How To Apply For A Maid Visa In Qatar

The biggest and most popular question asked by any person who is interested in moving to Qater, is how do I get a Maid Visa? Applying for this visa can be quite confusing at the outset. There are many visa’s and permits that you can apply for when arriving in Qatar. But we will focus on the main one for now. The Maid Visa will allow you to sponsor any maid of your choice and bring her into the country. All maids need this visa before they can work in the country.

Since its inception, Qatar has been attracting thousands of expats from all across the globe. A lot of people are lured by the prospect of working in this country and they have very good reasons to do so. To make your job search easier, we have compiled a comprehensive guide on getting a maid visa.

Applying for a maid’s visa can be difficult due to the various challenges that come with it. But there are steps you can follow in order to make your application easier. This guide was made with support from Law Moosa, a pioneer Qatari law firm with over 6 years’ experience helping people through paper and boilerplate bureaucracy.

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