How Much Is A Work Visa For France

How much does it cost to get a work visa for France? What’s the process like and where do you start? You’ve probably noticed that France is a trendy travel destination for tourists from other parts of Europe. The tourism industry has been booming for years and many people want to know how to move here to work. It’s said that France has the most immigrants in Europe when compared to its population and the fact that it remains a top tourist destination while doing so, makes it even more attractive as a country to move to.

A work visa for France is a permit that lets an individual come to France and take up employment. The visa is issued by the French Consulate or Embassy in your home country. There are many categories of work visas for France, and each is granted for a specific reason and under different terms. Similar to France, there’s also no one French work visa, as it depends on the kind of person you are, the kind of work you intend to do, the qualifications you have and more.

France long-stay Work Visas have been established for people who wish to enter France and remain there for more than three months, up to a year, under work purposes. There are special requirements and eligibility criteria for each of these, and tasks one has to correctly fulfill, in order to be able to successfully obtain a long-stay Work Visa.

What are the Categories of the French Work Visa?

These are visas for people who intend to come to France and remain for a period longer than 90 days, with the single purpose of engaging in a paid activity.

French Salaried Employees Visa

For people who wish to work in France for up to one year. When applying for this type of visa, one must present a work contract duly endorsed by the DIRECCTE.

French Work Visa for Creating and running a business or company

If you wish to create and run a business or company in France, then you will have to apply for this type of visa, whether this will be your personal initiative or in collaboration with another company. Do not forget that you will be asked for extra documents than usually required, as showing proof you have the financial means to create the planned business.

French Work Visa for Professionals and independent workers

There are some professions, which are not authorized to the non-EU nationals as bailiffs, notaries, judicial administrators and insurance general agents, etc. Others as doctors, lawyers, architects, etc. will need authorization from the relevant professional body. Therefore make sure to check what you will need to do to engage in your profession in France, before applying for this type of visa.

French long stay Sports visa

Every sportsman or sportswoman that wish to enter and remain in France for up to one year have to follow some procedures in order to be permitted to engage in sports activities. If the applicant is employed and will receive a salary for the activity they are engaged in, they will have to apply as a “salaried employee”.

On the other hand, when the applicant will not be receiving a salary, he or she must apply as a ‘visitor’/ however, in this case, the sports club or institution must sponsor applicant’s stay in France, including their accommodation, insurance, transport, etc.

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