German Visa For Spouse

Hiring the services of the skilled and certified German Visa For Spouse company, she may worthy to obtain a German Visa in few hrs or up to 7 days for succeeding her visitor visa. Our professional team assists you about various facts which are nearly required in the decision making process of becoming married within a very short time period.vIf you are a spouse of German passport holder, you can easily apply for Germany Visa For Spouse by completing the application form and paying the required fee here. Berlin Passport Visa is the renowned visa service provider that offers diverse visa services to its worldwide customers. We offer quick, efficient and affordable visa service packages to our customers through our online visa services facility.

German Visa For Spouse

A spouse of a German citizen is entitled to see a Visa issued by the German Consulate / Embassy. The foreign Spouse who wants to get the residence permit based on his or her German Spouse, can see it even in their own country but that must be done before coming to Germany. There are two ways by which an EU / EEA National Spouse can get a German Visa, the general rule and the special rule. The spouses must meet the requirements of both and there are certain criteria that will be demanded by the German Central Authority for Recognition under the Aliens Act.

Germany Family Reunion Visa Requirements and Application Process

Germany is attracting individuals from all around the world with its job and career development opportunities. Additionally, once these individuals have found work and settled in Germany, they are entitled to bring their family to join them. The Immigration Authorities in Germany have established a visa for the purposes of family reunion, but not everyone is subject to this visa requirement.

Different requirements apply to different categories of people, depending on where you’re from and who you want to join in Germany. In this article, we will go through the essentials of a family reunion visa and how to obtain one.


Who Can Get the Germany Family Reunion Visa?

To qualify for a family reunion visa, applicants must meet certain strict conditions. Additionally, the requirements will vary, depending on the status of your relative in Germany as well as your nationality.

If you are a citizen of the European UnionEuropean Economic Area, or Switzerland, what you will need in order to enter Germany is a valid passport or ID card. What this means is that you will be able to enter Germany without a family reunion visa, however, you will be required to register with the residents’ registration office (Einwohnermeldeamt), within three months upon arriving in Germany.

If you are from countries outside of the EU/EEA, on the other hand, you are required to apply for a family reunion visa to enter Germany and join your relative, spouse, or partner. Afterwards, you will be issued a residence permit from the Alien’s Authority in GermanyThis permit will be valid for as long as your family member, partner, or spouse is living in Germany.

Which Are the Requirements of the Family Reunion Visa to Germany?

Initially, your relative, spouse, or partner residing in Germany, must have the following in order to entitle you to a Germany family reunion visa:

  • A residence permit.
  • Health insurance.
  • Proof of financial stability.
  • Sufficient space for you to stay.

The income considered sufficient for a family reunion visa is calculated after accounting for rent or loans, and it must not be below the limit at which the family would have access to state benefits.

Moreover, sufficient space means for each family member over the age of six, there must be at least 12 square meters available. For children below the age of six, 10 square meters must be available.


If you are looking for further advice regarding the legal requirements for the Family Reunion Visa to Germany, we can recommend working with expert immigration lawyers such as those in the immigration law experts at Schlun & Elseven Rechtsanwälte. Legal advice from immigration lawyers from the beginning ensures that your application is made in accordance with the stated requirements. In turn, this speeds up the application process.

Which Are the Spouse/Civil Partner Family Reunion Visa Requirements?

If you are joining your spouse/partner who is living and working in Germany, you must initially be over the age of 18 and have basic knowledge of the German language.

If your spouse/civil partner belongs in one of the following categories, there is no age nor language requirement:

  • EU Blue Cardholder.
  • Is self-employed.
  • Has a researcher status in Germany.
  • Has a highly qualified status in Germany.

If your partner was issued a residence permit while you were married, then you can get the permit as well, if you simply fulfil the requirements. On the other hand, if your spouse was awarded the permit after you were married, then you might have to wait for two years until you can apply. Additionally, make sure to check with the German embassy so they can give you specific information.

Moreover, polygamous marriages are not recognized by the Federal Republic of Germany. Therefore, if a resident has brought one partner to Germany, they will not be allowed to do so again.

Which Are the Children’s Family Reunion Visa Requirements?

The requirements to bring your children to Germany on a family reunion visa depends on the age and status of the child. If the parent is a Blue Cardholder, has a settlement permit, or residence permit for humanitarian reasons, they can easily bring their child to Germany without having to fulfil any requirements.

If both parents are residents of Germany, they may apply to bring over their child. If a single parent wants to bring their child to Germany, they must have custody of the child. In case both parents share the right of care but only one of them is a resident of Germany, then the parent who is not a German resident must grant the German resident the right of custody so he/she will be able to apply for a family reunion visa.

Children who are under the age of 16 can join their parents without the need to fulfil any requirements. Those aged 16-18 must not be married and must speak fluent German in order to be granted a family reunion visa.

Which Are the Family Reunion Visa Requirements for Other Family Members?

If a parent wants to join their minor child in Germany through a family reunion visa, then the parent must have the right of care or custody of the child. This means the parent may join their children in Germany if:

  • No parent with the right of care is in Germany.
  • If the child has a residence permit.
  • If the child has a settlement permit as a resettlement refugee.

What this means is that other members of the family (parents, siblings, aunts, uncles, etc.) may join their relatives in Germany only in cases of particular hardships. If the family member living in Germany or the one wanting to move to Germany is in need of family support that can only be provided in the Federal Republic of Germany, then they are eligible to apply for the family reunion visa.

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