

  • If you have been doing less than full-time work (up to 40 hours per week), then each year of working at this level will count as 0.5 years towards meeting the skill qualification. However, if you have worked part time for more than five years, then only one year will count towards your overall period of employment required by immigration law.
  • If you’ve been doing casual or contract jobs instead of permanent ones while working in Australia on a subclass 457 visa and/or subclass 190 Temporary Residence Transition Visa (TRTV), then these periods will not count towards eligibility criteria when applying for an Australian permanent resident visa such as subclass 189 Business Talent Visa or any other type that requires prior occupational experience as proof of eligibility.*

English Language Skills

To apply for the IELTS waiver, you must prove that you have completed a bachelor’s degree (or higher) from an Australian university and that your English language ability meets a standard equivalent to the IELTS 6.5 overall band score in all four skills — reading, writing, listening and speaking.

You’ll need to upload a copy of your academic transcript with your visa application form (4911).

To obtain an exemption:

  • You must be able to show that you’re able to speak and understand English at an appropriate level through, for example:

Australian Qualifications

To be eligible for the Australian 190 visa, you will need to show evidence of your qualifications. You should have one of the following:

  • Bachelor degree in accounting.
  • Diploma in accounting.
  • Certificate in accounting.
  • Diploma or certificate from university or TAFE college in business administration or management, with a focus on accountancy (e.g., Diploma of Commerce). This qualification must be at least three years long and involve at least 120 points per year (i.e., one credit point equates to 10 hours of study).

Points test

To meet the points test, you need to score 60 points.

You can get points for English language skills and Australian qualifications. You can also get points for work experience in Australia, your age and your spouse’s skills and qualifications.

If you’re an accountant, you can likely get a 189 skill visa.

If you’re an accountant, you can likely get a 189 skill visa. If you have a relevant qualification and have worked as an accountant for at least two years in the last three years, then there is a good chance that your application will be successful.


It’s time to get started. If you’re not an accountant, there are still options available for you.

Now that we’ve looked at the 189 visa for accountants and how it can help you make Australia your home, let’s take a look at some more information about what else is available if you aren’t an accountant. We’ll talk about visas in general next week so stay tuned!

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