Greece Work Visa For Pakistani

Greece is an island country that is part of the southern European countries. The official name of Greece is Hellenic Republic. It is a developed country and member of the European Union (EU). It has a strategic location in southern Europe, on the Mediterranean Sea. It borders Kosovo & Albania on North, Bulgaria on East and Turkey on South East & South.  The climate in Greece is Moderate. The economy of the country depends highly on tourism industry, agriculture and shipping sector. Pakistan people are interested to visit and job for some time in Greece, then so Pakistani applicant must have their working permits from Pakistani government to get this job or other jobs opportunity in abroad and also they must apply for their Greek visas online as soon as possible.

Greece Work Visa For Pakistani

The sole purpose of this article is to provide advice on how to get greece work visa for Pakistani. The procedure being recommended here is letter of invitation and sponsorship by employer. Read on to know how to apply greece work visa for Pakistani with help of common methods…If you want to work and live in Greece legally, then a visa is your best option. A work visa for Greece allows a foreign citizen to enter the country for employment reasons without being an EU citizen. The type of visa required depends on various factors such as the duration of stay, purpose of visit, and whether the trip is paid.

Greece to give Pakistanis 5 years work visa from next year. The visa is based on seasonal employment which will allow total stay in Greece for five years. According to the news media sources, Notis Mitarakis, Minister of Immigration and Asylum, held talks this week in Pakistan with the country’s political leadership.

The new visa will allow Pakistanis skilled and nonskilled workers to stay 9 months a year in Greece and 3 months in Pakistan. Greece and Pakistan have signed a memorandum of cooperation to stop the flow of illegal immigrants from Pakistan and provide Greece with human resources through legal immigration channels and tough immigration policies.

Immigration and Asylum Minister Notis Mitarakis met with Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan as part of his official visit to Islamabad. According to the Greek Foreign Ministry, Mr. Mitarakis had talks with the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Human Resources Development, Mohammad Ayub Afridi, and the two Ministers exchanged views on ways to strengthen cooperation between Greece and Pakistan. immigration, but also the fight against irregularities in Greece.

Notis Mitarakis, with his visit to Pakistan, seeks to support the legal immigration for the needs of the Greek economy, with the aim of combating the illegal arrivals of immigrants in Greece and on the other hand to return to Pakistan those who arrive in Greece. without having the right to stay in the country.

He said:

“We propose seasonal work of up to nine months a year versus long-term settlement,” Notis Mitarakis wrote in person about his talks in Pakistan.

During the talks, Notis Mitarakis also noted:

“We know very well why people move illegally from one country to another and become immigrants because in the past the history of Greece is similar to the history of Pakistan. Unfortunately, there was no strong close connection between Pakistan and Greece, which is why Pakistanis living in Greece face difficulties. Pakistan and the Hellenic Republic maintain friendly relations. A strong Pakistani diaspora of over 60,000 is an important economic and cultural bridge between the two countries. The visit will further strengthen the cooperation ties between Pakistan and Greece.”

According to the press release of the Pakistani government, however:
“The aim of the new policy will be to provide a visa for 5 years (seasonal immigrants). Every year the immigrant can stay in Greece for 9 months and spend the rest in his homeland. The three major policy objectives are:

  • the issuance of new visas through legal channels.
  • legalization of illegal immigrants
  • elimination of smuggling and illegal immigration

On the other hand, the Greek side states that “the government’s goal is to support legal immigration to meet the needs of the Greek economy while combating illegal arrivals and the return of those who do not have the right to stay.

Mr. Mitarakis and Mr. Afridi agreed on the need to promote legal migration routes at the expense of smuggling networks that endanger human lives. In this context, they co-signed a Declaration of Intent for the establishment of technical talks between the two ministries, as well as for the conclusion of a memorandum of cooperation in the near future, which will cover legal immigration issues and facilitate the return of irregular migrants.

Mr. Mitarakis invited Mr. Afridi to visit Greece in the coming months, in order to continue their talks. The two ministers presented the results of their talks to the Pakistani prime minister, pledging to seek effective solutions to immigration issues. According to the Greek ministry, the Pakistani prime minister welcomed the Greek approach, congratulating the two ministries on their desire to strengthen cooperation on issues of legal immigration and the fight against irregularities.

Types of Work Visas in Greece

Greece has two overarching categories of work visas — short stay “C” visas and long stay “D” visas. Short stay visas allow people to go through or stay in the Schengen area for up to 90 days uninterrupted or 90 days counted in stages over 180 days. Most people choose this visa for:

  • Tourism
  • Family visits
  • Short business trips
  • Conferences, exhibitions, fairs, or shows
  • Board of directors’ or general meetings
  • Providing services within the same business group

Your employees will most likely need a long stay or D visa that allows them to enter Greece and apply for a residence permit. Work visas in this category have a maximum validity of a year. Anyone with a D visa must apply for a residence permit immediately after entering the country.

The most common reasons individuals get this visa include:

  • Work
  • Studies
  • Training

Requirements to Obtain Greece Work Visas

Your employees will need to put together all the required documents in addition to their application to obtain a work visa in Greece. These include:

  • Fully completed D visa application form in English or Greek
  • Passport valid for at least three months after the expiration date of the D visa
  • Copies of data page and residence permit
  • A recent passport-size color photo not older than six months
  • Travel medical insurance valid for the D visa’s period
  • A medical fitness certificate
  • A copy of the applicant’s criminal record

After getting a working visa, your employees must obtain a work permit in Greece to legally work for your company. You, as the employer,  must be locally licensed and incorporated. Then, you can get a work permit on behalf of the employee. Work permits now include residence permits, which means employees only need a work permit and a long stay visa to legally live and work in the country. Work permits are usually employer-, occupation-, and location-specific and are typically valid for a year.

Application Process

Within 30 days of arriving in Greece, your employees must go to their local municipal office or police station and apply for a work permit in-person. The work permit they need depends on what position they have, and this can also impact how long the permit will be valid. The basic application steps include:

  • Obtaining a tax number from the local tax office and a social security number from the Social Security Institute
  • Filling out a residence permit form in Greek and submitting in-person or through a certified lawyer with power of attorney
  • Showing a copy of a visa, passport, passport photos, certificate of medical insurance, and a
  • Health certificate from a state hospital
  • Proving a local address, ability to support oneself, and payment of the required fee

After completing these steps, your employees will get a blue form that acts as a receipt showing the application is being processed. They can begin working for you as soon as they get this form.

Other Important Considerations

Your employees will need to renew their work permit at their local municipal office or prefecture at least 60 days before it expires. They need a valid passport, photocopies of the passport’s pages, certified copy of the original work permit, a completed application form, and possibly more depending on the type of permit.

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