How Many Types Of Work Visa In Canada

One of the most common inquiries from job seekers and employers regarding work visas in Canada is the type of work visa to apply for. Most non-Canadian citizens or permanent residents require federal approval to work in Canada. The requirements vary depending on one’s current citizenship and country of residence. Below are all the different types of Canadian work visas you can apply for and their corresponding requirements. Canada is quite a popular work visa destination for several reasons. The country has friendly people and the working culture here is very open and accommodating. It not only has beautiful landscapes, but also offers plenty of job opportunities for different kinds of professionals who want to immigrate here.

How Many Types Of Work Visa In Canada

Canada has a great deal to offer potential immigrants and foreign workers . The country consistently ranks as one of the top places in the world to live and work. As a result, there is a large number of immigrants seeking work visas in Canada every year. Work permits in Canada are issued according to the Field of Work category. Thus, if a citizen of a foreign country wants to enter the territory of Canada and perform any type of work, they must apply for the corresponding work permit before coming to Canada.

Canadian Work Permit Types

There are two types of work permit programs in Canada:

  • Temporary Foreign Worker Program: A Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) is required for a foreign national to obtain a work permit
  • International Mobility Program: An LMIA is not required for a foreign national to obtain a work permit

The purpose of the LMIA is for employers to demonstrate to the Canadian government that the hiring of a foreign worker will not have a negative impact on Canada’s existing workforce. The federal department of Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) wants to ensure that the hiring of foreign workers will not displace existing workers in Canada nor place downward pressures on their wages. Workers that need an LMIA fall under the Temporary Foreign Worker Program (TFWP).

Although the LMIA process is the rule, there are many different LMIA-exempt work permits, resulting from free trade agreements, such as the former North American Free Trade Agreement, now known as the Canada-United States-Mexico Agreement, or CUSMA. These free trade agreements enable foreign workers to apply for a work permit without their employer having to obtain an LMIA. In addition to these employer sponsored work permits, there are a number of work permit options available to foreign workers who do not yet have a job offer, including working holidays, post-graduate work permits, and open spousal work permits. Workers who do not need an LMIA fall under the International Mobility Program (IMP).

These are among the common scenarios under which one can work in Canada:

LMIA Required

These work permits require the employer to obtain a Labour Market Impact Assessment as part of the process.

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LMIA Exempt

Certain circumstances allow for individuals to work in Canada without first obtaining a Labour Market Impact Assessment.

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These are issued under the Canada-United-States-Mexico Agreement (formerly NAFTA), allowing work without an LMIA.

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Intra-Company Transfers

These permits will allow a company to bring certain employees to Canada from its offices abroad without a LMIA.

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Business Visitors

In many cases, business visitors may work in Canada without a work permit, so long as they meet certain conditions and don’t enter the Canadian labour market.

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Post-Graduation Work Permits

After graduating from a Designated Learning Institution, international students in Canada may work for up to three years.

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Evaluate Your Work Permit Options

 I already have a job offer in Canada

If you have a job offer from a Canadian employer and are unsure of what to do next, check out our Work Permit Services to get an introduction on what you need to acquire the proper authorizations to work in Canada. Cohen Immigration Law would be happy to assist you with the process from beginning to end.

 I have a job offer in the province of Quebec

 I am a citizen of the United States or Mexico

 I am a Canadian business looking to hire a foreign worker

 I am a tech worker

 I am in the TV and film industry

 I would like to work in Canada as an entrepreneur

 I would like to work in Canada as a self-employed individual

 I am a currently studying or have recently graduated from a Canadian educational institution

 I am looking for work in Canada

Contact Cohen Immigration Law for Assistance

Frequently Asked Questions

1) How do you get a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA)?

Canadian employers wishing to employ a foreign worker in Canada must first obtain authorization from Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC), otherwise known as a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA). Canadian employers must demonstrate that employing a foreign worker will not have a negative impact on the Canadian labour market in most cases, and that there is currently no Canadian citizen or permanent resident available to fill the position. This is typically accomplished by advertising the position on several venues, thus demonstrating there was no suitable Canadian for the job. A LMIA is a very rigorous and comprehensive process that is subject to a high level of scrutiny from the government, and thus must be completed without errors.

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