Requirements For Permanent Residence Visa In South Africa

You are an expatriate living in South Africa. While you enjoy living abroad, hindrances come along with the job. You are not a South African citizen and therefore cannot explore the country beyond your international business dealings on work. This makes it difficult for you to move around without being questioned as to why you have no ID or passport.However, as a non-South African citizen but with family here, you can get a permanent residence visa in South Africa while enjoying the freedom of exploring the country that you so love. All you need is to apply for the right visa on time and follow the legal steps to be granted residence.

Are you living in South Africa and thinking about permanent residence? There are a few steps you’ll need to go through first. Find out what requirements for the Permanent Residence Visa.

Each year, many thousands of immigrants flock to South Africa in search of greener pastures. The reasons for these migration may vary from personal to professional.

From the section 3.2 of the South African Department of Home Affairs, the following factors must be considered:

Requirements For Permanent Residence Visa In South Africa

South Africa welcomes immigrants who are in a position to make a meaningful contribution to broadening the economic base of South Africa.

Before you can apply for a permanent residency permit, you must first motivate why you should not  be declared a prohibited person or an undesirable person.

You and your spouse qualify for a direct permanent residence permit if you have lived in South Africa on the basis of your work permit for a minimum period of five years. Dependents of South African citizens or permanent residence permit holders can also apply.

Residency on other grounds applies to foreigners who:

  • are in possession of a permanent work offer in South Africa
  • have exceptional skills and qualifications
  • intend to establish a business in South Africa
  • qualify as refugees in terms of Section 27(c) of the Refugees Act
  • qualify as retired persons
  • are financially independent or
  • are relatives (biologically or judicially adopted) of a South African citizen or permanent residence permit holder.

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