Application For Open Work Permit In Canada

Applications for open work permits in Canada are automatically reviewed and must be submitted by the applicant or through an authorized representative. The employer may also apply on behalf of the employee. Applications for open work permits for spouses/common law partners and children require that applicants show evidence of a bona fide relationship, usually by providing copies of documents such as marriage or birth certificates, proof of a home purchase and lease agreement and income tax returns (and children’s birth certificates). Any financial assets that you have in Canada must also be declared.

An open work permit allows a foreign national to work in Canada without a specific or defined employer. The holder of an open work permit can accept offers of employment from any Canadian employer.

Applying for a work permit in Canada can be exceedingly difficult. These days, you’ll have to apply online, which is a good thing. You’ll also have to upload copies of your identification and educational credentials to ensure that you’re eligible for the particular permit you are applying for. This can take a lot of time if your documents aren’t organized. If there is one thing that you learn from reading this article, it is what criteria you need to meet in order to qualify for a work permit in Canada, whether it is through the International Experience Canada program or any other means.

How do I apply for an open work permit?

Check to see if there are special instructions for you

Some applicants need to follow special instructions to apply for their open work permit. This applies to

Apply for an open work permit

If you are applying from outside Canada:

In the “Details of intended work in Canada” section of the IMM 1295 application form:

  • choose “Open Work Permit” for question 1
  • leave questions 2 to 6 blank

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