American Getting Work Visa In Canada

Following the events of September 11th, 2001, many people became leery about entering the United States for any reason. For example, if an individual had to deal with court matters in the United States, that often entailed a personal appearance. If the person were overseas and outside of their country of citizenship (this includes Canada), they would often be required to obtain special visas to allow them to legally enter the U.S. in order to deal with their personal legal issues here .

One of the biggest misconceptions people have is that Canada will welcome with open arms any American who wants to move here. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Getting your work visa in Canada is a multi-layered process. You need to find out the eligibility criteria which differs from one province to another, then go through the paper process, and finally get the visa stamped in your passport. In short: it’s a long process for American’s migrating to Canada.

Following the events of September 11th, 2001, many people became leery about entering the United States for any reason. For example, if an individual had to deal with court matters in the United States, that often entailed a personal appearance. If the person were overseas and outside of their country of citizenship (this includes Canada), they would often be required to obtain special visas to allow them to legally enter the U.S. in order to deal with their personal legal issues here .

Americans Working in Canada

If you are an American citizen, you may be eligible to apply for a Canadian work permit or apply to work in Canada under the Skilled Worker Program, which could eventually lead to permanent residency.

Obtaining a Canadian Work Permit for Americans

Thanks to the USMCA (United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement), it is much easier for a United States citizen to obtain a work permit in Canada. However, there are still requirements that must be met. These requirements include:

  • You must have a job offer from a Canadian employer
  • The job offer must be listed in the USMCA agreement
  • You must be able to prove you are a United States citizen
  • You must be able to demonstrate that you have work experience and education that make you qualified for the job you’ve been offered.

You may also be required to obtain a positive LMO. This is also called a Labour Market Opinion, and your employer will obtain this on your behalf while giving you a copy for your work permit application. This assures the Canadian government that there are no Canadians available to fill the job you’ve been offered.

Americans Applying Under the Skilled Worker Program

If you would like to work in Canada but would like to use your work experience as a pathway to permanent residency, you could also consider the Skilled Worker Program. To be eligible for the Skilled Worker Program, you will need to have at least one year of full-time work experience in a management occupation, a professional and related occupation, a technical occupation, skilled trade or paraprofessional occupation. You will also need to determine your eligibility based on the program’s point system, which measures certain criteria such as your language proficiency, work experience and age.

Are You a US Citizen Looking to Work in Canada?

If so, Contact VisaPlace today. All our cases are handled by competent and experienced immigration professionals who are part of the VisaPlace team. These professionals consist of lawyers, licensed paralegals and consultants who work for VisaPlace Legal an award winning immigration firm that adheres to the highest standards of client service.

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