Business Visa For New Zealand

There are the several types of visas New Zealand can offer to those who want to move and stay in the country. When you are planning to move to NZ, have you ever considered applying for a Business Visa For New Zealand?

Is there any other country better suited for business owners than New Zealand? With a beautiful landscape and bevy of natural resources, it’s no wonder that New Zealand has become a go-to destination for entrepreneurs, investors and even digital nomads. However, before you jump on the next plane to Auckland, be aware that obtaining an entry visa is not automatic.

Business Visa For New Zealand allows you to conduct business in New Zealand with your team or clients. This visa is for business people. If you are looking for jobs, you should check Working Holiday Visa For New Zealand .

Entrepreneur Work Visa

This three year work visa is structured in two stages:

  • Start-up stage: If your application is approved, you will initially be given a 12-month work visa, enabling you to buy or establish your business in New Zealand.
  • Balance stage: Once you have proven that you have taken steps to establish your business, you are granted the remaining 24 months of your visa. 

Requirements for this visa include:

  • minimum capital investment of NZ$100,000 (excluding working capital)
  • 120 points or more, with points awarded for factors about the likely success of the business and its value to New Zealand
  • clear business plan
  • clean recent history of bankruptcy, business failure and fraud
  • health, character and English language requirements.

Residence for entrepreneurs

‘Self-employed’ is…

Lawful, active, full-time involvement in the management and operation of a business in New Zealand which you have established, purchased, or made a substantial investment.

Self-employment does not include involvement of a passive or speculative nature.

The Entrepreneur Residence Category allows you to live in New Zealand permanently if you have established a high growth and innovative business with export potential in New Zealand. There are two ways of qualifying for residence under this policy:

  • Entrepreneur Residence Category (2 years) – Requires you to have successfully established or purchased a business in New Zealand and have been self-employed in that business for at least two years, and for your business to have significantly benefited New Zealand.
  • Entrepreneur Residence Category (6 months) – This option provides a faster track to residence if you have invested at least NZ$500,000 in your business and have created a minimum of three new full-time jobs for New Zealand citizens or residents.

Under both options, you need to meet health, character and English language requirements

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