Australia Visa In Nigeria

In order to know about Australia Visa In Nigeria, you must have the idea of visa and immigration first. So, the first topic under this post is visa; in which it has different kinds and types. Immigration is something else, which is a matter to discuss about later because it is not that much easy as visa issue.

The Australia Immigration Department (IMM) is continuing to welcome genuine and hardworking immigrants from all over the world. The Australian immigration services have introduced several visa programs aimed at attracting skilled workers and investors to the country. There are several Australian visa options for individuals that want Australia to be their home in the near future.

Table of Contents

Coronavirus (COVID-19)

The health and safety of Australians overseas is our highest priority. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we are not taking public appointments at this time. Our ability to provide some services may be limited. We will continue to prioritise consular services to those in genuine need. If you require urgent assistance, please contact our Consular Emergency Centre, Canberra (Australia): +61 2 6261 3305.

Mission Statement

Our mission is to promote and protect Australian interests, positions and values through friendly relations and deeper understanding with Nigeria and countries of accreditation, by:

–        Forging strong and flexible partnerships that value people and demonstrate inclusiveness;

–        Advocating and collaborating with partners to achieve foreign policy, trade and development outcomes;

–        Delivering exemplary consular services to protect the welfare of Australians overseas;

–        Sharing information about each other’s countries, cultures and economies through focused public diplomacy; and

–        Promoting mutually beneficial trade and investment opportunities.


The next federal election will be held on 21 May 2022. If you are still in Australia, note you can pre-poll vote from 9 May 2022.

The AEC recommends overseas voters cast a postal vote in this election. If you plan to be overseas at the time of the election, make sure you check your enrolment and request a postal vote as soon as possible on the AEC website.

Australians in Nigeria, Benin, Cameroon, Gabon, Niger and The Gambia are encouraged to vote via postal vote which can be posted to the AEC directly or mailed to another Embassy/High Commission/Consulate where votes are being collected. A full list of locations is available on the AEC website.

Postal votes must be returned as quickly as possible to ensure they are received by the AEC in time to be counted.

African Women Trading Globally (AWTG) 2022

The ‘African Women Trading Globally’ project assists women entrepreneurs build their capacity to engage in global markets, especially the exporting of goods or services.   The project achieves this by:

1.Providing instruction and sharing of practical knowledge of international trade processes; and

2.Connecting peers and stakeholders to create a supportive ecosystem around the entrepreneur/exporter.

By joining this program, you will be recognised as one of Africa’s rising stars and promising small business exporters, and will have the opportunity to attend a special event at the Australian Embassy or High Commission. You will also gain a place in the international Women Trading Alumni, and be able to connect with other women entrepreneurs around the world.

The program will include training sessions, peer discussions, one-on-one coaching, and participation in a virtual trade mission with Australian businesses from May-June 2022. Nigerian citizens are eligible to apply. You may find the application form here.

We encourage you to apply as soon as possible. Good luck!

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