Australian Visa For Myanmar Passport Holder

Australian visa for Myanmar passport holder is the most competitive and flexible to travel to Australia for tourist, business and medical purposes with no hassle. Let’s make your dream come true with the help of Australian Visa For Myanmar Passport Holder. You can apply via online or by postal services which are very easy. It requires only a few minutes from home to get it done in just a few hours.

Australian Visa for Myanmar passport holder is a perfect solution for those who wish to travel to Australia. As you know, Australia is one of the most visited countries among people of Southeast Asian nations. This is primarily because Australia has a close and friendly relationship with Myanmar.

Table of Contents

Visa information 

Application for the following types of temporary and permanent entry visas can be made in Yangon, Myanmar.

If you are unsure of what type of visa to apply for, please use our Find a Visa to help guide you on the Australian visa most likely to meet your specific circumstances. However, please note that the Find a Visa does not list every type of visa or whether you would be granted any visa.

Temporary entry visas

VisitorFor holiday, visiting family and friends or business visitor activities
Temporary WorkFor temporary work, short-term entry to Australia to undertake non-ongoing highly specialised work or to participate in non-ongoing cultural or social activities at the invitation of an organisation that is lawfully operating in Australia.
Temporary ResidentFor specific professional, cultural or social reasons to enter Australia, including family members of New Zealand citizens who are holders of Special Category visas.
TransitFor passengers transiting through Australia on their way to another country
Student and Student GuardianFor studies at an Australian education institution and guardians of students under 18 years of age

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