Driver Visa For Canada

When you hear about the term ‘proper documentation’, do you wonder what it is all about? Well, if you are planning on travelling to Canada, this article is for you. We will take a look at what documents you might need as an international driver, and whether or not they are available. This information can be applied in order to obtain a driver’s license in Canada as well. Through asking any questions that might come up along the way, this guide will hopefully answer any questions that may arise.

A driver’s license is an official document that allows a person to operate a vehicle. It also allows them to drive their own car on any public roads. With a driver’s license, you may get permission to drive comfortably without any fear of getting your license suspended or revoked. This can be applicable when you are in the U.S, especially if you are visiting Denver, Colarado. There are so many benefits that you can acquire with owning a driver’s license, aside from the reasons mentioned above. If you want to be certain that all the requirements are met and fulfilled, it is better to check first with your local DMV office before you start looking for a franchise like

Driver Visa For Canada

Canada is always there in the Canadian immigration thoughts. Everyone talks about immigration to America, but Canada’s economy is also one of the strongest. Therefore, when we talk about immigration, Canada is the first thing that comes to our mind.

Do you love driving long distances and discovering new places? Why not earn an income while doing what you love? Truck drivers are in high demand in Canada. If you’re interested in immigrating to Canada as a truck driver, this is your chance. 

There are plenty of employment opportunities for truck drivers in Canada. If you’re a truck driver, you could work in any of the following positions, to name just a few:

  • Long distance truck driver
  • Bulk goods truck driver
  • Automobile carrier driver
  • Cement truck driver – construction
  • Mobile cement mixer driver
  • Escort- transportation
  • Gasoline truck driver
  • Fuel oil truck driver
  • Gravel hauler
  • Log hauler

To grab hold of one of the many truck driver jobs in Canada, you need to apply for a permit to be able to work in Canada. So how do you apply for a Canada work visa? There are various immigration programs that you can apply through to work as a truck driver in Canada. Here are three top programs you can apply through for a Canadian work permit.

1. Temporary Foreign Worker Program

One way to get your Canada work visa as a truck driver is through the Temporary Foreign Worker Program (TFWP). The TFWP allows people who are neither a Canadian citizen nor a permanent resident to work in Canada in positions that are facing labor shortages. This program allows employers to hire foreign workers to fill these in-demand positions.

If you are applying through the TFWP and receive a job offer in Canada, an important part of the hiring process is applying for a Labor Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) . A positive LMIA will show that there is a need for a foreign worker to fill the job. It will also show that no Canadian worker or permanent resident is available to do the job. A positive LMIA can also be called a confirmation letter.

2. Atlantic Immigration Pilot

The Atlantic Immigration Pilot is geared toward skilled workers who are seeking permanent residence in one of Canada’s four Atlantic provinces, namely, Newfoundland and Labrador, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia.

The pilot is also open to foreign graduates who have completed their studies in one of these four provinces.

There are three programs within the Atlantic Immigration pilot, namely:

  • Atlantic International Graduate Program
  • Atlantic High-Skilled Program
  • Atlantic Intermediate-Skilled Program

If you’re planning to work as a truck driver in Canda, the program you should focus your attention on is the Atlantic Intermediate Skilled Program.

To apply for the Atlantic Intermediate-Skilled Program you must:

  • Have at least one year’s experience working in a position that requires a high school education or on the job training
  • You must have a high school diploma equal to a Canadian credential
  • To prove this, you will need to take an Educational Credential Assessment (ECA) report
  • You’ll need to take an approved language test to prove that you are proficient enough in English or French to work and live in Canada
  • You need to provide proof of funds that meet the minimum required amount to support yourself and your dependents, whether they are accompanying you in Canada or not

If you want to work as a truck driver in one of these provinces, check that you meet the necessary requirements.

3. Provincial Nominee Program (PNP)

You can also obtain a Canada work visa as a truck driver through Provincial Nominee Programs. PNPs allow skilled workers to live and work in one of the 11 participating provinces and territories in Canada, if you can help meet its specific labor needs.

The 11 Provincial Nominee Programs include:

  • Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program (AINP)
  • British Columbia Provincial Nominee Program (BC PNP)
  • Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program (MPNP)
  • New Brunswick Provincial Nominee Program (NW PNP)
  • Newfoundland & Labrador Provincial Nominee Program (NL PNP)
  • Northwest Territories Nominee Program (NTNP)
  • Nova Scotia Provincial Nominee Program (NS PNP)
  • Ontario Provincial Nominee Program (OINP)
  • Prince Edward Island Provincial Nominee Program (PEI PNP)
  • Yukon Nominee Program (YNP)

Since truck driving is an in demand occupation, you could stand a good chance of being successful by applying through a PNP.

In fact, Canada has dedicated a special program to the truck driving industry. The Long-Haul Truck Driver Project is part of the Provincial Nominee Program’s Saskatchewan Experience category. This is dedicated to getting trucking firms to bring long-haul truck drivers to Canada on a Temporary Foreign Permit.

If your application for a PNP in your chosen province is successful, you will then be nominated to be considered for residency.

Where to Work as a Truck Driver


If you’re thinking of working as a truck driver in Canada, it’s helpful to know in which provinces truck drivers are most in demand. Here are some of the top provinces to land a job as a truck driver, as well as average yearly salaries in each province.

British Columbia

Truck Driver Occupation in British Columbia
OccupationAnnual salary
Long haul truck driver$45,825
Mobile cement mixer driver$48,631
Garbage collector$37,749
Gravel hauler$42,893

Nova Scotia

Truck Driver Occupation in Nova Scotia
OccupationAnnual salary
Loading truck$63,686
Bulk goodsr$45,579
Dangerous goods$52,650
Fuel truck driver$44,597


Truck Driver Occupation in Nova Scotia
OccupationAnnual salary
Water truck driver$50,700
Solid waste collection operator$50,959
Delivery truck driver35,100
Long haul truck driver$58,916
Dump truck driver$43,875


Do I need an LMIA to work as a truck driver in Canada?

Yes. All employers should apply to the federal Labor Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) process in order to hire international truck drivers as Temporary Foreign Workers.

How much do truck drivers in Canada earn?

Truck drivers in Canada can earn an annual (yearly) salary of between $30,000 to $80,000 per year; with entry level positions starting at $39,770 and highest paying long haul drivers earning up to $81,418 per year. The average salary for a truck driver in Canada a year.

Can I apply for a job as a truck driver without experience?

While it’s not a requirement to have work experience if you wish to work as a truck driver in Canada, having work experience can increase your chances of a successful application to certain immigration programs. If you’re applying for Express Entry, having previous work experience in the field you wish to work in can increase your chances of being successful.

The IRCC usually uses the NOC (National Occupation Classification) to evaluate how the work experience of a given immigration candidate will support the requirements of the immigration program they are applying for.

Do you want to find out if you could become a truck driver in Canada? Don’t do it all on your own. Let us take the stress out of the visa application process.

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