Dependent Visa For Uae Vs Australia

Dependent visa for UAE vs Australia. I am going to give you the base information that you should know about the visa before you decide if it is suitable for you or not. Dependent visas are quite beneficial because if you can show that your spouse and this individual won’t be a financial burden on Australia then we will approve your visa application. When it comes to dependent visas, we need to look at sponsor income. Make sure that your income is capable of supporting both you and your family members because if it isn’t then there will be deemed as being an excessive demand on the Australian taxpayers’ money.

Dependent Visas for UAE – For expatriates who want to move to UAE with family, a dependent visa is required. It is beneficial for those who want to work in UAE. For example, if you are a professional and want to move with your family and establish yourself in the country of United Arab Emirates, you will require a dependent visa in order to live there. Before you get this type of visa, though, you must make sure that your salary is high enough. If it is not, the manager at the company where you work could be deported. Deportation can result from not having enough money.

Dependent Visa For Uae Vs Australia


Australia allows international students and professionals to call their families to Australia under the Dependent Visa program. Y-Axis can help you create an impeccable application package that gets your loved ones to Australian shores faster.


This visa enables an Australian citizen, Australian permanent resident or qualified New Zealand citizen to temporarily stay in Australia as a de facto partner or spouse. The first step towards a permanent Partner Visa (subclass 100) is to get this visa.

The applicant must be in a genuine relationship with the spouse or de facto partner in Australia when applying for the visa.

Features of the Subclass 309 visa:

  • This is a temporary visa
  • Getting this visa will lead to the permanent partner visa
  • Applicant must be outside Australia at the time of application

Advantages of Subclass 309 visa:

The Subclass 309 visa holder can:

  • Work in Australia
  • Study in Australia
  • Travel to and from Australia as many times as needed
  • Attend unlimited hours of English classes until you reach vocational English in spite of completing 510 hours which was the previous limit.
  • Make use of Australia’s public health care scheme, Medicare
  • Family members including dependent children can be included in the application and their visas will be approved provided they meet health and character requirements.

Duration of stay:

The duration of stay will be temporary till a decision is arrived on the permanent Partner (Migrant) visa (subclass 100) application or if the application is withdrawn. The duration of stay is generally between 15 to 24 months.


The applicant and his or her spouse or de facto partner must be in a genuine relationship to be eligible for this visa.

This is a temporary visa, and the candidate must apply for it while outside of Australia.

This visa is only available to those who have a Subclass 309 visa. This visa allows bearers to stay in the nation permanently after which they can apply for citizenship. To do so, the visa holder must maintain a genuine and enduring relationship with their Australian partner.

The processing time for Partner visa 309 and Visa 100 is difficult to predict because it is dependent on a number of factors. The following factors affect the spouse visa processing time:

 Filling out the application form with the required information.

Time required to answer a query.

Verifying the information provided by you

Processing timelines: 25% of applications: 5 months / 50% of applications: 9 months / 75% of applications: 18 months/ 90% of applications: 29 months


If you are coming to Australia to study, you are eligible to bring your family members with you. You can either include them on your original student visa application or you can apply for their visas once you have started your course in Australia so that they can join you. Spouses, partners and unmarried children under the age of 18 are eligible for dependent visas.

If you are including your dependent family members in your original student visa application, then you must include their details on your original Form 157A. The main student visa holder must have a minimum of 12 months validity on the visa and necessary funds and insurance to cover all expenses for this period.

If you are applying for the visa after you have started your course, then you must submit the following documents:

  • Form 919, Nomination of student dependents
  • Form 157A, Application for a student visa
  • A letter from one of your teachers stating:
    • Name of your course
    • Length of the course and your expected completion date
    • If you are satisfying all the course requirements;
  • Proof that you can financially support your dependent family members
  • Proof of family ties such as marriage certificate or birth certificate
  • Proof of school enrolment of school-aged children

Proof of health insurance for dependents


The Post Study Work visa holder must show proof of employment and necessary funds along with other documents like relationship proof and Police Clearance Certificate (PCC).


Australia offers various child visa categories to help immigrants bring their biological child, adopted child or stepchild to the country. The parent must be either a citizen of the country or a PR visa holder.

A child that is born in Australia automatically receives Australian citizenship if one of the parents is an Australian citizen or holds an Australian PR.

The Dependent Child Visa in Australia consists of four subclasses, they are:

  • Child Visa 101
  • Child Visa 102
  • Child Visa 802
  • Child Visa 445

Your child will be eligible for a dependent visa, under the following conditions:

  • You are an Australian citizen
  • You hold a permanent resident visa for Australia
  • You are a citizen of New Zealand

Benefits of the Australia Child Visa

  • The child can travel indefinitely to Australia
  • The child earns the right to study and complete his education in Australia
  • The child is eligible for an Australian citizenship

Children with one or both biological parents residing in Australia are eligible for this visa. A child can live with the parents in the country on this visa.

Eligibility Requirements:

  • The child must be under 18 years of age or over 18 and under 25 years and studying full time or over 18 years with a disability
  • He must be born outside Australia
  • Visa application must be initiated in the home country

The child must be residing outside Australia at the time of application

If you are coming to Australia on a work visa, your dependent family members are eligible to join you on dependent visas.

If you are coming to Australia on a temporary worker visa, only your spouse or de facto partner and any unmarried children under the age of 18 are eligible for dependent family visas.

If you are coming to Australia on a migrant worker or business visa, any dependent family members are eligible to join you including:

  • Spouse or de facto partner
  • Any children under the age of 25
  • Aged dependent relatives such as parents or grandparents.

The employer of the Work Visa holder must sponsor the dependents along with fulfilling health insurance and Police Clearance Certificate (PCC) requirements.


Subclass 491 visa is a provisional visa for skilled workers who want to live and work in a regional area of Australia.

Eligibility conditions for the Subclass 491 visa:

  • The applicant must be nominated to apply by a state or territory government or be sponsored by an eligible relative
  • Have an occupation in the relevant skilled occupation list
  • Must have the skills assessment for the occupation
  • Get an invitation to apply
  • Applicant must score the required points (65 points)
  • Have the required English proficiency level
  • Meet the health requirements
  • Meet the character requirements
  • Be under 45 years of age

With this visa you can:

  • Stay in Australia for 5 years
  • Can live, work and study in a designated regional area of Australia
  • Travel to and from Australia as many times as you want, while the visa is valid
  • Apply for permanent residence after 3 years from the time your 491 visa is granted

Application steps for Skilled work regional (provisional) visa:

Step1: In the first step you must submit your expression of interest (EOI) through SkillSelect to indicate you want to apply for this visa.

Step 2: Before you even submit your application, you must first gather the required documents to support the claims made in your EOI.

Step 3: Apply for the visa online once you receive the invitation. You can be living in or outside Australia when you are making the visa application. You must make your application within 60 days of receiving the invitation.

Step 4: You will be notified by the authorities that they have received your visa application.

Step 5: You will be notified of the outcome of your visa application. You can be in or outside of Australia during this time but not in immigration clearance.

Processing time:

These visa applications are assessed on a case-by-case basis and the processing time can vary provided you have met the following conditions:

  • Submitted the complete application with all the supporting documents
  • Your response time to requests for additional information
  • Time is taken by authorities to verify the additional information you provided
  • Time is taken for the authorities to receive the additional information
  • Places vacant in the migration program

There are 3 categories of Parent Visas:


 You must be sponsored by your child to apply in this category.

Those with this type of visa can do the following:

As a PR visa holder, they can move to or stay in Australia.

By sponsoring qualifying family members, you can assist them in coming to Australia.

Make an application for citizenship.

Medicare gives access to the country’s subsidized healthcare plans.

Obtain some social security benefits


In 2003, this was introduced to make the parent migration program more accessible. Applicants will have to pay a higher visa application fee for this visa. Applicants must provide an Assurance of Support as well as a bond for the Assurance of Support when applying for this visa (held for 10 years).

Those with this type of visa can do the following:

  • Stay in the country for an indefinite period of time.
  • Join Australia’s public health care system as a member.
  • Sponsor a relative’s visit to Australia.
  • Is eligible to seek for citizenship.
  • From the date the visa is granted, you can travel to and from Australia for five years.

If you are someone who is deciding which visa option to go for, then this article is for you. This article will give you the pros and cons of each type of visa that you have. It will also look at the similarities and differences in between them. This article will also give you a brief idea of what kind of options you have after they expire too.

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