Australia Visa For France

Are you planning to live in France? If yes, then there are various options available for getting a visa. Unlike many countries around the world, France does not have a points based visa system.   Australia Visa For France

Today in this modern world many people are interested in coming to France and settling down here for their whole life or, at least, for several years. This is due to the high level of living, the economic opportunities and high level of culture that the country is known for. If you are making a decision about moving to France and are looking into Canada Visa especially, you should bear in mind that it is necessary to process and prepare for this kind of procedure, which can take time.

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What documents do I need for an Australian eVisitor visa?

To apply for an Australian eVisitor visa, French visitors will need to have:

  • A valid passport
  • An email address
  • A phone number
  • Debit/credit card information

When applying for an eVisitor, it is important to remember to enter the information exactly as it appears on the passport; otherwise, the traveller risks having their application denied.

An approved visa does not guarantee entry into Australia. It is crucial to travel on the same passport that was used to apply for the visa.

Australian eVisitor visa application for French citizens

To start the application process, travellers will need to access the Australian Online Visa system where they will be asked to enter biographical and passport information. Applicants will also have to enter a valid email address and credit/debit card information as there is a visa fee to have the information processed.

It can take up to 2 days to receive the granted permit after submitting the visa application. It can take longer in case more information or documents are needed.

Once the application is approved, the petitioner will receive their visa via email. Visitors should keep an electronic copy of their permit on hand and get a print-out to take with them to the airport. French citizens will have to show this to the Australian Border Force along with their passport.

Once they are cleared by customs, the eVisitor visa will be attached to their passport and this will allow them to enter Australia for the given time-frame.

Before they land in Australia, foreigners will also be asked to fill out an Incoming Passenger Card or IPC which asks passengers to list any customs or quarantine declarations they may need to make. It also allows them to declare any cash they are bringing in above a certain amount. Finally, it requires them to list the address they are going to be staying at in Australia and any contacts they might have in the country.

Please note that eVisitor visa holders are not allowed to take up paid work while in Australia. However, an exception is made for unpaid volunteer work. If at any time while in Australia the visitor’s phone number or email address change, they are required to let the Australian Home Office know immediately. It is important to plan the departure from the country before the duration of the visa is up. Failing to do so is considered overstaying one’s visa and breaking the Australian immigration rules.

eVisitor visa application in French

Travellers from France who do not speak English should note that the eVisitor online application is available in a variety of languages, including French. Simply use the button below to access the online application in French.

eVisitor application in French

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