Best time to vacation in puerto rico

The best vacation time in Puerto Rico is winter time, when it is cool, with little rainfall and low humidity. That’s why it’s called the dry season. This is good news for tourists coming from tropical destinations like South East Asia or Africa who may be visiting for the first time.

There are many benefits to traveling to Puerto Rico, however, part of a successful and memorable trip is ensuring you pick the right time of year to go.

The Caribbean Islands of Puerto Rico is an attractive tropical paradise for vacationers planning their next holiday. It offers diverse natural beauty, interesting tourist destinations, colorful festivals and a wide range of recreational activities throughout the year.

If you’re looking for the best time to vacation in Puerto Rico, you’ve come to the right place.

Puerto Rico has a wide range of temperatures and weather conditions. The island is located in the Atlantic Ocean, just off the coast of South America. It’s a tropical climate that can be hot and humid with frequent rainfall during the summer months.

The best time to visit Puerto Rico is between December and April when temperatures are milder with less rainfall. The rainy season begins in May and continues through October, so if you plan on visiting during this time period you should expect frequent showers with temperatures around 75 degrees Fahrenheit (24 degrees Celsius).

The best time to vacation in Puerto Rico is from December to April, when the weather is mild and dry. The temperatures are also more moderate than during other times of the year. If you plan to go swimming, avoid the summer months, which are usually hot and humid.

March through July are the best times to visit Puerto Rico, although other months also have appeal. September through November are the worst times.

March is the most popular month to visit. But it also is usually the most crowded at major tourist attractions like Old San Juan. Prices will likely rise as well.

April will have fewer crowds, warmer temperatures and only slightly more rain. May is not as good because of a brief rainy season, but at least temperatures are warmer.

The next best months to visit Puerto Rico are June and July when average rainfall is about four inches, temperatures are warm enough for swimming and crowds are usually moderate in size.

Monthly Tourism Statistics

Puerto Rico tourism statistics
Puerto Rico visitor totals by month. © 2020 Scott S. Bateman

The chart to the right has statistics from the Caribbean Travel Organization showing the most popular and least popular months to visit Puerto Rico.

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