Best time to vacation in washington dc

You’re thinking of visiting Washington DC…maybe it’s your first time, maybe you lived there once long ago, maybe you just want to go back. Regardless, you want to make sure that when you visit the capitol of the United States of America, you do so at the best time. And we’re here to help – I’ve personally been several times and done a lot of research about when’s the best time to visit DC.

Visiting Washington DC is one of the most popular travel destinations in the United States. Millions of visitors each year flock to the city and surrounding areas to experience its rich history, friendly atmosphere, and beautiful scenery.

Everyone dreams of romantic vacations in tropical locales. In fact, over 80% of Americans take annual vacations and more than 50% of those trips are taken to one of four destinations: Florida, California, Hawaii, and the Virgin Islands. But what happens when it’s time to book your vacation? Many travelers find themselves trapped in a cycle of booking their trips while they’re at work. After the hard work is done, they find themselves with a weekend to spare, but still no vacation booked. It might be tempting to just pull the trigger on your trip without doing any research about your destination, but that’s not always the best strategy.

The best time to vacation in Washington D.C. is between April and October. During this period, the weather is mild and pleasant, with low humidity levels and clear skies. In addition, there are many festivals, parades, and other events taking place during this season that you can enjoy together as a family.

The best time to vacation in Washington D.C. is during the spring and summer months. This is when the weather is warmest, and there are many festivals and events happening throughout the city. The cherry blossoms in March and April are a great sight to see and make for an amazing photo opportunity, while July 4th is a fun time to be in the city.

Washington D.C. attracts huge amounts of visitors all year round with its history, amazing cultural landmarks and the outdoors drawing people from across the world. But if you want to make the most of your trip to Washington D.C., choosing when to come can make a big difference.

The best time to visit Washington D.C. is for the Cherry Blossom Festival in late March to early April or in September if you want to enjoy the outdoors and walk the historic sites in warm weather after the summer tourist crowds have disappeared.Read on to find out all about the best time to visit Washington D.C. for the weather, local events and festivals and to get the best value hotels.

SaveBest time to visit Washington D.C. - the complete guide for when you should go for the weather, festivals and everything else.

When should you go to Washington D.C.?

When to visit Washington D.C. – Summary

  • Best Time for Good Weather: The best months for weather in Washington D.C. are September through to Early October and mid-April to May. During these months, the weather is warm and pleasant for roaming around the historic capital, not hot and humid like it is during the summer months. The rainfall is moderate although this is quite consistent in D.C. throughout the year.
  • Best Time for Sightseeing: The best time to come to Washington D.C. for the amazing collection of historic and cultural sights is from September to October. The summer crowds are gone after the Labor Day weekend but the weather is still warm making it perfect for strolling from one location to another and enjoying the views.
  • Best Time for Saving Money: The lowest part of the tourist season in D.C. is From October to mid-March. January and February have some of the best value travel and hotel options after the festive season ends. One thing to note is that Washington D.C. has a large business and politics-related visitors who come all year round which means the tourist seasons are not the main reason why people come to the city. Hotel rates are much cheaper at weekends because of the business travel factor and travel to the city just before the weekend and back just after tends to be the best value so a long weekend in January is about the best value trip you can get.

Best time to visit Washington D.C.

  • Best Time for Museums and Activities: The best time for visiting museums and exploring everything there is to do in Washington D.C. is in September and October. March and April can also be great as the weather is warm and pleasant like it is in early fall but the Cherry Blossom Festival means there’s a burst of tourists coming to the city and the various museums can have longer lines as a result.
  • Best Time for Restaurants: There are two Restaurant Weeks in D.C. in January and August when 250 restaurants from across the city have fixed price menus with $22 lunches and $35 dinners which means you can try some outstanding places for an unbelievable price. Foodie events in the city also include the DC Chocolate, Wine and Whiskey Festival in February, the Giant National Capital Barbecue Battle in June and the Taste of Georgetown Festival and DC Beer Week in September. Check the festival details at the end of the article for more details.
  • Best Time for Concerts and Music: June and July are great for those who love music – the Jazz Festival, Smithsonian Folklife Festival and the Capital Fringe Festival are all on and there is plenty of other events with live music. If you want a more local feel, come in September when the different D.C. neighborhoods host their own street festivals with great local up and coming musicians on stage.
  • Best Time for Families and Kids: The best time to come as a family is in September or October. There are a lot less tourists at the main sights meaning you don’t have to wait in line to get in and the weather is still great and not too hot for the kids. You can come in April as well, but the Cherry Blossom Festival attracts a lot of crowds and there are people coming on various school and cultural exchanges which can make the place feel more busy.
  • Best time to Avoid Crowds: If you want to avoid the lines queuing to get into the main sights and have less people about, your best option is to come to Washington D.C. at some point in late January or early February. Sure – there’s still business people about, but the museums and cultural sights will be very empty, especially at weekends.

Washington D.C. travel seasons

United States Capitol building on a bright summer day with a clear blue sky in Washington D.C.
Summers in Washington D.C. are hot and humid with temperatures reaching high 80s and 90s.Orhan Cam/

High Seasons for Tourists (Late March/Early April and July to August)

The majority of tourists come to D.C. in July and August during the popular summer vacation season. Visitors from across the United States and abroad brave the hot and humid summer weather and this is the season with the highest hotel prices as a result.

The Cherry Blossom Festival at the end of March and beginning of April is another very popular time and has a burst of tourist activity around this period although it is not quite as busy as it is during the summer months.

Shoulder Seasons (Mid-April to June and September)

After the peak of the Cherry Blossom crowds dissipates, it is generally less busy for a few months until late June when the summer traffic picks up.

September is also a shoulder season – the number of visitors drops sharply after the Labor Day weekend, but as the weather is still very warm, you get some tourists picking the less busy time to visit instead.

Low Season (October to March)

October to March is generally the low season for tourism in Washington D.C. Low season in the nation’s capital is not quite the same as it may be in other cities – you will still see busloads of tourists from countries far and wide pouring out at the key spots to get that snap of the Lincoln Memorial, but it is generally a lot quieter during these months.

The majority of U.S. tourists come in the summer which leaves the cold winter months less busy and hotels can offer some great deals in January and February.

When to go to Washington D.C. for the Cherry Blossom Festival

The Cherry Blossom Festival is a 3-day event that starts on the 2nd last Friday in March and ends on the 2nd Sunday in April.

The cherry trees all over the capital are typically in full pink and purple bloom which gives the city a unique feel and visitors pour in to enjoy the scenery and the many events and activities that take place over these weeks.

The main events during this time are on Saturdays. The opening ceremony typically happens on the Saturday after the first day of the festival. The following Saturday is the Blossom Kite Festival with a huge number of kites taking to the air near the Washington Monument and on the first Saturday in April the big Parade takes over the streets of D.C.

Weather in Washington D.C. across the year

Washington Monument in the fall - a view from Washington D.C.'s Constitution Gardens
Autumn leaves in Washington D.C. are bright and the skies are clear making for perfect fall days.Orhan Cam/

Average monthly temperature and rainfall for Washington D.C.

January44.3 °F / 6.8 °C3.09 in / 78 mm
February48.0 °F / 8.9 °C2.90 in / 74 mm
March56.4 °F / 13.6 °C3.72 in / 94 mm
April67.5 °F / 19.7 °C3.51 in / 89 mm
May76.7 °F / 24.8 °C4.28 in / 109 mm
June85.6 °F / 29.8 °C4.08 in / 104 mm
July89.6 °F / 32.0 °C4.32 in / 110 mm
August88.3 °F / 31.3 °C3.41 in / 87 mm
September81.1 °F / 27.3 °C3.76 in / 96 mm
October69.9 °F / 21.1 °C3.79 in / 96 mm
November59.3°F / 15.2 °C3.47 in / 88 mm
December48.2 °F / 9.0 °C3.20 in / 81 mm

Washington D.C. weather by month

  • Washington D.C. weather in January: January is the coldest month of the year in D.C. Daily highs average 44.3 °F (6.8 °C) while nighttime lows fall below the freezing point at 26.7 °F (-2.9 °C). Snow is common and the weather will feel chilly and icy. Although precipitation is relatively low, expect rain or snowfall every 3 days on average. Average temperature: 35.5 °F / 1.9 °C. Average precipitation: 3.09 in / 78 mm.
  • Washington D.C. weather in February: The temperatures get a little warmer in February although snow will remain commonplace and nights continue to dip below freezing to an average of 28.8 °F (-1.8 °C). February is statistically the driest month of the year, although it is almost identical to January when you account for the difference in the number of days. Expect snow flurries or freezing rain a couple of times week for the majority of the month. Average temperature: 38.4 °F / 3.6 °C. Average precipitation: 2.90 in / 74 mm.
  • Washington D.C. weather in March: March is a shoulder season for weather in Washington D.C. The month starts off cool and can continue having occasional snow and ice, but it warms up quickly with daily highs going above 60 °F (16 °C) for a few days at the end of the month causing the famous cherry blossom. Nighttime lows average 36.0 °F (2.2 °C) but it’s a month of two halves with late March typically staying well above freezing. Average temperature: 46.2 °F / 7.9 °C. Average precipitation: 3.72 in / 94 mm.
  • Washington D.C. weather in April: The warm spring really arrives in Washington D.C. in April. Night temperatures bottom out at 45.3 °F (7.4 °C) with only one day in the month dipping below freezing in the average year. Rainfall remains moderate and daily highs reach an average of 67.5 °F (19.7 °C) with temperatures frequently going into the 70s (over 21 °C) in late April. Average temperature: 56.4 °F / 13.6 °C. Average precipitation: 3.51 in / 89 mm.
  • Washington D.C. weather in May: May is statistically the wettest month in the year going by the number of days on which it rains. Although July tips it in the total volume of water that plummets from the sky, May averages over 12 wet days – pack your umbrella! The temperatures warm up and nighttime lows are a comfortable 55.1 °F (12.8 °C). Towards the end of the month, expect a few days to break 90 °F (32 °C) was the summer turns up in earnest. Average temperature: 65.9 °F / 18.8 °C. Average precipitation: 4.28 in / 109 mm.
  • Washington D.C. weather in June: The hot and humid summer really kicks in in June. Average daily highs are at 85.6 °F (29.8 °C) with every third day climbing to over 90 °F (32 °C). June is the middle of the wetter period in terms of total rainfall, but you are more likely to get an afternoon downpour than spring drizzle. Expect it to be a little cooler at night with average lows at 64.7 °F (18.2 °C). Average temperature: 75.1 °F / 23.9 °C. Average precipitation: 4.08 in / 104 mm.
  • Washington D.C. weather in July: July in Washington D.C. is hot, humid and sticky. This is the month with the highest temperatures and the most total rainfall. Most days will have a daily high of over 90 °F (32 °C) and even the lows are high at 69.6 °F (20.9 °C). You will want lots of water, clothing that is kind to hot and humid temperatures and to spend as much time as you can in air conditioned museums! Average temperature: 79.6 °F / 26.4 °C. Average precipitation: 4.32 in / 110 mm.
  • Washington D.C. weather in August: August in D.C. stays very hot and humid but there are fewer rainstorms than earlier in the summer. Daily highs continue to feel hot, averaging 88.3 °F (31.3 °C) and there is little respite at night when the temperatures stay a warm average of 67.7 °F (19.8 °C). Seek refuge indoors or at one of the water features where you’re allowed to dip your toes to cool down. Average temperature: 78.0 °F / 25.6 °C. Average precipitation: 3.41 in / 87 mm.
  • Washington D.C. weather in September: Early September stays warm, but temperatures begin reducing to a much more comfortable level from Labor Day onward. Later on in the month daily highs stay below 80 °F (27 °C) which will still feel pleasantly warm but not unbearably hot. Nighttime lows average 59.4 °F (15.2 °C) which makes evenings near-perfect with a breeze blowing in from the ocean. Average temperature: 70.3 °F / 21.3 °C. Average precipitation: 3.76 in / 96 mm.
  • Washington D.C. weather in October: The weather in D.C. changes fast in October. Early in the month, the daily highs will stay in the 70s (above 21 °C) but as the month progresses, it will get a lot cooler with daily highs dropping to around 60 °F (15.6 °C) and a few nights dropping to or even below the freezing point as November approaches. Average temperature: 58.5 °F / 14.7 °C. Average precipitation: 3.79 in / 96 mm.
  • Washington D.C. weather in November: Winter begins arriving in Washington D.C. in November. Daily highs begin dropping towards the 50 degree mark (10 °C) and below freezing at nights at the end of the month making for icy mornings. Rainfall is relatively low with only 1 or sometimes 2 days a week with any substantial rain coming down but it will begin feeling very chilly and you will need to get your scarf out! Average temperature: 48.8 °F / 9.3 °C. Average precipitation: 3.47 in / 88 mm.
  • Washington D.C. weather in December: December is the first proper month of the cold winter season in D.C. There is not much rainfall or snow but the days become cold with the averages hovering a little above freezing and everything freezing over during the night. The relative humidity and the proximity of the ocean can make it feel cooler than the temperature measurement – wrap up warm! Average temperature: 39.2 °F / 4.0 °C. Average precipitation: 3.20 in / 81 mm.

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