How Much To Renew Maid Work Permit In Malaysia

How much to renew maid work permit in Malaysia – You might be wondering how much it costs to renew your maid work permit. Even though the industry has experienced a growth and income improvement, the housing requirements insist on maintaining the minimum standard of living standards that the people can enjoy. With the influx of tourists in Malaysia, there is a lot of demand for domestic workers. The competition among employers has heightened too, making this industry a highly competitive one.

Leave the country, and you’ll need to apply for a new work permit. This can be quite a hassle, especially if you’re moving jobs or changing your employer. If you don’t know what to do, then look no further because today I’m going to teach you everything you need to know about renewing your maid work permit in Malaysia.

As a foreign worker, it is IMPORTANT that you renew your work permit before your expiry date. If you have been working in Malaysia for more than six months but have not renewed your work permit yet, you may be subject to fines and/or jail time upon departure from Malaysia. The fines are very steep and it is not worth the trouble to pay them unless you do not plan to return to Malaysia anytime soon (one year or less). If you have been working at a maid agency in Malaysia, the fine can amount up to RM5000 which is unjustified!

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