Cancellation Of Family Visa In Dubai

The cancellation of family visas in Dubai is a serious matter that can have far-reaching consequences for those affected. The process is usually initiated when the sponsoring family member cancels their residency visa, which in turn cancels the visas of all dependents. This can happen for a variety of reasons, such as the sponsor losing their job or failing to meet the financial requirements of sponsorship. Regardless of the reason, cancellation of a family visa can have serious implications for all those involved.

For starters, it can result in the immediate deportation of dependents back to their home countries. This can be a particularly difficult situation for those who have been living in Dubai for an extended period of time and have come to consider it their home. In addition, it can also lead to difficulties in obtaining future visas to enter Dubai or any other country in the UAE. As such, it is essential that those who are impacted by a cancellation take steps to protect their rights and interests.

If you or someone you know has had their family visa cancelled in Dubai, it is important to seek experienced legal assistance as soon as possible. The experienced team at Hassan Elhais & Associates can provide guidance and representation throughout the process, ensuring that your rights are protected every step of the way. We will base our discussion today on – Cancellation Of Family Visa In Dubai. But, other resources which you can find on our website include some frequently asked questions such as: dubai family visa cancellation fees and how to cancel family visa in dubai online

Cancellation Of Family Visa In Dubai

The decision to cancel a family visa in Dubai can be a difficult one. There are many factors to consider, such as the financial and emotional impact on the family. However, there are also many reasons why cancelling a family visa may be the best decision for you and your family. In this blog post, we will explore some of the reasons why cancellation may be necessary, as well as the process for doing so.

Reasons for cancellation of family visa in Dubai

There are many reasons why family visas may be cancelled in Dubai. The most common reason is that the sponsor (usually the husband) has failed to meet the financial requirements for supporting his dependents. Other reasons can include the sponsor absconding or being found guilty of a serious crime.

If a family visa is cancelled, the dependents will have to leave the country within 30 days. They may not be able to return to Dubai for at least one year, and will need to reapply for a new visa if they wish to do so.

A cancellation of family visa can cause great hardship for the dependents, as they may have to leave their jobs and homes in Dubai. It is therefore important to make sure that all the requirements for sponsorship are met before applying for a family visa.

Procedures for cancellation of family visa in Dubai

If you are planning to cancel your family visa in Dubai, there are a few things you need to know and take into consideration. The first thing you need to do is to cancel your residency visa. You can do this by visiting the General Directorate of Residency and Foreigners Affairs (GDRFA) and submitting the required documents.

After your residency visa is cancelled, you will need to cancel your family visa as well. This can be done by going to the Ministry of Interior and submitting the required documents. Once your family visa is cancelled, you will no longer be able to live in Dubai with your family.

It is important to note that when you cancel your family visa, all members of your family will have their visas cancelled as well. This includes your spouse and children. If you have any dependents on your family visa, they will also have their visas cancelled.

Once you have cancelled your family visa, you will need to leave the country within 30 days. If you overstay your visa, you may be subject to fines or even imprisonment.

If you have any questions about cancellation of family visas in Dubai, please contact us and we will be happy to assist you.

Outcomes of cancellation of family visa in Dubai

If your family visa is cancelled in Dubai, there are a number of possible outcomes. The most likely outcome is that you will be deported back to your home country. If you have been living in Dubai on a family visa for a number of years, you may also be banned from returning to the UAE.

If you are deported back to your home country, you will not be able to return to Dubai unless you obtain a new visa. This can be difficult and time-consuming, and it is important to get professional help if this is something you wish to pursue.

If you are banned from returning to the UAE, this means that you will not be able to enter the country again, even if you obtain a new visa. This ban can last for a number of years, and it may be difficult to get it lifted. Again, professional help may be necessary.

What to do if your family visa is cancelled in Dubai

If your family visa is cancelled in Dubai, there are a few things you can do. First, you can try to appeal the decision. This can be done by writing a letter to the Emirati authorities explaining why the cancellation is unjustified. You will need to provide evidence to support your case, and it may be helpful to hire a lawyer to assist you with this process. If your appeal is unsuccessful, you can try to reapply for a family visa. However, it is important to note that the approval of such a visa is at the discretion of the authorities and there is no guarantee that it will be granted. Finally, if all else fails, you may have to leave Dubai and find another country to live in with your family.

If you have had your family visa cancelled in Dubai, it is important to know your rights and options. You may be able to appeal the cancellation or apply for a new visa. Speak to an experienced immigration lawyer to discuss your situation and find the best way forward for you and your family.

Cancellation Of Family Visa In Dubai

Who must cancel your residence visa

Normally, only the sponsor can cancel your residence visa. You cannot process the application on your own.

If a company decides to cancel an employment visa of its employee, it must first approach Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation with an application to cancel the employee’s labour contract and labour card. The employee must also sign this application. Then, the employer should apply to General Directorate of Residency and Foreigners Affairs (GDRFA) for visa cancellation.

The company must also cancel the work permit. For this, it must submit a letter signed by the employee stating that he has already received all his wages and end of services benefits to Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation.

An individual sponsoring his/her spouse, children and other dependents must cancel the dependents’ visas first before he cancels his/her own.

Cancellation must be processed through the GDRFA that stamped the residence visa in the first place.

How to cancel your residence visa

There are two ways to cancel your visa. You can do it either through a registered typing centre or online.

  • Registered typing centreThe sponsor may visit any typing office registered by GDRFA in the respective emirate. The typing centre will fill the cancellation form on your behalf and process it online through the respective GDRFA. 
  • OnlineAlternatively, the sponsor may process the cancellation online through the respective GDRFA or through the eChannels platform of the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship.

Related link 

Documents required

The following documents are required for cancelling residence visa through GDRFA:

  • cancellation form signed by the sponsor
  • if the sponsor is a company or a firm, the cancellation form must be signed and sealed by the company stamp and a clearance certificate from Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation must be attached
  • the original passport of the sponsored
  • original identity card of the sponsored
  • if  the sponsored ones are out of the UAE, the sponsor may present the original passport or a computerised extract of their residence visas. (Kindly contact Naturalisation and Residency Dept to get a computerised extract of the residence visa.)

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