Holding Visa For Family In Dubai

If you are planning to move to Dubai with your family, you will need to obtain a family visa. This type of visa allows your spouse and dependent children under the age of 18 to live with you in Dubai. In order to apply for a family visa, you must first have a valid residence visa. You can then submit an application for a family visa along with supporting documents such as your passport, marriage certificate, and birth certificates. The processing time for a family visa is typically around four weeks. Once your application has been approved, you will be required to pay a fee and undergo a medical examination. Once these steps have been completed, your family visas will be issued and you can begin the process of moving to Dubai!

If you are looking to hold a visa for your family in Dubai, there are a few things you need to know. First, you will need to obtain a family visa from the Dubai Immigration Department. This can be done by either applying online or through your local embassy. Once you have the visa, you will need to register your family with the department. After registration, you will be given a residency permit which will allow your family to stay in Dubai for up to three years. If you wish to extend your family’s stay, you will need to apply for an extension at least six weeks before their current residency permit expires. We will base our discussion today on – Holding Visa For Family In Dubai. But, other resources which you can find on our website include some frequently asked questions such as: documents required for holding family visa in dubai and family visa hold procedure dubai

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Holding Visa For Family In Dubai

As the number of people travelling to Dubai for work or pleasure increases, so does the number of people who need to apply for a visa in order to enter the country. If you’re one of these people, you may be wondering what the process is and how you can go about getting a visa for your family members. In this blog post, we will explore the process of applying for a visa for family members in Dubai. We will also provide some tips on how to make the process as smooth as possible. So if you’re planning on travelling to Dubai with your family, read on for more information.

The Basic Requirements for a Family Visa in Dubai

The requirements for a family visa in Dubai are as follows:

1. The sponsor must be a UAE national or a company licensed to operate in the UAE.

2. The sponsor must have a valid residency permit in the UAE.

3. The sponsor must submit a copy of their passport and Emirates ID.

4. The sponsor must provide proof of income or employment in the UAE.

5. The sponsor must provide bank statements for the past three months.

6. The sponsor must provide copies of utility bills for the past three months.

Applying for a Family Visa in Dubai

If you’re planning on moving to Dubai with your family, you’ll need to apply for a family visa. The process is relatively straightforward, but there are a few things to keep in mind.

First, you’ll need to gather all the necessary documents. This includes your passport, birth certificate, marriage certificate (if applicable), and proof of employment. You’ll also need to submit a medical report and have your fingerprints taken.

Once you have all the required documentation, you can begin the application process. Start by completing the online application form and paying the associated fees. Then, schedule an appointment at the nearest UAE embassy or consulate.

At your appointment, you’ll need to present all of your documentation and undergo an interview. If everything goes well, your family visa will be approved and you’ll be able to move to Dubai!

The Benefits of Holding a Family Visa in Dubai

There are many benefits of holding a family visa in Dubai. One of the main benefits is that it allows families to stay together in one place. This can be very important for families with young children, as it can help to keep them safe and secure. It also gives families the opportunity to spend more time together, which can be difficult to do when living in different countries.

Another benefit of holding a family visa in Dubai is that it can help to save money. Families that live together in one place often find that they can share resources and expenses, such as food and accommodation. This can lead to significant savings over time. Additionally, living in one place can also make it easier to access government services and benefits.

Finally, holding a family visa in Dubai can also help to improve the quality of life for all members of the family. When families are able to stay together, they often find that they have more support and love for each other. This can make a big difference in the overall happiness of the family unit.

The Drawbacks of Holding a Family Visa in Dubai

If you are planning to move to Dubai with your family, you will need to obtain a family visa. However, there are some drawbacks to holding a family visa in Dubai that you should be aware of before making the decision to move.

First and foremost, one of the biggest drawbacks of holding a family visa in Dubai is the cost. Family visas can be quite expensive, and if you are not prepared to pay the costs associated with obtaining one, then it may not be the right choice for you.

Another drawback of holding a family visa in Dubai is that it can be difficult to find housing. Because demand for housing is so high in Dubai, it can be difficult to secure adequate housing for your family if you do not have a family visa. This is especially true if you are looking for housing in one of the more popular areas of Dubai such as Downtown Dubai or Jumeirah Beach Residence.

Finally, another potential drawback of holding a family visa in Dubai is that it may limit your ability to work. While there are many jobs available in Dubai, some employers may only hire people who have a valid work visa. This means that if you want to work while you are living in Dubai on a family visa, you may need to obtain a work visa as well.

If you are planning on bringing your family to Dubai, it is important to know what type of visa you will need. The visa requirements for Dubai are different than those in other countries, so it is important to do your research before you travel. We hope this article has helped you better understand the process and what you need to do in order to ensure that your family can come with you when you travel to Dubai.

Holding Visa For Family In Dubai

Could you imagine that had you lived in a country far away from your family and loved ones, including your spouse and children? It would be very painful, wouldn’t it? Although the region which we are living in is considered as one of the developed countries, but still there is no solution for the problems of family visa.You‘ve waited a long time for this. You made it through the paperwork and paid all the fees, so you can finally be reunited with your sibling, parent or child. But your joy is short-lived as your relative then has to wait for a visa appointment in his or her home country. You worry that you will not make it in time before the expiry of their visa, causing them to have to leave again. This shouldn’t be such an arduous task!

How can you keep your family visa hold in UAE?

If you are planning to move jobs, transfer your visa from one sponsor to another having your family under your sponsorship, you do not need to worry. The UAE’s immigration authorities have provided the option of a hold service where you can keep your dependent’s visa on hold until you transfer your visa from your existing sponsor to the new sponsor. The visa can be put on hold for a maximum of 60 days.

How can you apply for the visa hold service in UAE?

You can apply for this service :

  1. by visiting an Amer service center in Dubai or
  2. at the service center of the Federal Authority for Identity and citizenship (ICA) in any other emirate.

What are the hold visa service procedures in UAE?

The procedure is simple:

  • Step 1: Your labor card needs to be canceled by your existing employer.
  • Step 2: Visit an Amer centre or an ICA customer happiness centre and place in the request for putting your family visa on hold.
  • Step 3: Cancel your existing employment visa.
  • Step 4: Send the cancellation request to your new employer and Request to process your new residence visa application
  • Step 5: Once it is stamped, you can remove the hold on your family’s visa.

Once you submit your new residence visa copy to the Amer or ICA center The deposit amount will then be refunded.

What are the documents required to hold family visa in UAE?

If you are transferring sponsorship between a mainland company to another mainland company, these are the documents you would need to submit:

  1. Holding application
  2. Labour cancellation documents from current employer
  3. New company offer letter from MOHRE (salary and profession)
  4. Sponsor and dependents’ original passport & Original Emirates ID

The residence visa for the sponsored should have a minimum validity of 3 months

The visa can be put on hold for a maximum of 60 days.

What are the Fees for keeping your family visa on hold?

  • Holding application – Dh75
  • Refundable deposit – Dh2,500
  • Each passport’s holding fee – Dh141

If the hold is lifted before 60 days, the deposit amount will be refunded. Otherwise, the amount will be lost.

A security deposit is not required when holding the visas of family members of Golden Visa holders.

Transferring your family visa from Freezone to mainland

  • Holding application
  • End-of-service document
  • New company offer letter from MOHRE
  • Sponsor and dependents’ original passport

Can the family member travel if their visa are on hold?

The dependent visa must be valid for at least 6 months to have them put on hold. Family members whose visa are on hold are not able to travel during the new visa process of their sponsor and it is required for dependents to be in the country during the process.

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