491 Visa For Cook

The ​​Post Skilled Independent Visa, is a permanent residence visa for Australia who have been accepted to undertake a post-graduate training program in Australia, who need a Post Skilled Independent Visa to undertake the training. The aim of this Visa is to provide a path for highly skilled individuals to come and stay in Australia permanently on completion of the training provided.It can be quite difficult to be accepted in the Australian immigration scheme and become a permanent resident. Do you know that this country is famous for its quality education? That’s why it has 2 universities in top 100 best universities in the world (for example, Melbourne University is ranked as number 36)! The most attractive fact of studying here is that you will get higher chances to receive a student visa permit and work after graduation (another way to become an Australian permanent resident!).

If unemployed, the applicant must have a minimum savings balance to maintain himself. This can be reduced to $1000 if he can show evidence of support by his relatives.

Who is eligible to apply? 

You must be eligible under either the subclass 190 or subclass 491 Victorian visa nomination criteria. To take advantage of the Hospitality  or Early Childhood Educator pathways, you must be living and working in Victoria as a Cook/Chef or as an Early Childhood Educator respectively.  You also must have  a relevant skills assessment as an Cook/ Chef. Please note for Early Childhood Pathway, your occupation must be (Pre-primary School) Teacher and your skills assessment must be from the Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL).  


What is the main difference between the 190 and 491? 

The State/Skilled Nominated (Subclass 190) is a permanent visa to Australia. The Skilled Regional (491 visa) is a 5 year temporary visa that converts to PR after as few as 3 years. 

  • On the 190 visa, you can live anywhere in Victoria (including Melbourne) 
  • Whereas, on the 491, you cannot live in Melbourne (you can only live in a regional area – everywhere in Victoria  except Melbourne) 

You require Victorian State Nomination in order to apply for the pathway for either the State Nominated (Subclass 190) or Regional Nominated Visa (Subclass 491) in NSW. 

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What are the requirements of Victorian State nomination? 

In order to be eligible for consideration: 

  • have submitted an EOI in SkillSelect 
  • be under 45 years of age 
  • have at least Competent English 
  • have a valid Skills Assessment  
  • have achieved at least 65 points 
  • meet the pathway requirements 

One of the most popular visas to apply for PR (Permanent Residency) in Australia is GSM (General Skill Migration). These visas (SC 189, 190 and 491) do not require any employer to sponsor you.

The most straightforward pathway to becoming a Chef in Australia is studying a VET course in Australia, Certificate III and IV in Commercial Cookery + Diploma (or Advanced Diploma) in Hospitality Management. This is (usually), a two years course. The cost can vary depending on the college, but prices are usually between $AUD 19,000 to $AUD 36.000.

Free consultations for future cookery students!

If you would like to study cookery and become a chef, please contact us for more information. We can help you to find the right school in any city in Australia. You can email us your resume at marketing@pacemigration.com.au for an initial assessment, or you can have a free consultation with our education consultants. Consultations can be in English, Tagalog or Spanish.


How do I achieve my PR?

STEP 1: Get your qualifications in Australia (2 years course)

STEP 2: After completing your qualifications your next step is to apply for Temporary Graduate Visa (SC485). This is an 18-months work visa, which will give you full-time work rights in Australia. As a temporary measure, you can get a 2-years work visa.

During these 18 months, you need to do your FULL skills assessments (TRA). You need to work as a Chef full time for approximately one year.

So far, to apply for SC 189, 190 or 491 you will need to reach at least 65 points to send an expression of interest. However, generally, you’ll need at least +80 points to receive an invitation from immigration.

STEP 3: while working as a chef, try to push up your English score, at least IELTS 7-7-7-7 or PTE 65-65-65-65 to claim 10 points. Getting an 8 in all bands would be even a better scenario and will allow you to claim 20 points (PTE 79 in all bands).

REMEMBER: If your English is below this score you might target another visa subclass. Can be hard to reach the desired points if your English is around IELTS 6 (all bands)

STEP 4: Apply for EOI (Expression of Interest) and wait until receiving the invitation from the government.

STEP 5: If you are targeting SC 190 or 491 apply for “State Sponsor”. In case you are eligible for SC 189, please skip this step.

STEP 6: Apply for PR!!!! … and wait

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