How Many Years Tourist Visa For Canada

Many times, tourist visa for Canada has aroused discussion and some have asked whether or not you really need a travel visa to go to Canada? Hence, what are the rules for obtaining permanent Canadian resident card for those who live in Hong Kong? This article will discuss several interesting facts about the tourist visa for Canada.How Many Years Tourist Visa For Canada  Applicable persons should apply to the visa office in their country of residence with the following documents:Passport Original and photocopy, with validity of more than 12 months and at least 1 blank page;Canada is one of the most popular countries in the world. Since Canada is a diverse land, many people around the globe aspire to visit Canada or move to Canada permanently.

How Many Years Tourist Visa For Canada

A family of 4 has to wait for more than 25 years to obtain Canadian permanent residency. On average, there are about 3,400 applicants from India, who apply for the Canada Express entry visa every year. The journey is not easy and takes plenty of patience. The process is extremely tedious and takes a lot of time and energy.

Apply for Multiple Entry Visa Canada

Gain access to Canada, with the flexibility to sightsee, visit family, work, or study. A temporary resident visa may allow you to do all that. And now, all applications for temporary resident visas are considered for multiple entry!

Who is the Multiple Entry Temporary Resident Visa For?

Temporary resident visas (TRVs) are for foreign nationals who wish to visit Canada for a limited period of time and intend to leave at the end of their stay. Multiple entry temporary resident visas are for foreign nationals who will need to come and go from Canada more than once within a ten-year period for stays of up to six months.

What Does Canada’s Multiple Entry TRV Provide?

The temporary resident visa allows foreign nationals to visit Canada on vacation or visit family.

In some cases you can conduct business or study at a Canadian educational institution. This depends on whether you are authorised to do so under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations.

Furthermore, if an educational program of study is of less than 6 months’ duration, a temporary resident may be able to complete it without a study permit. A multiple entry temporary resident visa allows a temporary resident to come and go to/from Canada for periods of up to six months, over up to ten years (or until the temporary resident’s passport expires, if this occurs first) without having to reapply each time.

Who is Eligible for the Multi Entry Temporary Resident Visa?

In order to qualify for any temporary resident visa, you must “show the officer that you meet the requirements of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA) and the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations and that you will be in Canada for a temporary stay” as well as

  • Satisfy an officer that you will leave Canada at the end of your stay,
  • Show that you have enough money to maintain yourself and your family members in Canada and to return home,
  • Not intend to work or study in Canada unless authorized to do so,
  • Be law abiding and have no record of criminal activity,
  • Not be a risk to the security of Canada,
  • Provide any additional document requested by the officer to establish your admissibility, and
  • Be in good health (complete a medical examination if required).

All temporary resident visa applicants are now considered for multiple entry visas, and single entry applicants may even be granted multiple entry visas.

Canada Tourist Visa 10 Years Entry

Canada visitor visas are typically long-term visas (5 to 10 years). Find out more about Canada’s Tourist Visa 10 Year Entry below:

Canada Tourist Visa 10 Year Multiple Entry Visa Requirements

To apply for a multiple entry temporary resident visa, you must fill out the necessary paperwork and include the required supporting documents, as well as pay for your application.

  • You may also be required to undergo a medical examination and/or have your fingerprints and photograph taken.
  • You must apply from outside Canada; you cannot apply upon arrival.
  • If you have family members applying to visit Canada, they must complete separate application forms, though you can mail your applications together and use one payment receipt for the total payment for all the applications.

The multiple entry temporary resident visa application process can be complicated. We can help you navigate this process, ensuring that you don’t miss anything important.

We are Experts on Canada’s Multiple Entry TRV

As professional immigration lawyers, attorneys, and paralegals, we know how to handle multiple entry temporary resident visa applications to improve your chances at receiving approval. Let us help you put forward the best application possible.

We Understand the Multiple Entry Temporary Resident Visa Application Process

We have helped thousands of foreign nationals successfully enter Canada with multiple entry temporary resident visas and we can help you too.

Our firm boasts 15 years of experience in working with visitors to Canada. We know what the Canadian immigration department requires, and how to meet all deadlines and expectations.

Start today by getting an assessment of your case. Fill out our immigration assessment form and we will get back to you within 24 hours to discuss your case.

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