
Difference Between Employment Pass And Work Permit In Singapore

There are two types of work passes that foreign nationals can apply for in order to work in Singapore – the Employment Pass (EP) and the Work Permit (WP). Both passes have different eligibility requirements and entitlements.

The Employment Pass is a work pass for foreign professionals, managers and executives who wish to work in Singapore. To be eligible for an EP, applicants must have a minimum monthly salary of S$3,600 and possess relevant qualifications and experience. EPs are valid for 2 years and can be renewed.

Work Permits, on the other hand, are work passes for semi-skilled or unskilled foreign workers who wish to work in certain sectors of the Singapore economy such as construction, manufacturing, marine shipyard, process or services. To be eligible for a WP, applicants must have a valid job offer from a licensed employer in Singapore as well as meet other criteria such as age and educational qualifications. WPs are initially valid for 2 years but can be renewed. We will base our discussion today on – Difference Between Employment Pass And Work Permit In Singapore. But, other resources which you can find on our website include some frequently asked questions such as: employment pass vs work permit and mom new rules for foreign workers 2022

Difference Between Employment Pass And Work Permit In Singapore

As an employer, it is your responsibility to know the difference between an Employment Pass (EP) and a Work Permit (WP). An EP is a type of work pass that allows foreign professionals to work in Singapore. To qualify for an EP, the applicant must have a job offer from a Singapore-based company and meet certain salary criteria. On the other hand, a WP is a type of work pass that allows foreign manual workers to work in certain sectors such as construction, shipyard work, or domestic work. To qualify for a WP, the applicant must have a job offer from a registered employer and meet certain criteria. In this blog post, we will explore the difference between an Employment Pass and a Work Permit in Singapore.

Employment Pass

An Employment Pass (EP) allows foreign professionals to work in Singapore. The EP is issued by the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) and is valid for 2 years. The conditions for obtaining an EP are:
-The applicant must have a job offer from a Singapore-based company.
-The monthly salary must be at least SGD$3,600, although this may vary depending on the industry.
-The applicant must have acceptable qualifications, such as a degree from a good university.

Work Permits (WP), on the other hand, are issued to foreign workers who perform unskilled or semi-skilled jobs in Singapore. The WP is also issued by MOM and is valid for 2 years. To qualify for a WP, the following conditions must be met:
-The applicant must have a job offer from a Singapore-based company.
-The monthly salary must be at least SGD$1,500 but not more than SGD$2,500.
-The applicant’s skills must match the job requirements.

Work Permit

A work permit is required for foreign workers who wish to work in Singapore. An employer must first apply for a work permit from the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) before the foreign worker can begin working.
You will need a separate work permit for each job. For example, if you want to work as a dishwasher and a server, you will need 2 work permits – 1 for each job.
The Employment Pass (EP) is a type of work pass that allows foreign professionals to work in Singapore. To qualify, applicants must meet certain criteria, such as having acceptable qualifications and relevant experience.
An EP is usually valid for 2 years, after which it can be renewed. The maximum validity period is 3 years.
To apply for an EP, you must have a job offer from aSingapore-based company. Your employer will need to submit an application on your behalf to MOM. If your application is successful, MOM will issue an In-Principle Approval letter or an Employment Pass card, which you will need to bring with you when you enter Singapore.

Who is eligible for an Employment Pass?

Foreigners who wish to work in Singapore can apply for either an Employment Pass (EP) or a Work Permit (WP). The main difference between the two is that an EP is meant for professional, managerial, and executives with relevant qualifications, while a WP is meant for semi-skilled or unskilled workers.

To be eligible for an EP, you must:

-Be at least 21 years old
-Possess relevant qualifications (e.g. a degree, diploma, or professional qualification)
-Earn a fixed monthly salary of at least $3,600

If you meet these criteria, you can apply for an EP online. The application process takes about 2 weeks. Once your application is approved, you will be issued a pass that is valid for up to 2 years. You can renew your pass as long as you continue to meet the eligibility criteria.

Work Permits, on the other hand, are meant for foreign workers who do not have the necessary qualifications for an EP. To be eligible for a WP, you must:
-Be at least 18 years old
-Have a job offer from a company in Singapore
-Earn a fixed monthly salary of at least $2,500
You will also need to pass a medical examination and have your fingerprints taken before you can apply for a WP. The application process takes about 4 weeks. Once your application is approved, you will be issued a pass that is

Who is eligible for a Work Permit?

A work permit is typically issued to foreign workers who wish to take up employment in Singapore. In order to be eligible for a work permit, the applicant must:

-Be at least 18 years of age;

-Possess relevant qualifications and / or skillsets required for the job;

-Have a valid passport; and

-Meet any other requirements as stipulated by the Ministry of Manpower.

How to apply for an Employment Pass?

To apply for an Employment Pass, you will need the following:

1. A completed Employment Pass Application form.

2. A recent passport-sized photograph of yourself.

3. Your resume or CV.

4. An offer letter or contract of employment from your Singapore employer, stating your job title, salary, and other employment terms and conditions.

5. Other supporting documents as required, such as educational qualifications, professional qualifications, and work experience certificates.

How to apply for a Work Permit?

Those looking to work in Singapore must first obtain a valid work pass. The type of work pass required depends on the applicant’s job, qualifications and salary.

The most common work passes are the Employment Pass (EP), S Pass and Work Permit (WP). To apply for an EP or S Pass, applicants must submit their applications online through the EmploymentPass website. For a WP, applicants can either apply online or at a physical work pass centre.

Applicants will need to provide the following documents when applying for a work pass:

– A recent passport-size photograph
– A copy of your passport and entry visa (if applicable)
– A copy of your educational certificates and transcripts
– A copy of your employment contracts or offer letter
– A copy of your medical examination results (if applicable)

Different types of Employment Passes

There are three types of Employment Passes available in Singapore:

1. The Professional Employment Pass (PEP) is for foreign professionals who have been employed in Singapore for at least six months and earning a fixed monthly salary of at least $6,000. This pass is valid for up to three years, and can be renewed indefinitely.

2. The Employment Pass (EP) is for foreign professionals whose jobs require specialised skills or a minimum salary of $3,600 per month. This pass is valid for up to two years, and can be renewed indefinitely.

3. The S Pass is for mid-level skilled foreign employees earning a minimum monthly salary of $2,200. This pass is valid for up to two years, and can be renewed once. After that, holders of the S Pass must apply for an Employment Pass if they wish to continue working in Singapore.

Different types of Work Permits

There are two types of work passes available in Singapore: the Employment Pass (EP) and the Work Permit (WP). The main difference between the two is that an EP allows foreign professionals to work in managerial, executive or specialist positions, while a WP is meant for semi-skilled or unskilled workers.

An EP is typically valid for 2 years, while a WP is usually issued for 1 year at a time. EPs can also be renewed indefinitely, while WPs have to be re- applied for every year.

In terms of salary requirements, an EP holder must earn a minimum monthly salary of S$3,600, while there is no such requirement for WP holders.

EP holders are also entitled to certain benefits such as medical insurance and retirement savings plans, while WP holders are not. And finally, EPs allow the holder’s dependents (spouse and children below 21 years old) to apply for long-term visit passes to stay in Singapore with them, whereas dependents of WP holders can only apply for short-term visit passes.

The main difference between an Employment Pass and a Work Permit in Singapore is that the former is meant for foreign professionals, while the latter is meant for unskilled foreign workers. Both passes are necessary if you want to work in Singapore, but the requirements and eligibility criteria differ depending on which pass you apply for. Be sure to research both options thoroughly before deciding which one is right for you.

Difference Between Employment Pass And Work Permit In Singapore

You are likely to look down on the government for its inconsiderate, unproductive, and ineffective policies; you may evoke what others will think. In your mind’s eye, Singapore may be an island full of tiny houses, shark fins and durians. Yet you’ll come across others who will say Singapore is a modern metropolis filled with expensive boulevards and new skyscrapers. You may observe the rise of culture and the abatement of poverty in Singapore; the streets are clean and safe to walk at night. The apartments are cheap, comfortable and clean. The people generally have low crime rates so it won’t have to worry about theft or violent crimes that often occurs in cities as viewed in America or Europe.

Types of Singapore Work Visas

The Singapore work visas are divided into:

  • Singapore work visas for professionals.
  • Singapore work visas for skilled and semi-skilled workers.
  • Singapore work visas for trainees and students.
  • Short-term work passes.

Singapore Work Visas for Professionals

The types of Singapore work Pass (work visa) you can get if you are a professional worker are:

  • Employment Pass – available to foreign managers, executives, and professionals. You will have to make at least S$3,600 a month.
  • Personalized Employment Pass – available if you are a high-earning foreigner or current Employment Pass holder. The PEP offers more flexibility than other work Passes.
  • EntrePass – available to investors or entrepreneurs who want to start a business in Singapore.

No foreign worker quotas and levy apply to any of the aforementioned Passes.

Singapore work visas for skilled and semi-skilled workers

If you are a skilled or semi-skilled worker, you can apply for one of the following Singapore work visas:

  • S Pass – available to mid-level skilled workers who will receive a monthly salary of at least S$2,300. Foreign worker quotas and levy apply.
  • Work Permit for Foreign Workers – this is available only to foreign workers from certain countries and allows work only in certain sectors (construction, manufacturing, marine shipyard, process or services sector.) Foreign worker quotas and levy apply.
  • Work Permit for Foreign Domestic Workers (FDW) – available only to workers between the ages of 23 and 50 from certain countries, such as Bangladesh, Cambodia, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Macau, Malaysia etc.
  • Work Permit for confinement nanny – available to Malaysian nannies who can work in Singapore for 16 weeks, beginning from the time a baby is born. The employer has to pay a foreign worker Levy.
  • Work Permit for performing artists – available to performing artists who will be working in eligible public entertainment outlets, like bars, nightclubs, or hotels. Foreign worker quotas and levy apply.

Singapore work visas for trainees and students

The Singapore work visas that are available for foreign students or trainees are:

  • Training Employment Pass – available to foreign nationals who want to undergo training in Singapore that does not exceed three months. There’s no foreign worker levy or quota.
  • Work Holiday Pass – available to foreign nationals who are under the Working Holiday Programme with Singapore (Australia, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Japan, New Zealand, Switzerland, the United Kingdom or the United States). It is available only to nationals aged 18-25 (18-30 for Australians) and valid for up to six months (1 year for Australians). It is non-renewable and the holder can only receive it once.
  • Training Work Permit – available to unskilled or semi-skilled foreign students/trainees who will undergo a practical training in Singapore that only lasts up to six months.

Short-term work passes for Singapore

Foreign workers who as on a short-term Visit Pass to Singapore usually cannot take up any work related activities. However, in certain cases (such as in the case of journalists or speakers at public events), the holder can apply for a Miscellaneous Work Pass. it allows the holder to work for a period not exceeding 60 days.

Foreign students who are studying in Singapore with a Study Visa can also work if they meet specific requirements, such as being enrolled at an approved educational institution.

How to Apply for a Singapore Work Visa?

You will first need to find a job in Singapore before you can apply for a work visa. That’s because it is your employer (or an Employment Agency) who is in charge of handling your Singapore work visa application.

Your employer or an Employment Agency can apply to get your Singapore work visa issued via EP Online, the online application service found on the website of the Ministry of Manpower (MOM).

The application process for a work visa for Singapore is as follows:

  1. Find a job in Singapore.
  2. While you are still in your home country, your employer or an Employment Agency (EA) will submit a work visa application via EP Online. They will have to pay a processing fee.
    • If the application is accepted, your employer will receive an In-Principle Approval (IPA) letter, which you can use to enter Singapore.
    • If the application is rejected, your employer will receive an In-Principle Rejection letter instead. You won’t receive a work visa.
  3. Using your IPA letter, you can travel to Singapore.
  4. Once you are there, your employer or an EA applies via EP Online to get your Singapore work visa issued. Again, they will have to pay another fee, this time for the work Pass itself.
  5. If your work Pass is issued, you will receive a notification letter. This letter holds information about whether you need to get your photo and fingerprints taken. It also allows you to start working and leave and enter Singapore until you get your Employment Card.
  6. Within two weeks after your Pass is issued, you must register at the Employment Pass Services Centre (EPSC).
  7. After registering, you will get your Pass Card – usually within 4 working days.

Can You Bring Your Family Members With You With a Singapore Work Visa?

Yes, certain professional and skilled workers are allowed to bring close family members (married spouses and children under 21) to Singapore with them through the Dependent’s Pass.

Family members who do not qualify for the Dependent’s Pass can come live with their family members who are working in Singapore through the Long Term Visit Pass (LTVP).

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