How Many Types Of Work Permit In Aramco

An Aramco work permit is a special type of work permit issued to its employees and their dependents so that they can live and work in Aramco or KSA (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia).Aramco employs over 67,000 Saudi employees, and 4,200 expatriates. More than 60% of their Saudi expatriate employees are direct family members and dependents. Here are the different types of work permits available in Saudi Arabia:There are different kinds of visa issued for those residents coming from different countries or state. Those things differ from one another in the kind of work that can be done by the applicants. If you want to get information about the work permit you should be able to visit the official site .

How Many Types Of Work Permit In Aramco

Saudi Aramco is the Saudi Arabia’s oil and gas giant. It provides the best opportunities to its employees through its training programs and job placements. Saudi Aramco hiring process consists of many steps before you can join them as an employee. You have to pass through different stages of selection rounds before you get hired by Saudi Aramco. When you apply for a job at Saudi Aramco, you have to provide all the required documents with your application form, in order to be considered for the job. The company offers different types of job options for everyone including expatriates, U.

What is Permit to Work System?

A Permit to Work System or PTW is a standard operational procedure used by organizations to issue documented permission to perform tasks that are considered hazardous or non-routine. A permit to work form consists of specific instructions of the nature of the job, the time and place along with adequate information of critical safety procedures to follow.

A valid permit to work document, whether paper-based or digitized should essentially have the following:

  • 1Sufficient authorizations from assigned personnel throughout the permit management.
  • 2Roles and responsibilities for a given task.
  • 3Clearly define hazards that workers may face along with the necessary precautionary actions to take.
  • 4Precise description of the task along with a timeline, scope of work and clear instructions on how to perform the given task.
  • 5An elaborate set of risk assessment protocols including site audit check, safety equipment check, safety training of personnel check, and more such safety checks which varies according to the type of job.
  • 6A record to indicate the status of the work permit – be it closed, cancelled, revoked, re-issued, etc.

Why Permit to Work?

A permit to work system provides an easy way for organizations to keep a constant eye on work-flows using a well-documented system to streamline operations and control safety outcomes.

Without a work permit, you unintentionally put yourself and those around you in danger. For example: Imagine being stuck or asphyxiated in a confined space with no one knowing you’re actually there or operating machinery without enough practice or training.

More Safety

More Safety

Safety permits ensure that personnel are well-equipped with the right PPE equipment, trained with adequate safe-working procedures and instructed on specific threats and vulnerabilities before they embark on their duty.

More Accountability

More Accountability

Through work permits, employees and contractors are authorized to complete a given task. Therefore, any incident or near miss after receiving a written permit puts the onus and responsibility solely on the company.

Better Analysis

Better Analysis

A recorded compilation of data will give a deeper understanding to regulate incidents, taking into account the human error probability and investing in better safety equipment or new operational procedures.

What are the types of Work Permits?

There are seven main types of work permits: Hot Work Permits, Cold Work Permits, Confined Spaces Work Permits, Chemical Work Permits,
Height Work Permit, and Excavation Permit. Each work permit is categorized depending on the nature of the job and the hazard involved in it.

Hot Work Permit

Hot Work Permit

Authorization to perform tasks in conditions that produce sparks, flames or any other source of ignition. Examples of Hot Work Permit include welding, soldering, flammable gases and other heat inducing operations.

Cold Work Permit

Cold Work Permit

Authorization to operate machinery or other functions that do not generate any form of heat in the manufacturing process. Mechanically induced bending, shearing, squeezing and drawing are some examples of Cold Work Permit.

Height Work Permit

Height Work Permit

Authorization to work on elevated spaces (2m from the ground) be it ladders, scaffolds, Mobile Elevated Work Platforms (MEWP) and other spaces that are off the ground.

Confined Spaces Work Permit

Confined Spaces Work Permit

Authorization to perform tasks in a narrow space which is prone to hazards like asphyxiation, a substance that has the ability to engulf, toxic atmosphere, etc. Confined spaces refer to vents, shafts, sewages, tanks and much more.

Excavation Permit

Excavation Permit

Authorization for personnel to mine or dig land in order to build infrastructure, extract resources or unearth hidden artifacts. The risk involved in excavation includes falling, being trapped, explosions, airborne contaminants, etc.

Chemical Work Permit

Chemical Work Permit

Authorization to work with harmful chemical substances or in a chemically induced atmosphere that is either toxic or corrosive by nature. Chemical engineers that mostly work in chemical plants and labs.

Electrical Isolation Permit

Electrical Isolation Permit

Authorization to work in high voltage zones that are prone to uncontrolled dispersion of electricity. Common electrical isolation work is to manage and maintain Lock-out systems and site maintenance by electrical engineers.

Permit to Work System

Customizable Digital Work Permit System

Bring ease and efficiency to your Permit to Work process through Safetymint.Request free trial

Permit to Work Digitization

Digitization of Permit to work system helps to remove the tiresome Excel-based or paper-work processes which are normally associated with a manual PTW system. With an electronic permit system, you can optimize the whole process to create a system that is always connected, easy to use, highly collaborative with increased accessibility and control of permits

Let us now look at the advantages that a digitized permit to work system can bring:

  • Create any number of permits without any hassle, a digitized work permit system instantly issues permits in no-time with the right authorizations.
  • Push permits information instantly to the right people at the right time – gaining authorizations and feedback without any latency delays or delays due to unforeseen circumstances.
  • From issuing permits to cloning, revoking, closing permits and other permit activities can now be instantly updated and retrieved from a central database that can be accessed from even remote locations using any connected device including your mobile phone.
  • Monitor permit to work activities to gain valuable insights into the progress of your operations.
  • With greater communication comes greater collaboration – Now management and on-site workers can keep in constant touch in-order to seek instant updates of safety permit status.
  • Powered by smart automation technology – E-permit to work system automatically issues or rejects permits until all permit criteria are fulfilled and safety procedures are in place.
  • Get instant notification and alerts of permit activities, request and escalation reports throughout the designated chain of management.

PTW Checklists

Permit to Work checklist is a comprehensive documentation of everything associated with the work permit to be issued. The checklist template has to cover all the aspects of a work permit including the work related details, safety checks to be followed, worker profiles, emergency protocols, authorizations, duration of work etc.

  • Complete Credentials & AuthorizationsNames, designations, and signatures from the originator, permit user, issuing authority, site checker and other designated authorities.
  • Permit Title and Reference Number :To give a clear identification to the permit to work form to ensure that permits can be easily stored and retrieved.
  • Job Location and TimingNames, designations, and signatures from the originator, permit user, issuing authority, site checker and other designated authorities.
  • Plant IdentificationThis will help in pinpointing the exact location of the plant where the task is to be performed.
  • Description of workA complete summary of the task to be performed with procedures to follow, the scope of work and limitations.
  • Hazard IdentificationA complete summary of hazards that you may face during the job from residual, ergonomic, physical, radiation and much more.
  • Precautionary StepsSafety measures to take to avoid any hazardous circumstances that may arise during the job.
  • PPE (Personal Protective Equipment)A list of the Safety gear needed while performing the assigned task. Safety equipment includes gloves, respiratory mask, safety helmets, footwear, harness and much more depending on the job.
  • Permit Sign OffThe final part of the permit to work system where you will have to mention if the work assigned is completed or incomplete.

Few of the free Permit to Work checklists on Safetymint

How to Effectively Implement a Permit to Work System:

The ultimate success of your permit to work system depends on a number of factors which is illustrated below:

  • Emphasizing the importance of a permit to work system and when it should be used to everyone involved in your organization.
  • Provide adequate and comprehensive training program to your staff, no matter how good your permit to work system is.
  • Make sure that no job starts without a validated permit to work.
  • Make sure that all required authorizations are granted before the start of the task.
  • Make sure that the completed permit is stored and managed properly.

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