Golden Visa For Doctors

Golden Visa For Doctors is an EU-wide program that’s been set up to give non-EU citizens the right to live and work in the Schengen Area. This includes 26 countries within Europe that are able to travel freely between one another. To be eligible to apply, you will need a residence permit issued by one of the host countries, and qualifications demonstrating your high level of specialism. And you’re eligible if your role is listed as in shortage within the country where you intend to work.Have you been preoccupied with the idea of what to do next, now that you’ve completed your medical school and medical doctor (MD) certification? You could be thinking about where to start this new career or what opportunities are available for you. While there can be many options to choose from, getting a 24 hours entry visa to Portugal could also be an option. The Golden Visa Program allows expats to receive a residence permit in Portugal if they possess a specific investment and fulfill a few other conditions.

Golden Visa For Doctors

For the first time in the entire history of this great nation, it is now possible for doctors who are living and working outside of Portugal to apply for a Golden Visa. This means that they can secure their residency and citizenship while getting to come home to visit friends and family. If you have worked tirelessly in another country, you will probably find this a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. However, many doctors are asking whether or not this new golden visa for doctors has led them to becoming trapped in a job market which isn’t successful for their own personal needs. Find out if the golden visa for doctors is right for you.

The UAE will significantly expand its 10-year golden visa system next month to attract foreign professionals and encourage them to settle for longer. The change means any medical doctor will qualify for the long-term visa. In addition, a wide range of scientists and data experts will be able to easily secure long-term residency, as will all PhD holders.

The list includes people with backgrounds in computer and electrical engineering, biotechnology and those with AI and programming expertise. Pupils who leave high school with top marks would also be eligible – along with their families. Students leaving universities with a GPA of 3.8 will also be included.

Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid, Vice President and Ruler of Dubai, announced the nationwide move on Sunday. It will come into effect from December and the application website is here. “We want to keep those who are talented here so we can continue together our journey of development and achievement,” he said.

The original scheme brought in last year was aimed at top investors, company executives and scientists. Some wealthy expat business owners with long-standing investments and contributions were approached or invited to apply. Dr Ramanathan Venkiteswaran, medical director of Medcare and Aster Hospitals and Clinics, said his teams were thrilled by the news.

UAE to expand 10-year golden visa to highly skilled workers

Pupils who leave high school with top marks would also be eligible – along with their families. Students leaving universities with a GPA of 3.8 will also be included. Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid, Vice President and Ruler of Dubai, announced the nationwide move on Sunday. It will come into effect from December and the application website is here. “We want to keep those who are talented here so we can continue together our journey of development and achievement,” he said.

The original scheme brought in last year was aimed at top investors, company executives and scientists. Some wealthy expat business owners with long-standing investments and contributions were approached or invited to apply. Dr Ramanathan Venkiteswaran, medical director of Medcare and Aster Hospitals and Clinics, said his teams were thrilled by the news. 

“Since the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, doctors have been at the frontline of battling this deadly virus,” he told The National. “The extended visa will provide opportunity for doctors to continue to serve the people, striving for excellence in all fields of patient care.” Dr Amgad Farouk, a consultant urologist who works for Medcare’s Al Safa hospital, said the move would “attract many more doctors to Dubai and create a medical hub for any health issue”. In the UAE, a person’s residential status is typically tied to their employer through a residency visa. It is cancelled once the two part ways and the former employee typically has 30 days to secure a new visa or find another job.

Boost for R&D industry

Long-term visas mean the person has far greater flexibility, can plan ahead, more easily sponsor their family and has piece of mind about their status in the country. Dr Boutheina Tlili, associate professor of electrical engineering at Rochester Institute of Technology’s campus in Dubai, said the decision was a boom for the research and development industry. “The number of students in research will surge with this 10-year-visa and universities here will soon catch up with universities in Europe and the US,” she said. She said securing visas for post-doctoral candidates has been problematic at times. PhD and post-doctoral students would often be given a one or two-year visas but their research would take much longer. “We would not know if the student would be able to stay in the country and there was no stability,” she said.

This article was originally published here on

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