Dar E Arqam Summer Vacation Task

Primary teacher, class teacher, and assistant teacher all have one common goal: to help students – to make them learn. Check out this Vacation Review Task for students in V to X grade that you can use as a warm-up or review before you begin a new topic. Teachers can use this free printable as a template to create their own Dar E Arqam tasks to share with other teachers.

As the summer vacation began, I found myself wondering what activities my son had planned for himself. I didn’t want him to become bored and lose his focus on his schoolwork. Thanks to Dar-e-Arqam, I don’t have to worry about that. I have enrolled my son in their summer camp, which offers a variety of activities and classes that will keep him busy until he returns to school this fall. We will base our discussion today on – Dar E Arqam Summer Vacation Task. But, other resources which you can find on our website include some frequently asked questions such as: dar e arqam summer vacation task class 5 and dar e arqam vacation task solve copy

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Dar E Arqam Summer Vacation Task

Dear students,

The summer vacation is here! This is the time when you can relax and enjoy your free time. It is also an opportunity to improve your skills by completing the summer vacation tasks.

Dar e Arqam has prepared a list of tasks for you to complete during your summer vacation. These tasks will help you prepare for the upcoming school year and increase your knowledge base. By completing these tasks, you will be able to earn some rewards that will be sent to your email address during school resumption in September. The rewards include:

*A certificate from Dar e Arqam

*An invitation to our annual celebration event (if completed before June 7th)

*A gift card worth $25-50 (if completed before June 15th)

Dar e Arqam is a non-profit organization that is dedicated to teaching Quranic studies in the form of a summer camp. It was founded by Dr. Abdul Malik Mujahid in 2010 and has been running ever since. The program is open to students from ages 8-18, who are taught about the life of Prophet Muhammad and his companions through fun activities and games.

The goal of Dar e Arqam is to promote the virtues of Islam among youth through education, which helps them to be better Muslims themselves. The program also gives students an opportunity to learn more about their religion and practice it every day by creating an environment where they feel comfortable asking questions about anything related to Islam, including everyday practices such as prayer or fasting during Ramadan.

As part of our efforts at Dar e Arqam this summer vacation season, we want you to help us spread awareness about our work by posting updates on your social media accounts (Facebook pages/Instagram accounts/Twitter accounts). You can also share articles that have been written about us or link back to our site (darearqamusa.org).

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