Global Talent Visa For Phd Students

Global Talent visa is one of the best opportunities for PhD students to apply for jobs in Australia from overseas and become a permanent resident. Global Talent stream is targeted at knowledge professionals. In the present scenario especially in India, when Technology is fundamentally changing the way of living & doctorate degree is fundamental qualification to get employed or self-employed in technical field. It’s time for Dr. Ravi Kumar to take a next step in his career with Global Talent Visa by applying for Global Resourcing Scheme (GRS).

Looking for an effective and fast way for your PhD student to immigrate? Call us today, we will answer all your questions. Beginning in 2021, a new U.S. government visa program that applies to grad students and other highly educated immigrants will be implemented.

Global Talent Visa For Phd Students


With a Global Talent visa you can work in the UK in academia or research, if you are a leader or potential leader in one of the following fields:

  • science
  • medicine
  • engineering
  • humanities

You can also work in the UK on a Global Talent visa if you’ve won an eligible award.

If you’re from the EU, Switzerland, Norway, Iceland or Liechtenstein

If you or your family member started living in the UK by 31 December 2020, you may be able to apply to the free EU Settlement Scheme.

The deadline to apply was 30 June 2021 for most people. You can still apply if either:

  • you have a later deadline – for example, you’re joining a family member in the UK who was living in the UK by 31 December 2020
  • you have ‘reasonable grounds’ for being unable to apply by 30 June 2021 – for example, you had an illness or were the victim of domestic abuse

Check if you can still apply to the EU Settlement Scheme.

Otherwise you need a visa to work in the UK.

Irish citizens do not need to apply for a visa or to the EU Settlement Scheme.

What you can do with a Global Talent visa

With a Global Talent visa you can:

There are no language or minimum salary eligibility requirements.

If you want to stay longer in the UK, you can:

  • renew your visa as many times as you like if you meet the eligibility criteria for extending your stay
  • apply to settle permanently in the UK (also known as ‘indefinite leave to remain’) if you’ve lived in the UK for 3 years and meet the other eligibility requirements – any time you spend outside the UK doing research counts towards this time

You cannot:

  • apply for most benefits (‘public funds’), or the State Pension
  • work as a sportsperson

If your application is successful, you’ll get a full list of what you can and cannot do with a Global Talent visa.


You may be eligible if you have any of the following:

  • an eligible job offer as an academic or researcher
  • an individual fellowship
  • a research grant that is approved by UK Research and Innovation (UKRI)
  • an eligible award

If you do not, you can apply by having your application peer reviewed, but your application will take longer.

If you’re not eligible for a Global Talent visa, there are other ways to work in the UK – for example a skilled work visa.

How to apply

To get a Global Talent visa you need to apply for an ‘endorsement’, as well as for the visa itself.

You do not need to apply for an endorsement if you’ve won an eligible award. You can apply for the visa straight away.

Applying for an endorsement

You need to apply for an endorsement to prove you are a leader or potential leader in your field.

The Home Office will send your application to be reviewed by a UK organisation (‘endorsing body’) with expertise in your field.

How you apply depends on whether you:

You’ll usually get a decision about your endorsement within:

  • 2 weeks, if you have an eligible academic or research job, individual fellowship or research grant – this is called ‘fast track’ endorsement
  • 5 weeks, if you’re having your application peer reviewed

Applying for the visa

There’s a separate guide to applying for your visa, including how your partner or child can apply.

You usually get a decision about your visa within:

  • 3 weeks if you’re outside the UK
  • 8 weeks if you’re inside the UK

It’s currently taking longer to get a decision on Global Talent visas when you apply from outside the UK. Find out visa decision waiting times.

You may be able to pay for a faster decision. How you do this depends on whether you’re outside the UK or inside the UK.

When you can apply for the visa

You can apply for the Global Talent visa at the same time as you apply for endorsement, or after you have the endorsement confirmed.

If your permission to stay in the UK is about to expire, applying for the visa will extend it until you’ve been given a decision.

The earliest you can apply for a visa is 3 months before you travel.


You can apply from 16 March if you plan to travel on 15 June.


It costs £608 to apply.

If you’re applying based on an endorsement, you’ll pay the £608 in two parts:

  • £456 when you apply for the endorsement
  • £152 when you apply for the visa itself

If you’re applying based on an eligible award, you’ll pay the full £608 when you apply for the visa.

If you’re including your partner or children in your application, they’ll each need to pay £608.

Healthcare surcharge

You’ll also have to pay the healthcare surcharge as part of your application – this is usually £624 per year for each person applying.

Check how much you’ll have to pay before you apply.

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