Application For Schengen Visa For Spain

Schengen visa Spain application is a procedure of the Spanish Embassy or Consulate to issue an approval of entry into Spain. To obtain a visa travelers must meet specific requirements and be able to show that they can reside without work in Spain (or another Schengen country) and sustain themselves financially during their stay.

Spain has become a major tourist destination in recent years, as it attracts more and more people every year. In recent decades, the country has had a high level of emigration. But today it is possible to travel legally to Spain without spending too much money.

Been to Spain before? If so, you already know the kind of beauty it’s considered to have. If not, get ready to find out! Spain is the country we’d like to share our passion with. When you’re there, you’ll think that it’s somewhat tricky to enter the local culture. Still, we will share a collection of Spanish background info as well as practical information you may need every day while staying on that beautiful Spanish landlocked territory.

Documents and requirements to process a Schengen Visa

To successfully apply for a Schengen Visa, applicants must submit the following documentation:

  • Visa application form (completed with no errors)
  • Two recent passport photos (last three months)
  • Valid passport (minimum validity of three months with at least two blank pages)
  • Travel itinerary (document with flight dates and numbers showing entry and exit points in the Schengen area)
  • Health insurance (documents from insurance provider)
  • Proof of accommodation (evidence showing where you will be staying throughout your time in Schengen)
  • Letter from tour organizer (if traveling with a tour agency)
  • Proof of sufficient funds (showing you have enough money to fund your trip)
  • Evidence of employment status (if employed i.e. work contract)
  • Income tax return (if self-employed)
  • For students: proof of university or college enrollment
  • For minors: birth certificate, letter of consent from parents, passport copies of both parents/legal guardian

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