How To Apply Student Visa In Australia From Japan

Japan is one the countries that provide the opportunity for the international students to study over there. The government of Japan provides a large number of opportunities for its citizens as well as for the Overseas citizens in their country. For example, there are many students from Japan who go to Australia to pursue higher education and some might require Student Visa in Australia.

In this blog post, we shall be discussing the student visa application in Australia from Japan. Students applying for a student visa from Japan to Australia must begin the process by submitting an International Student Category Form. This online form is used to assess your eligibility for a student visa. It is important that all the details you provide on this form are accurate and complete. We will base our discussion today on – How To Apply Student Visa In Australia From Japan. But, other resources which you can find on our website include some frequently asked questions such as: how to apply student visa in australia from philippines 2022 and new rules for australia student visa 2022

Australian Student Visa in Japan is a scheme to attract international students to come to Australia and study in an approved institution in Australia. Students who wish to study in Australia can apply for this visa.

When you plan to go study abroad, one of the most important things you need to figure out is how to apply your student visa. In this article, we will give you information on what needs to be done in order for you to have a smooth application process. To be honest, applying for a student visa is not easy, and we are here to guide you about all the necessary steps.

How To Apply Student Visa In Australia From Japan

Student Visa requires a relatively rigorous process of applying which involves securing accommodation, enrollment in an educational course on offer, visa conditions and finances. Applying for a student visa can be quite challenging for international students who arrive in Australia for the first time especially if they have no one to help them with guidance.

In the past decade, Australia has become one of the most popular choice of destination for expats. There are many things that make it a desirable place to live. The quality of education at Australian colleges and universities is incomparable. The healthcare system is one of the best in the world and expatriates get to enjoy it just as any other Australian national.

New Rules for Australia Study Visa Requirements in 2022

The COVID-19 outbreak has impacted international students to a great extent. Many of them were unable to return to Australia to continue studying there physically. 

The Australian government introduced new rules and regulations to bring back students and start the curriculum, ensuring that all international students are able to continue studies. Read on to find out more.

The 7 New Rules on the Australia Study Visa Requirements

The Government of Australia has announced new rules for a student visa on 20th July. The new visa rules are to support international students and make it more flexible for them to apply. 

Australian Immigration minister, Alan Tudge announced new rules through his tweet: 

1. Australia opens its border for International Students

July 20, 2020: The Australian government has resumed providing student visas to all locations situated outside Australia. 

It means that by the time when Australia reopens its border for international students, they will already have their visas with them and can carry on with their travel arrangements.

2. Post-work-study visa relaxations (Temporary Graduate Visa – Subclass 485)

July 20, 2020: Students and Graduates, who were affected by travel restrictions since 20th March,2020, will now be able to apply and receive a Temporary Graduate (subclass 485) visa from outside Australia.

3. Consideration of Online Classes 

July 20, 2020: The government will now consider all online educational classes that were taken outside Australia due to COVID-19 as a part of the Australian Study Requirement for existing and newly admitted students 

4. Extension of Student Visa-Free of Charge

July 20, 2020: International students can further apply for a student visa, free of application charge, if they cannot complete their registered course from an Australian university within the visa validity because of this pandemic.

5. Additional time to submit documents

July 20, 2020: Applicants are provided additional time to submit English Language Test Results that got disrupted since March 2020, because of COVID-19. 

The government will also offer more time for applicants to submit their biometrics, health checks, character certificates and other services that got disrupted by COVID-19.

6. Students can now apply for a Post- Study work visa

July 20, 2020: Graduates who had a student visa are now eligible to apply for a Post-study work visa if they are outside Australia and cannot enter the country because of travel restrictions.

Note: The government takes initiatives to provide support and relief to international students on temporary visas. $200 million was offered to charity of which $7 million was donated to the Red Cross.

7. Government will take care of International Students 

The government is also taking care of students’ financial hardships who are stuck in Australia for longer than 12 months because of COVID-19. The government is allowing the students to access their Australian superannuation (FUNDS) before time.

The government is also taking steps to protect international students against eviction from their rental accommodation with similar protection laws offered to all Australian Citizens.

Australian Visa & Immigration Updates 2022

160,000 visa spaces will be available in the financial year as per Australia’s 2022-2023 Migration Program planning levels. Boosting economic recovery and driving social cohesion outcomes will be the priority of the Australian government in the post-pandemic environment. 

The 2022-2023 program year will run from July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023.

Australia’s Migration Program planning levels
StreamCategoryIn 2021-2022For 2022-2023 Program Year
Skill      Employer sponsored22,00030,000
State/Territory Nominated11,20020,000
Skilled Independent6,50016,652
Business Innovation & Investment13,5009,500
Global Talent (Independent)15,0008,448
Distinguished Talent200300
Skill visas: Total79,600109,900
FamilyPartner[estimate only, not subject to a ceiling]72,30040,500
 Child[estimate only, not subject to a ceiling]3,0003,000
 Other family500500
Family visas: Total77,30050,000
Special eligibility100100

109,900 Australia PR visas will be granted in 2022-2023 under the Skill Stream. Specifically designed to improve the productive capacity of the Australian economy, the Skill Stream fills skills shortages in the labour market. 

50,000 permanent residents via the Family Stream will be welcomed by Australia in 2022-2023. Australia’s Family Stream is mainly made up of Partner visas that allow Australians – permanent residents and citizens – to reunite with family members from overseas.

Major Changes in Visa Allocations in 2022

Skill Steam visa spaces can be redistributed between the different categories as per the evolving economic conditions. Reduction in Family Stream visa spaces There will be 50,000 Australia PR visas in 2022-2023 available under the Family Stream. The allocation for 2021-2022 stood at 77,300 visa spaces. The family stream of Australian immigration is mainly made up of those applying for Australia partner visas. 

While there is an apparent reduction in the numbers, it must be taken into consideration that there will be no limit or ceiling on the total Partner visas for Australia that can be issued in 2022-2023. As per an estimation, around 40,500 Partner visas are expected to be issued by Australia in the program year.

COVID-19 Refunds by the Australian Government 

You might be eligible for a refund of your Visa Application Charge (VAC) if you had paid for a visa application or visa extension that has been impacted by the COVID-19 travel restrictions. A refund can only be requested if your name is given as the ‘payer’ on your original VAC receipt. 

Visa Application Charge (VAC) refund can be sought for – 

  • Visitor visa (subclass 600)
  • Temporary Skill Shortage visa (subclass 482)
  • Temporary Work (Skilled) visa (subclass 457)
  • Student visa (subclass 500)
  • Prospective Marriage Visa

Refunds of VAC are being provided in situations wherein COVID-19 related travel restrictions have led to the visa holder not being able to travel to Australia. 

Generally, an Australian visa VAC refund can be requested online until December 31, 2022. 

Two new Regional Visas introduced by the Australian government

Nov 18, 2020: The Australian Government has added few new rules under two new regional visas which were introduced by the government in November 2019. 

The new rules are aimed to provide more flexibility for skilled workers:  

1. Subclass 491 Skilled Work Regional (Provisional Visa) 

Skilled Workers and their families are now eligible to live, study and work in the government selected regional areas in Australia for 5 years.

They can apply for Permanent Residence in Australia after 3 years.

Applicants for this Visa should be nominated by an Australian Government Agency (491 Occupation List) or sponsored by a family member (MLTSSL list) residing in the regional area.

2. Subclass 494 Skilled Employer Sponsored

This visa has replaced the 187 (RSMS Visa). The government has allocated 10,000 spots for immigrants under this visa.

The applicant needs employer sponsorship for 5 years and at least 3 years’ skilled employment to apply through this visa.

It has an age limit of 45 years, and the applicant must meet the English and AMSR standards.

Covid 19 Impact on Student Visa Holders in Australia

The current data shows that there has been a steep decline in the visa application process of International students by 4.7% from March 2020 to June 2020. It happened because Australia closed its border for Australian students due to the pandemic.

The table below shows you the result:

Student Visa Holders in Australia
Foreign Affairs or Defense45054342
Higher Education340,494330,419
Independent ELICOS25,41917,758
Postgraduate Research27,39626,198

The data below shows the number of students taking online classes in and outside Australia due to border closure and are pursuing their graduation.


Previous rules that are still relevant for the Australian student visa in 2022

Numerous rules are attached to the Australian student visa Conditions.  They are unchanged and are vital. 

  • Must obey Australian laws
  • Severe penalty if engaging in illegal activities
  • Cannot stay more than the specific time
  • If you want to stay longer, you have to apply for a new student visa
  • If you want to stay, you can apply for other visas
  • There are special considerations if your visa expires before graduation
  • In special cases, the officials will grant you a visitor visa
  • However,  you must submit a letter containing the date of graduation from the education provider
  • You can travel in and out of Australia
  • You or your family members cannot work until you have started the course
  • You can only work for 40 hours per fortnight
  • Your family members can work for 40 hours in a period of two weeks
  • The family members accompanying must meet the character and health requirements
  • Make sure to get your superannuation fund before you leave Australia
  • It is only applicable if: 

                 1. You had a job
                 2. You were more than 18 years of age
                 3. You have paid AUD 450 or higher in the form of tax in one month

For updates on recent immigration trends in Australia and around the world, visit the Kansas Latest News Updates.

Other Important FAQs

What is an Australian Study Visa?

Australia is a hotspot for international students, who want to pursue higher studies, but you need to get a student visa to do that. 

Since July 2016, Australia has introduced a student visa (subclass 500) for international students.

With a student Subclass 500 Visa, you can:

  • Take part in your desired educational program.
  • Your family members can accompany you to Australia.
  • You can apply online for the selected program in or outside Australia.
  • chances to pr after completing the course

What are the different types of student visas and their validity? 

The different Australian student visas and their validity:

Visa TypesValid for 
Student Visa (subclass 500)5 years
Visitor Visa (subclass 600, 601, 651)3 months
Working Holiday Visa (subclass 417 and 462)4 months
Student Guardian Visa (subclass 590)3 months or 20 hours per week
Temporary Graduate Visa (subclass 485)18 months to 4 years
Training Visa (subclass 407)2 years

What are the different language tests and their requirements?

The different language tests and their minimum requirements :

ExamMinimum Score RequiredMinimum Score for 10 weeks ELICOSMinimum Score for 20 weeks ElICOS
Occupational English TestB for each test componentNANA

ELICOS – English Language Intensive Courses for Overseas Students

What is the processing time For an Australian Study Visa?

It usually takes a minimum 1 month to maximum 3 months to process Australian Study Visa.

Visa process time for a Student Visa applicant  are:

StreamProcessing Time
Foreign Affairs or Defense Sector20 days
Postgraduate Research Sector39 days
Independent ELICOS Sector23 days
Vocational Education and Training Sector36 days
Higher Education Sector17 days

What is the eligibility criteria for an Australian Student Visa?

The eligibility criteria for Australian student visa:

  • Apply for a course 
  • Provide Evidence of  CoE or Confirmation of Enrollment
  • Letter of Support
  • Letter from Educator
  • Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) statement
  • Health Insurance 
  • English Language (IELTS, PTE, TOFEL) certificates 
  • Sufficient Funds
  • Sign the Australian Values Statement

What are the documents required for an Australian Student Visa?

The documents required for an Australia student Visa:

  • Passport
  • Offer Letter
  • OSHC (Overseas student Health Cover)/ Insurance
  • Evidence of Financial Capacity for 12 months
  • Proof of  stay and return airfare (Minimum $20,000 excluding Tuition costs)
  • Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) Proof
  • English Proficiency (IELTS score) Test Scores

Note: Students from New Zealand do not require a student visa to study in Australia.

Can students enter Australia now?

International students could return to Australia by year-end of 2020 or 2022.

Is Australia granting Australia student visas?

According to the Department of Home Affairs, the Australian Government has started issuing student visas for students present in all locations outside Australia. It means that very soon, international borders are going to be re-opened for students.

What is the minimum wage for students in Australia?

Currently, the minimum wage for a student in Australia is $18.23. Apart from that, they can also earn $719.20 in their 40 hours per week period.

What is an OSHC in Australia?  

Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) is an insurance program under the Australian Medicare system.

It provides health insurance coverage to international students in Australia. The students can pay for OSHC through their Australian University. 

OSHC will cover the student’s medical expenses along with:

  • Hospital expenses
  • Doctor Visits
  • Ambulance
  • Prescription and Medicines 

International students should apply for OSHC before their enrolment in an Australian educational institution.


These are the new changes in Australian Student Visa requirement that an Indian Student should know: 

  • Australia opens its border for international students
  • Post-work-study visa relaxations (Temporary Graduate Visa – subclass 485)
  • Consideration of Online Classes
  • Extension of Student Visa-Free of Charge
  • Additional time to submit documents
  • Students can now apply for a Post- Study work visa
  • Government will take care of International Students

If you are confused about the new changes in Australian student visa requirements, you can contact us immediately. We will be pleased to help you in any way we can.

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