
Absconding Case For Tourist Visa In Uae

Absconding Case For Tourist Visa In Uae is a crime. If you are caught absconding, you can be imprisoned for months or even years. The worrying part is that it is a charge which one can be imprisoned for 10 years for just two years probation. The question should always be what will happen after leaving the country? Will you be arrested and extradited back to Dubai if there are charges pressed against you?

Absconding Case For Tourist Visa In Uae has become a very common case in UAE. In the past few years, there have been several cases of absconding that have been reported for tourists who have attempted to travel out of the UAE illegally. The reasons for such cases vary but in most cases, these tourists fail their tourist visa application and then re-apply for another visa with new addresses after illegally leaving their country. We will base our discussion today on Absconding Case For Tourist Visa In Uae. But, other resources which you can find on our website include some frequently asked questions such as: absconding case for tourist visa 2022 uae and tourist visa absconding case

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Absconding Case For Tourist Visa In Uae

There has been an increasing trend of people absconding from their tourist visas in the UAE. In many cases, these individuals have simply overstayed their welcome and are trying to avoid being caught and deported. However, there have also been instances where people have used their tourist visa as a way to enter the country and then disappear. This article will explore the reasons why people may be absconding from their tourist visas in the UAE, as well as the implications this has for both the individual and the country.

What is the absconding case for tourist visa in UAE?

If you have been issued a tourist visa for the United Arab Emirates, it is important to note that overstaying your visa or absconding from your sponsors can result in serious legal consequences. If you are found to have overstayed your visa, you will be fined and may be subject to imprisonment and/or deportation. If you abscond from your sponsor, they may file an absconding case against you with the police, which can also lead to fines and imprisonment. It is therefore essential that you make sure you adhere to the terms of your visa, and if you are unsure about anything, seek professional advice before taking any actions that could put you at risk of breaching your visa conditions.

How to avoid absconding case for tourist visa in UAE?

There are a few things you can do to avoid an absconding case if you’re on a tourist visa in the UAE:

-Make sure you keep your passport and visa with you at all times.

-Keep your accommodation details and contact information up to date.

-Make sure you leave the country before your visa expires.

-If you need to extend your stay, apply for a new visa well in advance.

-Keep track of your finances and make sure you have enough money to support yourself while you’re in the UAE.

What are the consequences of absconding case for tourist visa in UAE?

If you abscond from your job in the UAE, you will be subject to a number of consequences. First and foremost, your employer will report you to the authorities and you will be placed on the black list. This means that you will be banned from entering the UAE again and your name will be circulated to all immigration authorities in the Gulf region. Secondly, you will forfeit any outstanding salary or end-of-service benefits that you are owed by your employer. Finally, you may face criminal charges in the UAE if your employer decides to press charges against you.

How to solve absconding case for tourist visa in UAE?

If you have absconding case for tourist visa in UAE, there are a few things that you can do in order to try and solve the issue. The first thing that you should do is try to contact the sponsor of your visa. If you are unable to get in touch with them, then you can try to contact a lawyer who specializes in UAE visa issues. Additionally, it is important to try and gather as much evidence as possible to support your case. This may include things like flight tickets, hotel reservations, and other documentation that can show that you had every intention of leaving the country after your vacation.

The right on absconding request, reasons and necessity

In accordance with legal regulations and construction of employment regime sponsor is individually responsible for the employee and his occupation in the UAE. Legal obligation and responsibility is usually determined by the employment contact. If the reason of occupation in UAE of an individual is connected with employment, the sponsor in the visa has right to report absconding in case the location of employee is unknown or he is absent from work without any valid reason. 

In pandemic period work conditions have changed and physical presence of employee in the office became impossible during quarantine or in some occasions unnecessary later after lock down, so the conditions of absconding request also changed.

If the employer/ sponsor of visa would like to ensure that the employee is not violating the duties and also immigration regime the one should ensure and provide all conditions for remote work and instructions of reporting in online regime, sources and way of contact. It would help prevent violations and also make it easier to obtain evidence that the employee is missing from work.

Recently UAE government announced a new visa regime that is possible in the country and residence which is remote visa. Remote visa is a new self-sponsored Remote Work Visa that will enable employees from all over the world to live and work remotely from the UAE, even if their companies are based in another country. For this type of visa comparing with the regular residency visa absconding measures aren’t necessary.

Review of absconding request

In case the employee is absent from the work during 7 consequent days and his location is unknown employer/visa sponsor has right to report run away case. This regulation wasn’t been changed during pandemic. However the reason for such request might be been extended. For example employer might use switched contact device as a reason if the information about employee, his location and home address is unknown.

Once the employer/sponsor reported run away case in the Ministry of Labour or directly in the immigration (for Free zone employment) the authorities should start investigation proceedings against employee and in case within this time the employee will try to travel he will be stopped in the airport.

Removal Process 

Both employee and employer have right to request for removal or withdraw request through the authorities. There are several ways to remove absconding:

Option 1: Settlement between parties, the process takes place online and the meeting over the phone. If the parties reached to settlement and absconding removal they can end up with visa cancelation or continue work relations. During this process either party applies the case to the court and the matter might on urgent basic.

Option 2: Removal of absconding by employer or due to violations by employer. If it was occurred that the employer violated the right and raised the case without reasons or grounds aforesaid will face responsibility by way of fine.

Option 3: Removal through the Court. In case the parties are unable to reach the settlement and both provided evidence in support, the employee has right to raise a claim in the court to see the matter. This will be possible if there are additional demands from the employee’s side, for example end of service payment, salary ext. During court proceedings the court will have a look on all evidences and take reasonable decision on the demands of the claim together with order on absconding removal. If the employee has strict evidence the judge might lift the absconding before the judgment is in place.

In case labour relations will be finished due to absconding report the employee will be restricted to work in UAE for a period of 1 year in accordance to article 128 of UAE Labour law No 8 of 1980:

“Should the non – national Worker leave work without a valid cause prior to the end of the Contract with limited term, he may not get another employment even with the permission of Employer for a year from the date of abandonment of the work.”

Article 129: If the non-national employee has notified the employer of his desire to terminate the contract with unlimited period and has absented himself from work before the end of the legal notice period, he may not take up employment elsewhere before the lapse of one year from date of absence from work, even with consent of employer, and no other employer, who is aware of the case may recruit him or keep him in service before the end of such period.

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