Azad Visa In Saudi Arabia

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is very competitive in the Middle East region for their visa services. They are increasing their visa scope every day which gives them a great advantage over other surrounding countries. Many people want to take advantage of this opportunity as much as they can. You probably have heard rumours of Azad visa and that too in Saudi Arabia. There are few things which you need to know before you plan your trip over there. If you feel that there is some information missing in this article, you can give it a comment and I will be happy to respond to the same.

Azad visa is granted to those who are seeking job in Saudi Arabia. The main purpose of this visa is to allow foreign workers to come to Saudi Arabia and work in the country. This visa is issued by the Diplomatic Centers of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Embassies or Consulates in response to requests by companies.

What is Azad Visa in Saudi Arabia?

Azad Visa is an illegal arrangement between Saudi Arabia companies and people willing to work in Saudi Arabia.

The process for Azad visa is simple.

  1. The company that wants to earn money through illegal means in Saudi Arabia ask the government for work visa permits.
  2. They sell these visas to agents and earn money from it
  3. Agents recruit people to come to Saudi Arabia mostly from Bangladesh, India, or Pakistan
  4. When people come on the Azad visa they pay hefty sum to agents
  5. Once the person arrives in Saudi Arabia, the company processes their Iqama
  6. The employer allows the worker to work in any company of his/her wishes
  7. The employee (person who came on visa) starts looking for jobs
  8. When the employee finds a job in Saudi Arabia, the first company processes his Qiwa

For those of you who don’t know. Qiwa is an employee transfer document that tells the Saudi government that the person is now working with another company.

The government accepts each Qiwa application manually and once the qiwa is approved, employee is allowed to be transferred. 

This is the Azad visa in Saudi Arabia summary.

>>> Sharek Visa Saudi Arabia: All You Should Know

How to Get Azad Visa in Saudi Arabia?

There are many professions where you can get an Azad Visa. If you want to get an Azad visa while living in your country, you will have to get in touch with a visa agency in Saudi Arabia.

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