Can Spouse Work On Dependent Visa In Netherlands

Can a spouse work on dependent visa in the Netherlands? Yes, but only within the scope of their visa. When applying for a dependent visa, you need to consider if you want to let your spouse work in the Netherlands. If you do allow your partner to work, this should be stated on your application to immigration services IND.

Can Spouse Work On Dependent Visa In Netherlands

A person with a dependent visa can work in the Netherlands if they have a residence permit. The spouse’s residence permit must be valid for at least one year before they can work.

If you do not have a residence permit, your spouse may be able to apply for one under the Surinder Singh route. This means that you will have to prove that your marriage is genuine and that you have been living together for at least four years before applying for a residence permit.

A spouse of a Dutch national may be granted a dependent visa and residence permit in the Netherlands.

If you are married to a Dutch national and your spouse has a valid residence permit, you can apply for a dependent visa. As a rule, your spouse must have lived in the Netherlands for at least four years.

You must also prove that you have sufficient means of support during your stay in the Netherlands and that you are able to fully integrate into Dutch society. If necessary, you will also have to pass an integration test.

A dependant visa is a special type of visa that allows a spouse to work in the Netherlands.

A spouse is eligible to apply for a dependant visa if they are married to a Dutch citizen or to a foreigner who has been granted a residence permit on the basis of the EU Treaty. However, there are some conditions that must be met before applying for this type of visa.

Your spouse must be able to prove that they have an income of at least €1,448 per month. This amount must be transferred directly into your bank account every month. In addition, you must also demonstrate that you will not become dependent on social security benefits while living in the Netherlands.

Yes, your spouse can work on a dependent visa in the Netherlands.

In order to be eligible for a dependent visa after you are married, your spouse must have worked in the Netherlands for at least 4 consecutive years and have earned at least €22,500 during that time. You must also prove that you have enough money to support yourself and your family while in the Netherlands.

A spouse can work on a dependent visa in the Netherlands if they meet certain requirements.

The main requirement is that the spouse must have a valid residence permit or visa that allows them to work in the Netherlands. If they do not have this, they will be required to apply for an independent work permit before they can legally work in the Netherlands.

If their spouse does not meet this requirement, they will need to apply for a residence permit before they can legally work in the Netherlands.

Spouses who are granted a dependent visa and wish to remain in the country after their spouse has left may be able to apply for an extension of their visa if they meet certain conditions.

If you are looking to relocate in the Netherlands with your spouse, then you have perhaps heard the term “Dependent Visa” or “Family Visa”. These visas allow your spouse and children to join you once you are settled into the country.

With today’s low Dutch unemployment rate, many foreigners consider finding a job in the Netherlands when they come here to be joined by their partner. Finding employment depends on the type of the visa you are given and your nationality.

Partner Visa & Permit

When you have a spouse that is either from the Netherlands or a member of the EU, you can receive a residence/work permit with the spouse as your sponsor. Setting the partner as your sponsor and allows you to work in the Netherlands freely. There are some records required for this, including a document that you are currently unmarried in your home country.

Can I work in the Netherlands without a visa?

Your residency status and nationality will dictate if you need a work permit. In the Netherlands, work and residence authorisation are closely linked. Your reasons for moving to the Netherlands – for example, as a highly-skilled worker, employee, student or family member – will determine what kind of authorisation you need to work in the Netherlands legally.

The Netherlands has one of the most globally focused, highly trained, motivated and multilingual workforces in the world. The demand for highly skilled workers is persistingly high. There are incentives for international employees such as a 30 per cent tax ruling and a fast-track highly skilled migrants program. There are various Dutch permits for receiving permission to work and live in the Netherlands, legally, the highly skilled migrant permit, intra-company transfer permit, orientation year permit for foreign graduates or the general work permit.

How can I get work permit in Netherlands?

For a stay of fewer than 90 days, your employer can apply for a short-term work permit for you, which can be used in combination with a Schengen visa or your passport.

For stays of more than 90 days, your employer will be able to apply for a single permit (gecombineerde vergunning voor verblijf en arbeid or GVVA) in your name, which combines the Dutch residence and work permit in one application via the IND.

Who need a working permit in the Netherlands

Citizens from the European Union (EU), European Economic Area (EEA – EU plus Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway) or Switzerland do not need residence permits or work permits, except those from newer EU member Croatia, whose citizens need a Dutch work permit for their first year.

Citizens of Japan do not need work authorisation to work in the Netherlands. They are only required to obtain a residence permit for long-term stays.

The IND and Dutch work permits

All Dutch work permit applications are processed by the IND (Dutch department of Immigration and Naturalisation).
Applications lodged in the Netherlands can be directly submitted with the IND. Applications from abroad can either be submitted at the Dutch embassy in your country of residence or in case of a sponsor already residing in the Netherlands at the IND.

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As a Spouse on a Dependant Visa, Can I Work in the Netherlands?

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The Netherlands is currently enjoying high demand from migrant workers seeking a safe, culturally diverse, prosperous, and happy place to live. The Netherlands, according to the OECD Better Life Index is ranked top for work-life balance and above average for employment opportunities, income, housing, education, skills, well-being, social connections, environmental quality, personal security, civic engagement, and health status. And crucially, when asked about their overall level of life satisfaction, the Dutch score themselves higher than the OECD average. These are all crucial factors, especially if you are looking to relocate for work and to bring your family members with you. Every year, thousands of migrants from the EU and outside of the EU move to the Netherlands with their spouse/partner and/or children; either with the intention of staying temporarily before returning home or remaining for life.

In this article, we will discuss whether a non-EEA spouse, who is living with a Dutch partner or a person with a residence permit in the Netherlands, is able to work during their time in the country.

Residence in the Netherlands As a Spouse or Partner

The eligibility rules defined by the Immigration and Naturalisation Service allow a partner (who is from outside of the EU/EEA) of a Dutch national (or a person with a residence permit), to enter the country to live with that person if:

  • they are married or in a registered partnership, or unmarried but in a long-term and exclusive relationship
  • they are both 21 years or older
  • they are both going to live together in the Netherlands
  • they have taken and passed the civic integration examination or they are exempt from taking this examination.
  • if the Netherlands based partner only has a temporary residence permit for stay with a family member, or as an economically non-active long-term resident, or for a stay on non-temporary humanitarian grounds, they must have held that residence permit for a minimum of one year
  • your partner based in the Netherlands must have an independent sufficient and sustainable income
  • your partner based in the Netherlands declares that he or she is your sponsor

You will be required to take out health insurance to cover any potential costs of your healthcare while living in the Netherlands. In addition, on arrival in the Netherlands, you are legally required to register in the Municipal Personal Records Database (BRP) in your local municipality.

Can I work as a Partner or Spouse of a Dutch National or Person with a Residence Permit?

This depends on the conditions of the residence permit held by your partner in the Netherlands. The back of your own residence permit will tell you if you are allowed to work in the Netherlands, and if so, under what conditions.

Broadly speaking (but not always – see below), as a non-EEA spouse/partner of a person based in the Netherlands, you will be given the same rights to work as your partner.

If your partner is a Dutch citizen, whether, by birth or acquisition, the back of your residence permit should state the words ‘arbeid vrij toegestaan. TWV niet vereist’, which means “work freely allowed. TWV not required”. TWV stands for ‘tewerkstellingsvergunning’, which means work permit.

If your partner in the Netherlands is not a Dutch citizen, but they have a residence permit, the Dutch immigration service will give you the same work rights as your partner.

If your partner in the Netherlands requires a TWV to work, then you will also need a TWV to seek employment.

If your partner in the Netherlands is not permitted to work, then you will also not be able to work.

Under What Circumstances Will I Not Receive the Same Rights to Work as My Partner in the Netherlands?

The Immigration and Naturalisation Service may not grant you the same rights to work as your partner in the Netherlands if:

  • They have a residence permit as a highly-skilled migrant, scientific researcher or is holder of the European Blue Card. In this case, you will able to work freely without any restriction. If you are unsure, check your residence permit, which should state ‘arbeid vrij toegestaan. TWV niet vereist’
  • They have a residence permit for study. In this scenario, unfortunately, Dutch immigration rules prohibit you from working. Your residence permit will have the following words on the rear ‘arbeid niet toegestaan’ (work not allowed).
  • They have a Single Permit (GVVA) (this means ‘gecombineerde vergunning voor verblijf en arbeid’ or ‘combined residence and work permit’. If this is the case, you will only be allowed to work if your employer is able to provide you with a work permit. If this is the case, your residence permit will have the words ‘arbeid toegestaan, mits TWV verleend’ (‘work allowed, work permit required’).
  • Your partner has a residence permit for work as a self-employed. You are allowed to work without a TWV. Your residence permit should state ‘arbeid als zelfstandige toegestaan, arbeid vrij toegestaan, TWV niet vereist’, which translates as ‘work as a self-employed allowed. Paid work allowed free from restrictions, no work permit required’.

If you are in any way unsure of your right to work, or if you believe your right to work may be incorrect, it is advisable to speak to the INS who will able to confirm your correct status. It is extremely important that you do not start work if you not entitled to, or work outside of any restrictions which are imposed on you.

Final words

The right to work rules for non-EEA nationals living with their sponsoring partner in the Netherlands is relatively straightforward. As with all aspects of immigration law, it is vital to ensure that you have the right to work before you actively start working. If you are unsure of your right to work, and if the INS in the Netherlands is unable to assist you, it is always recommended that you seek the advice of solicitors.

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