Albania Need Visa For Dubai

Following requirements of UAE’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, citizens from Albania are no longer able to obtain a free Visa Online for entry into the United Arab Emirates.

All Albanian passport holders must obtain eVisa in order to gain entry into the country. A representative from the UAE Embassy in Tirana stated, “Albania nationals that can apply for an eVisa, can do so via the website” As of December 2015, Albania is not included on the E-visa list, but it will be possible to apply for an eVisa in February 2016.

Are you a citizen of Albania? If yes, make sure you get an electronic visa for Dubai first before heading to the UAE. Why? Because you don’t have any other choice. For your information, citizens of countries like China, Cambodia, Bangladesh and Laos – just to mention but a few – are also required to have an electronic visa for Dubai before entering its borders. However, the procedure is really easy and it doesn’t take long to get one.

Depending on the aim of your visit, you may require a visa to Dubai. The type of visa required for your stay in Dubai depends on how long you plan to stay in Dubai. A Tourist Visa allows you to visit friends and relatives, or undertake sightseeing for less than 90 days. If you want to stay in Dubai for more than 90 days, and do not plan to perform any paid activities, in that case, you would need a Residence Visa.

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