How Long Does It Take To Get A Visa For Ghana Employers

 Visa processes in Ghana vary based on the type of visa you are applying for. Single entry visas can be obtained faster than multiple entry visas depending on the level of travel required. An internal company transfer might take a couple weeks to process but an external move or a foreign worker could take around 2-4 weeks to process. In some cases, visas are ready a few days after being lodged based on the availability of documentation. This varies depending on the Ghana embassy abroad and their processing times. I will go into how long visas can take and how you can shorten this period below.So you need to get someone’s visa cleared for immigration to your company in Ghana and you want to know how long do visa processing take. But before we begin, let me say that this article will be dealing with the clearance of a work permit visa, but if your target destination is somewhere else in West Africa, the laws are the same.

How Long Does It Take To Get A Visa For Ghana Employers

Officially, this happens almost instantly. But the unofficial answer is that it takes at least 2 weeks of work (but can take longer). I’m going to break down the process here so you don’t have to worry about doing the wrong thing or being caught unaware.

Ghana Work Visas & Permits

Ghana’s sustained economic growth makes this West African nation a viable option for businesses searching for locations where they can expand abroad. That said, you’ll need to make sure any foreign employees have the necessary visas and permits before they can begin working for your company in Ghana.


 Reading Time: 3 minutes

Ghana’s sustained economic growth makes this West African nation a viable option for businesses searching for locations where they can expand abroad. That said, you’ll need to make sure any foreign employees have the necessary visas and permits before they can begin working for your company in Ghana.

Types of Work Visas in Ghana

Like any other country, Ghana offers a specific set of visas to foreign nationals. Citizens of nations within the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) are able to travel to Ghana without an entry visa. All other foreign nationals will need to obtain a visa from the Ghanaian embassy in their country of residence.

Types of visas include:

  • Single-entry visas, which allow the holder to cross the Ghanaian border once and stay for up to three months
  • In addition to an entry visa, foreign nationals will need a residence permit and a work permit to live and work in Ghana.

Requirements to Obtain Ghana Work Visas

It’s up to the employer to apply for a work permit on behalf of any foreign workers they hire. The employee will need to provide the following documents:

  • A photocopy of a valid passport
  • A CV demonstrating the employee’s qualifications to work in Ghana
  • A medical certificate
  • A police background check from the employee’s country of residence

In addition to these documents, the employer must provide:

  • The employment contract
  • The company’s current audit code
  • A tax clearance certificate
  • Regulations of the company code
  • The company’s certificates of incorporation and registration
  • The company’s certificate to commence business
  • Proof that the company advertised the job to local workers in Ghana

After obtaining a work permit, foreign nationals will still need a residence permit before they can begin working in Ghana. The required documents for this permit include:

  • Two passport photos
  • A valid original passport
  • An approved work permit
  • An employment contract
  • A non-citizen ID card
  • Business registration documents and tax clearances for the employer

Application Process

While the list of required documents to obtain work and residence permits in Ghana may seem daunting, the application procedures are relatively straightforward.

The prospective employee should begin by applying for an entry visa at the Ghanaian embassy in their country of residence — or in the nearest country if there is no embassy in the country of residence. In addition to a completed application form, applicants should be prepared to provide a visa that is valid for at least six months, passport photos, a letter from their employer, and proof of immunization against yellow fever.

The employee should also provide any necessary documents to the employer so that they can apply for a work permit and residence permit. Applications for work permits and residence permits should be submitted to the Ghana Immigration Service (GIS).

Once the GIS has approved both permits, the employee may travel to Ghana and begin working.

Other Important Considerations

There’s a strong possibility that some employees will wish to bring family members along to Ghana, so your company should be familiar with the process for them as well. Foreign employees who hold residence permits can apply for dependent resident permits on behalf of spouses, children, and parents over the age of 60. In addition to the standard documents, applicants will need to provide proof of the relationship to the employee, such as a marriage or birth certificate.

Learn More About Globalization Partners

Need to onboard international employees right now? We can help with your global hiring needs. Contact us and request a proposal.

At this moment, Globalization Partners does not offer support processing work visas or permits in this particular location.
For any other inquiries about our global employment platform, contact us today.

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