How Many Countries We Can Go Without Visa With Indian Passport

Do you know that first War of Independence fought by Indian in 1857 was against the British East India company? Indians have not forgotten this event and still hold grudges against the British. Before the days of visa, people from nearby areas used to visit India frequently which helped many people to gain their freedom. At present, it has become a difficult task to visit most of the countries due to short terms and long terms visa processes. To get a visa, many documents and proofs related to your financial status are required which is challenging for common man.

How Many Countries We Can Go Without Visa With Indian Passport

Going for a vacation anywhere in the world is everyone’s favorite idea. Whenever we can, many of us travel to new countries, explore, and experience life outside India. But the process of acquiring visas has always been a tiresome, lengthy one.Getting your passport stamped is one of the best feelings when traveling abroad. But how many countries can you really go to without a visa? A lot more than you think! Keep reading for 5 proven strategies you can use to travel to over 144 visa-free countries  with a passport from India.

We all have a desire to visit a foreign country at least once in our lifetime. An Indian passport holder can now achieve their dream hassle-free by visiting these 60 countries which do not require a prior visa. Yes, you read that right! Henley Passport Index, a global passport rankings chart, India is placed at 87th position on the world’s most powerful passports list for 2022. Japan tops the list by giving its citizens visa-free access to 193 destinations. Followed by Singapore and South Korea.

India’s position on the 87th means that India gives visa-free access to 60 countries. Earlier, India had imposed a ban on international travel due to the covid-19 pandemic. After two years, the ban was revoked in March 2022. This has helped in the recovery of the tourism industry and strengthened the passport rank. Travel has become cheaper and more affordable by making it visa-free.

The top ten countries on the list include Germany, Spain, Finland, Luxembourg, and Italy. The USA stands in the seventh position by giving visa-free access to 186 countries. The UK, on the other hand, stands in the sixth position, giving access to free-visa to 187 countries.

Here’s the list of countries where Indian passport holders do not require a prior visa:

  1. Cook Islands
  2. Fiji
  3. Marshall Islands
  4. Micronesia
  5. Niue
  6. Palau Islands
  7. Samoa
  8. Tuvalu
  9. Vanuatu
  10. Iran
  11. Jordan
  12. Oman
  13. Qatar
  14. Albania
  15. Serbia
  16. Barbados
  17. British Virgin Islands
  18. Dominica
  19. Grenada
  20. Haiti
  21. Jamaica
  22. Montserrat
  23. St. Kitts and Nevis
  24. St. Lucia
  25. St. Vincent and the Grenadines
  26. Trinidad and Tobago
  27. Bhutan
  28. Cambodia
  29. Indonesia
  30. Laos
  31. Macao (SAR China)
  32. Maldives
  33. Myanmar
  34. Nepal
  35. Sri Lanka
  36. Thailand
  37. Timor-Leste
  38. Bolivia
  39. El Salvador
  40. Botswana
  41. Burundi
  42. Cape Verde Islands
  43. Comoro Islands
  44. Ethiopia
  45. Gabon
  46. Guinea-Bissau
  47. Madagascar
  48. Mauritania
  49. Mauritius
  50. Mozambique
  51. Rwanda
  52. Senegal
  53. Seychelles
  1. Sierra Leone
  2. Somalia
  3. Tanzania
  4. Togo
  5. Tunisia
  6. Uganda
  7. Zimbabwe

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