How Do I Get A Work Permit For My 15 Year Old

If you’re the parent of a 15 year old, you might be seriously dreading the “talk.” You’ve heard a lot of horror stories about teenagers getting into trouble — and sorting out the work permit situation is only part of it! As a parent, there are a lot of questions that come up when your child has applied for a work permit: Where can they work? What hours can they work? How many hours can they work? What restrictions can they have? And what if they miss some days or don’t show up at all?Your 15 year old is looking for a part time job. You want to let him, but you know he cannot work without a child labour permit and you’re not sure how to go about getting one. Not to worry. In this article you’ll learn the steps needed to get your teen working legally.

How Do I Get A Work Permit For My 15 Year Old

Every year, the Canadian government issues thousands of work permits for students and international graduates. Many of those students will continue to live, work and earn their full-time income in Canada after they graduate. How do you get a work permit if you are under 18? And if you have an aging parent who needs your support and help, can you legally work in Canada with a study permit?

Information on Minors and Employment

Almost all minors under the age of 18 are subject to California’s child labor protections. Under the California Labor Code, “minor” is defined as any person under the age of 18 years required to attend school under the provisions of the Education Code, and any person under age six. “Dropouts” are subject to California’s compulsory education laws, and thus are subject to all state child labor law requirements. Emancipated minors, while subject to all California’s child labor laws, may apply for a work permit without their parents’ permission.

Child Labor Laws

The Labor Commissioner’s child labor law booklet contains comprehensive information about child labor laws, school attendance, wage, hour, and age requirements, restrictions, employer requirements and work permits. It also includes references and links to the state Labor Code, the Education Code and other relevant laws and regulations.

table summarizing child labor law requirements and restrictions categorized by age, and penalties for violating child labor laws is also posted for reference.

Work Permits

Except in limited circumstances defined in law and summarized in the Child Labor Law Booklet, all minors under 18 years of age employed in the state of California must have a permit to work.

Prior to permitting a minor to work, employers must possess a valid Permit to Employ and Work. The Permit to Employ and Work are issued on the same form. A Permit to Employ and Work in industries other than entertainment is usually issued by an authorized person at the minor’s school. During summer months or when school is not in session the work permit is obtained from the superintendent of the school district in which the minor resides.

Typically, after an employer agrees to hire a minor, the minor obtains from his or her school a Department of Education form entitled “Statement of Intent to Employ Minor and Request for Work Permit“. The form must be completed by the minor and the employer and signed by the minor’s parent or guardian and the employer. After returning the completed and signed form to the school, school officials may issue the permit to employ and work.

Permits issued during the school year expire five days after the opening of the next succeeding school year and must be renewed.

Entertainment Work Permits

Minors aged 15 days to 18 years employed in the entertainment industry must have a permit to work, and employers must have a permit to employ, both permits being issued by the Labor Commissioner’s Office. These permits are also required for minors making phonographic recordings or who are employed as advertising or photographic models. Permits are required even when the entertainment is noncommercial in nature.

The Fair Labor Standards Act and Child Labor

The FLSA regulates the types of jobs that minors can do by taking into consideration the age of the minor and the nature of the work. In general, the FLSA provides that:

  • minors who are at least 16 years old can do any type of work unless it’s hazardous, and
  • those who are 14 or 15 years old can do some jobs with limited hours.

According to the Secretary of Labor, hazardous jobs often involve:

  • mining
  • slaughtering and meat packing
  • working with explosives or engaging in excavating activities
  • operating certain power-driven machines and tools
  • wrecking and demolition activities
  • manufacturing tile and brick, and
  • roofing activities.

There are also special rules that apply to minors who do agricultural work. Children employed by farms that are not owned by their parents, for example, are not permitted to work during the school day and may need parental consent for certain jobs.

Does the FLSA Apply to All Child Labor?

Not all minors are covered by the FLSA. There are exceptions for:

  • newspaper carriers
  • child performers or actors
  • children under the age of 16 who do nonhazardous work for their parents, and
  • children younger than 16 who are involved in apprenticeships and training programs.

Outside of the FLSA’s general guidelines, child labor is regulated by the state in which you work. This includes whether you will need a work permit to get a job.

What Is a Work Permit?

In most states, a work permit is necessary for anyone under the age of 18 to become legally employed. The purpose of this document is to ensure that the minor is not underage and is physically fit to work.

State laws vary, but a work permit generally consists of an employment certificate or an age certificate, or both.

An employment certificate shows that the minor meets the state’s criteria for employment, which might include a doctor’s note indicating that the minor is cleared medically. An age certificate, on the other hand, simply provides proof of the minor’s age.

Do not get lost in the terminology. Many states issue one document that covers all the things that a minor would need to get a job, whether it’s called a work permit, work certificate, or employment certificate.

Do I Need a Work Permit, and How Do I Get a Work Permit?

The best way to determine if you need working papers is to check the U.S. Department of Labor’s helpful state-by-state guide to work permits.

Work permits are normally issued by school guidance counseling departments and state labor departments. Your school’s guidance counselors will most likely have work permit applications on hand and should be able to answer all your questions. Applications and further guidance can also be found online; check the website of your state’s department of labor.

What Do I Need to Apply for a Work Permit?

Remember, each state has its own set of rules and regulations, but in most cases you will need:

  • an application in which you provide personal information such as your Social Security number and date of birth
  • proof of a recent physical or a doctor’s note
  • identification documents such as a birth certificate, passport, driver’s license, state issued photo ID, or passport, and
  • the signature of your parents or guardian on the application.

In California, for example, the application needs to be completed by the minor, parent, and prospective employer. The employer will need to describe the nature of the work, and the number of hours the minor will work per day and per week.

New York color-codes working papers depending on whether the minor is 14 to 15 years old, 16 to 17 years old and in school, or 16 to 17 years old and out of school. The original employment certificate must be given to the employer and returned at the end of the job. Employers are not permitted to take photocopies.

Most states have a different set of rules and paperwork for agricultural, entertainment, and newspaper delivery jobs.

Before You Start Working

If you are a teenager looking to enter the working world, a good place to start is the federal government’s YouthRules! website. This site is designed to educate young workers and their parents on everything from workplace safety to wage and hour laws.

One thing to keep in mind is that employers can have their own age and hour requirements so long as they do not conflict with state and federal law. You might be a mature 15-year-old who is ready to balance school and work, but to work at many fast food chains, for example, you need to be at least 16 years old.

Finally, while most teenagers now conduct their job hunt online, don’t underestimate the value of visiting the places you want to work and trying to chat with the manager about any openings. A friendly smile and firm handshake can help you stand out from the crowd.

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