Americans Need Visa For Italy

Many don’t know visa needed for Italy. Americans Need Visa For Italy – Visiting Italy with a concert from your close vacation. Americans Need Visa For Italy – will present you an important view about the important things when you visit Italy. Americans Need Visa For Italy – This article serves the purpose to show that how things works in Italy. Tourists want to visit every single place of their choice and it is always their aim to get some enjoyment from their trips. One should find out about everything before going for any trip because that makes our travel as well as stay productive and enjoyable both in wordlwide and local tours.

Americans will no longer be able to travel to Italy without a visa starting October 1, 2012. U.S. citizens can obtain the visa from their local Italian consulate or embassy and then make their plans to visit Italy. The ESTA (Electronic System for Travel Authorization) is considered by many as the ‘electronic visa’ that allows travelers the right to enter Italy for a period of up to 90 days within a six-month period and still be protected by Italian law. Visas will not be required for Americans traveling to Italy for tourism, but only for business or transit purposes. Only citizens who are 13 years old or above can apply for an Italian travel visa .

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Visiting/Living in Italy

Home U.S. Citizen Services | Local Resources for U.S. Citizens | Visiting/Living in Italy

Americans staying in Italy over three months are encouraged to sign up with the Consulates. See the “Smart Traveler Enrollment Program” webpage for information.

Americans in Italy are considered either a “non-resident” or a “resident.”
Each of these classifications carries a different set of privileges and responsibilities:


Americans staying or traveling within Italy for less than three (3) months are considered non-residents. This includes persons on vacation, those taking professional trips, students registered at an authorized school, or persons performing research or independent study.

As of May 28, 2007, under Italian law ( ), all non-residents are required to complete a dichiarazione di presenza (declaration of presence). Tourists arriving from a non-Schengen-country (e.g. the United States) should obtain a stamp in their passport at the airport on the day of arrival. This stamp is considered the equivalent of the declaration of presence. Tourists arriving from a Schengen-country (e.g. France) must request the declaration of presence form from a local police office (commissariato di zona), police headquarters (questura) or their place of stay (e.g hotel, hostel, campgrounds) and submit the form to the police or to their place of stay within eight business days of arrival. It is important that applicants keep a copy of the receipt issued by the Italian authorities. Failure to complete a declaration of presence is punishable by expulsion from Italy. Additional information may be obtained from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs  and the Polizia di Stato

Tourists may bring motor vehicles bearing non-Italian license plates for no longer than six (6) months without paying customs duties. At the expiration of this period the motor vehicle must be re-exported or registered and Italian license plates obtained. If it is not registered, the violator can be charged with smuggling and is subject to penalties.


Americans staying in Italy for more than three (3) months are considered residents. This includes Americans who will work or transact business and persons who want to simply live in Italy.

Americans must have an entrance visa which should be obtained at an Italian consulate before coming to Italy, in order to remain in Italy more than three months and gain resident status. This procedure will take several weeks to complete so it is advisable to apply well in advance of the departure date. The visa will be granted only for the time indicated on the application. Americans already in Italy without a visa will have to leave Italy to obtain one before they will be able to gain resident status

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