How Long Does Visa For Egypt Last

If you are planning to visit Egypt then you must have surely come across the visa requirements of this country. The question of the day is how long does that visa last? In this article, I will be providing some useful facts and information regarding the duration of tourist visa for Egypt.Egypt is an unique country with its ancient history and culture. The country’s touristic sights were listed as World Heritage by UNESCO. Egypt has several visa policies for people who want to visit the country. The visa policies depend on the passport that is used by the tourists. Tourists from some countries that are considered as low risk can get their visas at Cairo International Airport for free. Tourists from other countries have to apply for visas in order to enter Egypt and receive a stamp which allows them to stay in the country for a period of between 21 days and 3 months depending on the visa policy enforced. Multiple entry visas are available in Egypt as well.

How Long Does Visa For Egypt Last

Egypt’s Visa policies are often confused and misunderstood, especially when it comes to the tourist visa. Egypt has introduced new visas in 2018 that might require you to renew your visa after 1 month if you want to stay longer. The reason for this is not explained clearly. However, it seems Egypt has adopted this policy as a way to ensure foreign tourists don’t overstay their welcome.

How long is an Egypt Online visa valid for?

Egypt Visa / FAQ / How long is an Egypt online visa valid for?

There are two different types of the Egypt e-Visa: the single-entry visa and the multiple-entry visa. The validity of the Egypt visa depends on which type you have. When completing the online visa application you can choose which type of visa you need.

Egypt e-Visas are designed for tourism. This means that they cannot be used for a long-term stay in Egypt or for working. There are separate types of visas which can be obtained from embassies or consulates for these purposes.

Single-entry e-Visa for Egypt validity

The single-entry visa for Egypt allows visitors to stay in the country for a maximum of 30 days within a three-month period. It only allows for one entry into Egypt.

If you wish to enter Egypt more than once for whatever reason, you can apply for a multiple-entry visa. The Egypt visa validity is 180 days and it allows for multiple stays of a maximum of 30 days within that period of time.

To apply for the single-entry visa you need to select the single-entry option when prompted to choose the visa type when you complete the application. In total the whole process just takes a few minutes.

Multiple-entry e-Visa for Egypt validity

Visitors who wish to leave and re-enter Egypt cannot do so with a single-entry visa, it is necessary to have a multiple-entry visa. Multiple-entry visas for Egypt are valid for 180 days and allow travelers to spend a total of up to 30 days per entry in the country.

The application process for the multiple-entry visa is the same as for the single-entry visa. The only difference is that applicants need to select the multiple-entry option when prompted on the form. The fee for the multiple-entry visa is greater than the single-entry visa.

How to make sure your Egypt online visa is valid

Once your Egypt e-Visa application has been approved, you will receive a valid Egypt e-Visa by email. You need to print at least one copy of the visa to present to the border authorities upon arrival.

It is important to present the e-Visa along with your passport. You must use the same passport you used for the application form, otherwise your visa will not be valid. You can check the Egypt visa validity dates on the visa itself.

Although applications are usually processed quicker, it is recommended to apply at least 7 days before your trip to allow plenty of time for your application to be processed.

To avoid delays and complications during the application process, make sure you revise all the information you enter and check it for mistakes. Also, pay special attention to the specifics of the photo requirements.

Egypt visa on arrival validity

The majority of nationalities who are eligible for the Egypt visa are also eligible for the visa on arrival. Most visitors prefer to obtain an e-Visa as it saves the hassle of queuing at the border and waiting to complete the application.

However, it is a useful option if you are traveling to Egypt within the next 7 days and therefore do not have enough time to process the e-Visa application.

The validity of the Egypt visas on arrival is 30 days (same as the single-entry e-Visa). They also do not allow you to leave and re-enter the country.

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