Best south american vacation for families

Looking for best south american vacation for families? If so, you’re in the right place. In this article we’ll review the most popular destinations for family vacations in South America. Our list includes not only well know cities like Buenos Aires or Rio de Janeiro but also less obvious destinations for family vacations in South America like Arequipa or Bariloche

Traveling with your family can be expensive. Yet, you always want to make the best out of it and have good memories to put on your photo album at home. But what about south american vacations for families? Let’s find out more!

Looking for the best vacation spot for your family in South America? This is the guide for you. Here I have ranked the best south american vacation destinations from across South America, whether you are looking for a trip with your kids or a nice beach resort getaway, this list has it all.

The best South American vacations for families are those that allow you to immerse yourself in the culture.

That means that you should look for a destination where there is a lot of art and heritage, as well as a rich history. You should also choose a location that has lots of great outdoor activities, so that you can explore nature while you’re on vacation.

When it comes to choosing the right location for your family’s trip, it’s important to consider the weather. The best time to visit [destination] is between October and March. During this period, you will have plenty of sunshine but not too much heat or humidity—it will be perfect for exploring outdoors!

The best vacation for families in South America would be to visit the Amazon Rainforest. It is one of the most diverse biomes in the world and has an abundance of wildlife, from jaguars to sloths to caimans. It’s also home to over 2 million different species of trees, so you can literally get lost in a forest!

Best south american vacation for families


It’s time to start thinking about that annual family vacation. This year, why not consider South America? Sure, it may not be your first pick for a family getaway, but with its combination of adventure and culture, South America has plenty to keep adults and kids entertained. In fact, here are seven reasons you might want to add this continent to your bucket list:

Spend time at the zoo and aquarium in Lima.

Lima is a great place to spend time with your family and kids. It has both a zoo and an aquarium, which means that you can have fun at either location or both!

The zoo offers some great opportunities for educational experiences, including visits from conservationists who will talk about the animals they work with and explain how important it is to preserve their habitats. If you happen upon one of these talks while visiting the zoo, don’t hesitate to get involved! You’ll learn more than just facts about each animal—you’ll also get advice on how you can help protect them in their natural environments by doing things like recycling more often (or even starting up a recycling program in your own neighborhood).

The aquarium features over eight thousand aquatic species from around the world: sea turtles swim alongside piranhas; clownfish live next door to otters; jellyfish float overhead while dolphins leap out of their tanks into open water above them. This diverse selection makes it easy for anyone at any age level (and anyone who’s anyone) to find something new here every time they visit Lima’s famed marine life exhibit!

Explore the salt flats of Uyuni.

  • Take a walk on the salt flats, which are massive and flat like you’ve never seen
  • See the stars at night, because the air is so clear in this region
  • Watch the sun rise above the mountains in the morning, or watch it set over them at night

This is one of those places where you should get there early and then just stay put. You can do some hiking, but mostly just enjoy being surrounded by such a vast expanse of nothingness. It will make your mind expand as well!

Hike through the Iguazu Falls on the Argentina-Brazil border.

Whether you’re looking for a family vacation that will be an adrenalin rush or one that will make you feel like you’re in the middle of a fairytale, South America is the continent for you. With so many incredible sights to see and things to do, it can be hard to pick just one spot for your next family adventure.

Iguazu Falls is a UNESCO World Heritage Site located on the Argentina-Brazil border and is considered by many as one of the natural wonders of the world. The 2-mile (3 km) wide falls consist of 275 individual waterfalls with over 80 miles (129 km) of rainforest surrounding them. Iguazu Falls receives over 500 inches (127 cm) of rain every year and has an average flow rate between 1,200 and 5,000 cubic meters per second—that’s about 2 million gallons per minute!

Take a walking tour of Cartagena, Colombia.

You’ll want to make sure that you allot some extra time for exploring the city. Tourists and locals alike will recommend taking a walking tour of Cartagena, as it’s a great way to learn about the history of this coastal town while enjoying its charming architecture. You’ll find plenty of gorgeous parks, shops, and restaurants along the way—and if you get hungry or thirsty during your walkabout? There are countless food and drink options available from stalls along nearly every street corner.

How much does a trip like this typically cost? Depending on what kind of vacationer you are—do-it-yourself or guided by an expert—the price can vary wildly. If you’re planning on staying in one place for several days at a time, you’ll need more food than if you’re just passing through during your travels (or even better yet: get yourself invited over for dinner!).

Ride bikes through the vineyards and wineries of Mendoza, Argentina.

Mendoza is a great place to ride bikes. If you want to do it with your family or friends, there are plenty of options that will make the trip memorable. You can go on a bike tour through the vineyards and wineries of Mendoza, Argentina. It’s a great way for everyone in your group to get exercise while enjoying the beautiful weather and scenery of this city.

Getting there: The easiest way to get from Buenos Aires to Mendoza is by plane; there are flights from several different airlines every day at reasonable prices (about $100 USD per person). It may take longer than driving across the Argentine border yourself, but this option has many advantages as well as disadvantages—so depending on what you’re looking for out of your vacation experience, flying might be better overall!

What to pack: Since you’ll be riding outdoors for most of your time here (and possibly sweating because it’s so hot outside), bring along plenty of sunscreen and insect repellent just in case those two things might make an appearance during any given moment while you’re exploring these lovely vineyards together!

Take a cooking class in Rio de Janeiro.

Camila Castro’s cooking class in Rio de Janeiro is a great way to get to know the local people as well as learn about the culture of her native country. “The classes are a fun and interactive way to learn about Brazilian cuisine,” she says. “Many of my students have been able to make authentic Brazilian dishes after just one session.”

Cooking classes are also a great way for you and your family to spend time together, regardless of how long you’re able to stay in Rio. For example, if you’re planning on visiting during Carnival or another major holiday, Camila recommends taking a cooking class that includes preparing special treats for visitors (or yourself). This will help everyone gain an appreciation for what makes Brazilian food unique—and create some lasting memories along the way!

Go kayaking and whale watching in Chile’s Pumalin National Park.

If you’re looking for a way to explore Chile’s natural beauty with your kids, Pumalin National Park is an ideal option. Located in the southern portion of the country and home to over three hundred species of birds (including penguins), Pumalin has plenty of opportunities to get outside and enjoy nature. Visitors can go kayaking through the park’s lakes or explore its woods on foot, but one of its most popular attractions is whale watching—a practice that has been going on since the early 1900s when whaling ships would come into port in nearby Puerto Montt during their journeys. In addition to these activities, there are also many other activities available at Pumalin including horseback riding and hiking trails.

South America has many amazing places to explore with your kids!

South America is one of the most popular travel destinations for families. If you are looking for an exciting and adventurous vacation with your family, here are some of our favorite places to visit on South American vacations:

  • [Places to explore with your kids](
  • [Places to visit](
  • [Places to stay](
  • [Places to eat](
  • [Places to shop](
  • [Places to relax](


It’s clear that South America is a land of adventure and beauty, perfect for families. Whether you want to see the salt flats of Bolivia or walk through the vineyards of Argentina, there are options for every family—and they’re all pretty amazing. So go ahead, pack your bags and get some stamps in your passports!

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