Australia Online Visa For Indian

The Republic of India, often known as the   ‘~ Subcontinent of India,” lies in southern Asia, on the Indian Continent. The country is bordered to the north by Pakistan, to the northwest by Afghanistan, to the east by Nepal, Bhutan and China and to the south, Bangladesh is situated. This country occupies an area of 3.29 million square miles or 8.14 million kilometers square, making it the second largest country in terms of area (after Russia) in Asia. Karachi is the largest city with a population of over 11.8 million people. In this article we will also be discussing about Australia Visa, Australia Online Visa For Indian

If you are looking for an Australian visa, but are unable to visit the Australian Embassy, then look no further and check out Smart Visas 4u. Such a service will enable you to get your visa online without any hassle (provided all the necessary documents are ready).

Table of Contents

Australian visas

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For information regarding the current visa processing arrangements, see I want to apply for a visa.

You must have a valid Australian visa to travel to and enter Australia.

On this website we have included additional information that may be of interest to citizens of India, Bangladesh, Bhutan and Nepal. Detailed information is available on the Department of Home Affairs website.

Visa Options

This is a list of most common Australian visa options. If you are unsure which visa is right for you use our Visa Finder.

Visitor VisasStudying and Training Visas
Australian Citizenship by DescentFamily and partner visas
Resident Return visasTransit visa
Medical Treatment visaWorking and skilled visas
See: More visa options 

How to Apply for an Australian Visa

  • Use the Visa Finder to help you find the visa most likely to meet your specific circumstances, if you don’t already know which visa to apply for.
  • Your application may require supporting documents. Refer to the visa requirements provided under the respective visa options to help you prepare the evidence you need.
  • Lodge online using ImmiAccount

IMPORTANT: You should apply for your visa well in advance of your intended travel date. We recommend that you do not finalise your travel arrangements until you have a valid visa to travel to Australia.

Other ways to lodge your application – only for applicants located in Bangladesh, Bhutan and Nepal

The Department of Home Affairs no longer accepts paper FA600 Visitor visa applications. All applications must be lodged online.

VFS offer Online Visa Assist

VFS Global’s Online Visa Assist service provides you expert, personalised assistance with completing, submitting and paying for your online application ONLY at the visa application centres located in Bangladesh, Bhutan and Nepal.

To locate the nearest visa application collection centre, please visit the VFS Global websites:

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