student visa in hungary

Student Visa in Hungary is aimed at helping the international students to study in Hungary. The idea of this site is to provide information on various courses and obtain an overview on educational options in different locations.

Finding a job in Hungary isn’t like finding a job elsewhere in the world. Although you can use LinkedIn, Monster or even specialized websites to find jobs, you will have better chances if you approach companies personally. This is when the language barrier comes into play, because most companies and organizations prefer hiring someone who speaks Hungarian fluently. And it can be hard to find information about which Hungarian companies offer employment opportunities for foreigners.

Student visa in Hungary

Hungary is a popular destination for international students who want to study abroad. The country offers a wide range of courses, from arts and humanities to science and technology. Moreover, the quality of education in Hungary is very high and the cost of living is low compared to other Western European countries.

If you are thinking about studying in Hungary, you will need a student visa. To get this visa, you must first decide which university or college you would like to attend. Then you can begin the application process for your visa by contacting the institution directly. They will provide all necessary information regarding fees and deadlines as well as any required documents that need submitting with your application form.

Once you have decided on your desired study programme, it’s time to apply for a student visa through one of two methods:

Applying directly at the Hungarian embassy or consulate in your home country; or Applying through an authorised agency based within Hungary (you may be required to pay an additional fee).

The Hungarian Government requires international students to obtain a visa in order to study in Hungary. The visa is issued by the Hungarian Embassy or Consulate in your home country, or you can apply for an e-Visa online.

If you are planning to study in Hungary, you will need to obtain a student visa. Student visas can only be granted by Hungarian embassies or consulates located outside of Hungary.

Before applying for a student visa, make sure that:

You have been accepted by an accredited higher education institution (university) in Hungary. The institution should be listed on the Ministry of Education’s website. You must have enough money to pay for living expenses and tuition fees during your stay in Hungary (usually around $1,000 per month). You have all required documents ready to be submitted when applying for a student visa.

Hungary student visa process

  1. Accept an offer to study at a Hungarian university
  2. Contact your nearest Hungary embassy or consulate to arrange for your type D visa appointment (no more than three months before your program starts)
  3. At the embassy or consulate provide a completed application form, passport, biometrics and application fee of €60
  4. Provide any necessary proof of your educational background and finances
  5. Wait up to a month, and receive a decision on your visa
  6. Travel to Hungary and collect your residence permit within 30 days

Requirements for a Hungary student visa and residence permit

When applying for a visa or residence permit to study in Hungary you may need the following:

  • University acceptance letter
  • Proof of any money sent to the university for fees or accommodation
  • Passport
  • Proof of finances
  • Translated and certified education transcripts
  • An English language proficiency test score
  • Health insurance
  • Details of your accommodation arrangements in Hungary

Hungary student visa processing time

The processing of a Hungarian student visa usually takes about a month but could take up to 60 days so it’s important you apply as soon as you can.

You can apply for your visa up to six months before you travel, provided you have your university offer, so don’t leave it until the last minute.

If you need to book an appointment, you may need to give up to 6 weeks because appointment times can be limited.

Working on a Hungary student visa

Working part-time in Hungary can be difficult for international students as most jobs will require fluency in Hungarian.

EU students can work without limitation in Hungary, whereas non-EU international students will need to obtain a permit.

Hungary visas for student dependents

Once you are settled in Hungary, you may be able to start the process for your spouse or children to come to Hungary and live with you. The main requirement for this is that you can support them financially and they are able to come to Hungary under family reunification.

What to do if your Hungarian student visa is rejected

I can be worrying to have your visa application rejected, but there’s no need to give up hope straight away.

When you receive your refusal letter, the consulate or embassy should explain why your application was rejected. The usual reasons for rejection include things like:

  • Incomplete application
  • Evidence of funds not provided or satisfactory
  • Providing false travel documents
  • Lack of appropriate travel medical insurance

If you made a simple error on your application or forgot to provide certain documents, you can reapply and correct your mistake. It’s worth noting you’ll need to pay your application fee again, and won’t receive a refund in the event of a rejection.

If you don’t agree with the reason for your rejection, you can appeal the decision. You should appeal in writing to the Hungarian embassy or consulate you applied through.

There is usually an appeals fee to pay, which is non-refundable, even if your appeal is successful.

Significant changes subsequent to Hungary’s Schengen membership are:

  • visas and residence permits issued by one of the Schengen States are valid for Hungary too,
  • visas issued by Hungarian representations abroad and residence permits issued by Hungarian national authorities are also valid for the entire Schengen Area. 

The visa sticker, designed with the same appearance for all Schengen States, bears the words “valid for Schengen States”. The Schengen visa and entry regulations are only applicable for a stay not exceeding 90 days within a 180 days period. Rules relating to stays exceeding 90 days are laid down in the national law of the member states concerned.

Persons with the Right of Free Movement and Residence

Right of entry and residence for a period not exceeding 90 days
Citizens of the EEA
 (EU + Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein) and Switzerland may enter the territory of Hungary with a valid travel document or personal identification document and have the right of residence for a period not exceeding 90 days from the date of entry.
Family members of the above mentioned citizens who are not citizens of EEA states but are citizens of third countries and family members of a Hungarian citizen or an EEA citizen may enter the territory of Hungary with a valid travel document and – unless otherwise prescribed by any directly applicable EU legislation or an international agreement – with a valid visa.

Right of residence for a period exceeding three months

Students who are EEA citizens can reside in Hungary for more than three months if they are enrolled at an education institution offering accredited programmes. Within ninety-three days from the time of entry, such students have to register at the regional directorate of the Office of Immigration and Nationality. At the time of registration, students should be able to present a certificate of admission issued by the education institution or any other document for the verification of their student status. The registration certificate has no expiry date, and is valid together with a valid travel document or personal identification document.
The spouse and children of students who satisfy the above-mentioned requirements shall have the right of residence for a period exceeding three months.

Third Country Nationals (Non-EU & EEA citizens)

Third country nationals are required to have a visa for entering the territory of Hungary and also for a stay of up to 90 days within a 180 days period if they come from a country that is under visa obligation according to the Schengen acquis. It is worth to check, if your country has a bilateral agreement with Hungary, because in this case there is no need of getting a visa. The visa application has to be submitted to the Hungarian Consulate in the country where the permanent or temporary residence of the applicant is located or in the country of the applicant’s nationality.

If third country nationals wish to stay longer than three months, they need to have a valid travel document, the necessary permits for return or continued travel and they should be able to verify the purpose of entry and stay. They should have both accommodation and enough financial resources to cover their costs plus a full healthcare insurance or sufficient financial resources necessary for taking out healthcare services. A residence permit authorizes third-country nationals to reside in Hungary for a period of minimum 90 days but not exceeding two years. The application for a residence permit should be submitted to the Hungarian Consulate in the country where the permanent or temporary residence of the applicant is located or in the country of the applicant’s nationality and will be judged by the competent Hungarian regional directorate. Those already residing in Hungary can submit their application directly to the competent regional directorate.

Students who are third-country nationals can obtain a residence permit if they have full time legal student relationship with a registered Hungarian public educational institution working in line with the public education information system. The same rules are applied in the case when third country nationals wish to stay in Hungary in order to carry on full time studies organized by a state-recognized higher education institution, or to participate in a preparatory course for studies organized by a state-recognized higher education institution and can prove to meet the language skill requirements.

Researchers can get a residence permit when their purpose of stay is to carry out a research project under a hosting agreement concluded with a research organization accredited in line with specific legislation.

For citizens of third countries, the Immigration Office issues a new biometric document, the EU Blue Card, a work permit and a residence permit enabling highly-skilled non-EU citizens to work and live EU-wide. The EU Blue Card is valid for a period of minimum 1 year and maximum 4 years. After 4 years, the card can be renewed for another 4 years. Blue Card holders are granted the same social and labour rights as the citizens of the receiving country.
Since 1st January 2014 as a result of law changes a single application procedure aims the authorization of the establishment of a legal employment relationship of the third-country nationals with a specific employer in the territory of Hungary on the basis of his application for more than ninety days.
The single permit is a residence permit, which entitles the third country national to establish residence and legal employment relationship with a specific employer in the territory of Hungary.

Cases of single application procedures:

  • In case the stay of the third country national submitting an application for residence permit for gainful activity aims the establishment of a legal employment relationship with a specific employer;
  • In case the third-country national intends to establish a legal employment relationship, and he/she submits a residence permit application for family reunification, or submits an application for EU Blue Card;
  • In case the third-country national intends to establish a legal employment relationship, and he/she is in possession of a residence permit issued for family reunification, or is in possession of an EU Blue Card.

Work permission for students from third countries:

Students from a third country carrying out regular studies in Hungary as part of a cooperation programme can work in their term-time for a maximum of twenty-four hours weekly, and sixty-six working days beyond their term-time or during a period not exceeding ninety days.


International students who want to stay in Hungary for more than 90 consecutive days and who are not EU citizens are required to apply for a long-term student visa to stay in the country.

Student visa requirements for Hungary vary, therefore it’s important to enquire well in advance about the entry regulations which apply to your home country. To receive a student visa for Hungary, you must first have an offer from a Hungarian university. You can only apply for your student visa prior to your departure from the Hungarian Consulate or Embassy that has jurisdiction in your state or country of permanent residence. Processing a visa usually takes around one month, but could be longer so make sure you apply as early as possible to avoid any unnecessary complications.

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