Do Indian Nationals Need Transit Visa For Amsterdam

Do Indian Nationals Need Transit Visa For Amsterdam ? The Netherlands is one of the most preferred tourist destinations for Indian tourist. People visit Netherlands for various purposes including business, leisure or education.

Do Indian Nationals Need Transit Visa For Amsterdam? Indians do not require visa to transit through Amsterdam airport. In case the purpose of visit to another country is non-business, you will be requested to present your valid Indian passport for check-in and boarding pass before transiting through Amsterdam airport to another country. However, if the purpose of visit to another country is business in nature or an urgent meeting or conference and you need a letter from a Dutch company (the host), you may be required to get a visa either Dutch Schengen visa or Dutch national visa.

Do Indian Nationals Need Transit Visa For Amsterdam

You must be wondering, What is a transit visa? I came across this question when I was going for my flight. You see, I am an Indian national and was about to visit Amsterdam for the very first time. Things were pretty expensive over there. As I had no knowledge of Amsterdam, I was clueless on what to do and where to stay. Thus, as soon as I got down at Schipol Airport, I needed to get a hotel urgently which would help me catch my connecting flight the next day. But the catch was that they only accept credit card payments and ATMs were not available around the airport! Things seemed difficult so I went inside the airport and enquired about my case. The customer service officer solved my problem and told me that since I am an Indian national, I don’t need a visa or any other documents if I am just visiting Amsterdam for a layover. There is no minimum stay period too which means you can just land in Amsterdam and get back to your home country if you want to. However, if you are planning to stay for more than 24 hours then you should get a Schengen Visa from your embassy at least three days before your trip.

What is an airport transit visa?

An airport transit visa allows you to change planes at a Dutch airport for onward travel to a destination outside the Schengen Area. The visa (also referred to as an ‘A’ visa) does not allow you to enter the Netherlands or another Schengen country. This means you cannot leave the airport, nor the international zone of the airport.

Do I need an airport transit visa?

Whether you need an airport transit visa depends on a number of things, including your nationality. The Visa Advisor helps you determine whether you need an airport transit visa.

Regardless of whether or not you need an airport transit visa, it is the airline that decides to allow you onto the flight or not. Even if you have the necessary documents for your journey.

Applying for an airport transit visa

Do you want to apply for an airport transit visa? How and where you do this differs from country to country.

Applying for an airport transit visa

Changing planes for onward travel within the Schengen Area: short-stay visa

If you are travelling to another Schengen country via the Netherlands, you will need a short-stay Schengen visa. Airport transit visas are not valid for this purpose.

Changing planes 2 times within the Schengen Area for onward travel outside Schengen: short-stay visa

If you are transiting through 2 different Schengen airports for onward travel to a country outside Schengen and the first transit airport is in the Netherlands, you need to apply for a short-stay Schengen visa. Airport transit visas are not valid for this purpose.

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